View Full Version : Anxiety out of nowhere last 6 months

08-09-18, 18:33
I’m a 32 yr old married mum of 2 children age 5&8.

For around the past 6 months I seem to keep worrying about things id never of given much thought to before, things like fire at night- I switch plugs off and check things, I worry about food been cooked properly/surfaces been clean, i worry after the kids have eaten incase they get poorly from what IVe given them, when the kids get poorly even with just a cough/vomiting bug I panic to the point of trembling and dihorreah. I worry about choking on vomit or them not been able to breath if stuffed up at night. I do pull sled together after maybe 5-10mins a d of course be with them and look after them and never show it to the kids, it’s just initial panic. When I see articles of people passing a way with illnesses or awful things happening I worry what if that happens to us.

Work is good and I’ve just completed a particularly demanding course that was a little stressful but I managed ok . Ive also been quite stressed about deciding whether to add to our family- fear of making the wrong decision, in short I have been very stressed about this on an emotional rollercoaster of thinking I’m pregnant going through different emotions to finding out I’m not etc, changing my mind time and time again.

I don’t know if it’s related to the children, worried about something happening to them or to me to take me away from them and if so not sure why it’s only occurring now.

The only anxiety traits I’ve ever had are fear of flying (much better now after a few successful trips) been shy? If that’s anxiety related, although one thing that rings alarm bells is as a teenager in school I’d shut myself in the toilet if my best friend was off sick as I was so nervous about approaching people.
That greatly improved as I got older into college then uni and I still feel nervous meeting new people and socialising with people I don’t know too well but manage it.

Anyway just unsure why this is happening now and what to do about it.
Any thoughts? Thanks.