View Full Version : sinusitis? help/advice needed

19-08-07, 02:01
i had a tension headache for 2 weeks solid which then turned into sinus pain. i went to the doctors who just told me to take some painkillers, but now i've had really bad sinus pain for a week and was just wondering if others have felt like this too.

the sinuses on my forehead and around my eyes feel the worst. i have pain, on and off blocked ears and one of my eyes feels like it's popping out. it's so horrible. when i first got the symptoms i thought i had a brain tumour, then felt calmer after speaking to the doctor. but now it's worse again and i just feel rubbish. it's making me anxious which i'm sure is making the symptoms worse. any help/advice on the best way to deal with this or reassurance would be very much appreciated.

thanks, sally x

19-08-07, 10:19
:) hi sally,

the only thing i can say is that i have this almost constantly!!! dont know if that helps? but youa re not alone, and i think sinuses as weird as it seems are a symptom of anxiety!!!(well catarhh) which i have constantly too, sometimes i actually struggle to swallow properly and it is very irritating!!!

the sinusitus thing usually lasts a couple of weeks, but i wont take decongestants, so it would probably be alot easier/go alot sooner if i did (family members get it too, but they just neck the tabs and get rid of it quiker).

the only thing ive used is olbas oil nightly on my pillow and it does help, and i always say ill do the thing with the vics over hot water but i never do!!!

anyway it isnt harmful just a pain/uncomfortable and you definately havent got a tumour!!! mine feels exactly the same, when i bend over my whole head /face hurts and i feel totally dizzy!!! it wil go!!! and then it will probably come back again lol:winks:

19-08-07, 10:26
Agree with Emma, do not worry its just sinusitis, I get it ALL the time. I have had a CT scan and it was clear but I still suffer.

Best thing is get some menthol crystals from the chemist, pop a few in a bowl of hot water, pop a towel over your head and breath in the steam for about 15 mins, do this a few times a day, it really does work. Also take pain killers. If after abou a week you still feel full of it you will need anti bs so go the GP.

Honestly do not worry, at the moment my ears are blocked, nose is blocked and I get shootign sinus pain al over my cheek and eyes. Dr told me unless im blowing out green gunk then its not infected so not to worry.

19-08-07, 18:30
Do you get a kind of tingling feeling over both of your cheeks when you get sinusitis Cherry

19-08-07, 18:51
i did last night and it was scary but then once i calmed down it went away.


19-08-07, 19:27
I've had a cold and head pain since Thursday. As I said in another thread I have a sore top of my head bit like when your head is sunburnt. I did the dreaded google :blush: and found someone saying they had it and it was sinus related, but I have been anxious about it since it started. I thought it was a brain tumour as well. :blush: I'm trying to ignore this thought today.

19-08-07, 19:30
I get tingles in my nose and my hands when I get sinusitis, lol! Its normal the tingling but trust me thats an anxiety symptom in your face.

20-08-07, 10:07
I've had sinus for yeaaarrrrs. Got it from my dad - as in, inherited. Also both of us are prone to stress and anxiety. As is my mum. [she gets neuralgia, though].

When it was really bad, I took some of the special preparation from Neals Yard Remedies for sinusitis. It tasted vile, but really did help.
Another thing I find helps is putting a hot water bottle on my head. It really is very soothing.. :)

20-08-07, 15:14
DO you ever need anti biotics rose petal? I inherit mine from family too. I have had a ct scan but it was clear but I still suffer.

20-08-07, 20:35
Hi Cherry3. No, I've never had anti-biotics for sinus stuff. Only for UTIs and tonsillitis.

21-08-07, 19:45
Even when its full blown? do you suffer from the chronic form?

I am having a slight flare up of it now, steaming like mad, lol!

22-08-07, 15:32
I guess I'm just used to it... :(

23-08-07, 09:47
I suffer most days aswell. I saw a homeopath he said it could all be allergy related seeing as my CT scan was clear last year.