View Full Version : When to worry about fever?

08-09-18, 20:19
So my symptoms aren’t rabies but anytime a fever is involved, it’s something to pay attention to. How worried should I be? My temp as been as high as 101.2F but that’s after working in the sun all day at my job. Perhaps it’s not actually that high. In a cool setting, it’s been around 99-100.4 which isn’t quite normal.

My main symptoms of late have been tension headache with stomach discomfort for a good part of the week. Watery diarrhea and only once did I vomit early on. I’d guess it’s a flu of some sort but shouldn’t it be getting better by now? I’ve had it since Wednesday and some medical sites say that fevers usually resolve in a few days. I’m not insured so going to a walk in clinic will cost me a little bit so hoping that won’t be needed.

Really hoping for someone to explain what could be happening? This came on overnight apparently one night and while I feel more energetic than I did at first, I can’t help but shake the tight neck feeling and weird feeling in my chest when trying to work for first time with this fever.

08-09-18, 21:17
Did you go see a doctor?

While it might seem counter-intuitive, a doctor should have better knowledge on what it could be and you have something to tell yourself on why you shouldn't worry ("the doctor said this, so it can't be that").

Make sure to list all your questions you might have if you go see one.

08-09-18, 21:57
Honestly you should worry about fever if A. It's high (so over 103) and B. if it persists for more than two days along with other symptoms.
Usually dangerous fevers present with severe symptoms, headaches, difficulty breathing and vomiting so much you can't hold down anything. So it's not something you can ignore.

10-09-18, 06:41
It’s very strange because I’ve monitored my temperature at different times today without taking my relievers, and I’ve only hit as high as 99F. I feel fine other than a cluster headache like feeling here and there. Not sure what to make of it. The other day I hit up to 101.2F. So I feel it’s reason to feel more at ease but 99 is still a weird temp for me to have even if it’s low.

10-09-18, 13:34
Do you have any other symptoms of illness? Because a fever and headaches without any other symptoms for so long might not be an illness at all?

10-09-18, 16:45
Do you have any other symptoms of illness? Because a fever and headaches without any other symptoms for so long might not be an illness at all?
No other symptoms of note. Just tension headaches of the minor variety and temperature of up to 99F. I am baffled by if this is still a flu/bug still running it's course or not. I don't think I see anything to go see a doctor over just yet as this might be normal?

But 99F usually isn't a temperature I have at all prior to this past week. It usually is in the 97-98 range.

10-09-18, 17:12
I've had fever that rose to 100 once and then was around 99 for two weeks. Then it went away. And now it's back along with some headaches. I have no other symptoms that aren't like anxiety related so I don't know what to tell you except that we are on the same boat?
I went to the doctors did blood work and was generally normal with minor wbc elevated and today I went for a sinus CT scan and those were clear too.