View Full Version : Hello

18-08-07, 22:52
Hi all, I have been ill for about 18 months, I am 39 years old, I have a husband who tries his best and two teenage daughters aged 17 and 19. I attend hospital three times a week and I am on two lots of medication. I want so much to get better and have been told it could take some time. I have looked on the site before but never really had the guts to use it so here goes.

18-08-07, 22:54
Oh dear think I did this wrong

18-08-07, 22:58
Hi Maz!

You didnt do anything wrong :)

Welcome xx

18-08-07, 23:15
Hi maz

Welcome to our sanctaury a place where you can talk in confidence and feel safe.
You will be very much supported here and have many many people be very caring and want to help you.

Im glad you found it in you to post tonight, its so hard making the first step, you have done a really positive thing tonight. A BIG HUG from me:hugs: .

you sound like you need to talk, I sense some dispair in your post.
Do you want to talk to me , say a bit about whats happened to you and how you are feeling. take your time it might help.

hope to hear from you
take care

18-08-07, 23:15
Thought I had posted the thread wrong. I went on this site a year ago and had forgotten how to use it. My head sometimes becomes so muddled and I feel I can do nothing right. Bit of a bad one today went to a family party and had to put on the mask and I am exhausted now. I hope I can use this site to get support and give support. I drive my family nuts and I havent worked for 18 months. I just cannot see all this ending and I cannot see how I can be a help to anyone and as usual it will result in me just taking.

18-08-07, 23:17
Thank you Ness


18-08-07, 23:42
Hi Maz

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get lots of great advice, support and make new friends too.:)

Im so pleased you decided to post Maz:) , your not alone in the way you are feeling, we have all been there hun:ohmy: , there is light at the end of that tunnel and hopefully we can help you get there.


18-08-07, 23:51
Welcome Maz. :welcome: Good to hear from you.

19-08-07, 16:47
Hello Maz :welcome:to you!

Don't worry about your head getting muddled - mine is permanently like that!

You're doing ok with your posting:yesyes:

Plenty of opportunity to receive and give help and support here!

Pleased to meet you!


20-08-07, 19:11
Hi Maz

:welcome: back and lovely to see you again.

Hope we can be of some help and get you back on track.

20-08-07, 19:43
Hi Maz,

A big warm welcome back to you. xx

20-08-07, 20:04
Hi Maz,

Welcome back to the site. As you know you will get tons of support and will make friends here. I hope you feel better soon.



20-08-07, 21:12
Hi Maz and welcome to the site and hope we can help. Vernon

20-08-07, 21:26
Hi Maz and :welcome:

You'll get loads of support and advice here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

21-08-07, 13:54
Hi Maz

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

26-08-07, 11:51
:) Hi Maz :)

I've been talking to you on another part of the forum & just spotted your introduction - Don't feel bad if all you want to do on here is talk & receive help; its there for that! A lot of the people giving adive on here are still struggling themselves, they just see familiar thinking patterns in others & want to share their experiences to let you know you're not alone. I can totally relate the feeling that its never going to end but equally I have had enough little bits of progress now to truly believe there will be an end to this. And there are a lot of people on here who are now sharing their success stories after years of posting about how depairing they felt, so just keep at it!
Take care, CarpeDiem

26-08-07, 12:05
Hi Mazz,
Welcome,im Sure You Will Get Lots Of Info Here, I Hate To See You Say You Drive Your Family Nuts,cause Im Sure You Dont I Think Sometimes We Think That...and I Also Know All About The Mask I Do That Very Well Myself.....i Wish You All The Best.stay Positive You Will Get There........linda X