View Full Version : Got Antibiotics for Bacterial Sinus Infection, Worried About Meningitis

08-09-18, 20:54
It really didn't help that I read an article of a boy who died of a sinus infection that developed into a brain infection within a few days, cuz now I'm worried that I'll get it!

I had a sinus infection about 2 weeks ago, which seemed to go away on its own, minus a lingering, dry cough.

But on Monday, I woke up having a headache, feeling lightheaded, and fatigued. I thought it could have been a hangover from the one beer I had to try to help me to fall asleep. However, the headache and lightheadedness persisted the next day and the day after. I would wake up frequently at night to go to the bathroom and woke up from the veins in my neck pumping hard once. I went to see a doctor on Wednesday and he said that it could be muscle tension from the sinus infection I had. He advised that I avoid alcohol and caffeine to avoid agitating the inflammation.

The next day, I woke up feeling pretty alright! I didn't have a headache, but maybe some lightheadedness. That ended at night when I noticed some nasal congestion while laying down. I tried breathing through my nose until it cleared up, but that only gave me a headache. I took some ibuprofen and fell asleep. I woke up several times that night, going to the bathroom, having congestion, and finding that the veins in my throat were pumping hard. I also had a knitted headache on my forehead.

I got up after being woken several times and it was morning. The pumping veins didn't really settle down much and I continued to have that knitted headache. I took ibuprofen and the headache seemed to go away. I still went to see a doctor after being concerned how disrupted my sleep was that night.

After telling the doctor all my symptoms, he became concerned that I have a bacterial sinus infection and prescribed me with antibiotics. I felt nervous because I had a terrible experience with antibiotics the last time I was on them, but I didn't want to risk getting a brain infection. He did test me to make sure that my sinus infection didn't spread to a brain infection and reassured me that it didn't look like I had it and I shouldn't have any concerns about blood poisoning either. He gave me general guidelines, warning to look out for neck stiffness and fever.

I picked up the antibiotics, went home, and prepared a big meal so the pills wouldn't upset my stomach. I felt rather nervous about taking them and worried that the sinus infection would still spread.

I cuddled up to my fiance for reassurance and comfort. With the way I was laying, I started experiencing some discomfort on the right side of my neck and started feeling more uneasy. The stiffness soon turned to spinal pain as I felt burning down my neck to the my spine in my middle back. I started feeling really panicked.

My spine really burned and ached. I tried calming myself and reason with myself that I'm just over-reacting and the pain will go away if I just calm down. It didn't really go away after I calmed down somewhat and I got scared once more.

I felt uncomfortable laying down in bed, the warmth seemed to make the pain worse in my spine. When my fiance would put his arm under my neck to hold me, it seemed to also be uncomfortable. I got up and put an ice pack (actually a bag of frozen veggies, but close enough...) on my spine and it seemed to help. I took ibuprofen and waited for it to kick in while I laid back in bed. I burst out crying quite a bit that night until the pain went away from the pain killer.

I woke up today, feeling relieved that most of the pain seemed to have gone away, but I still had pain in the neck I had a bit of a headache develop from the pain, I think. I decided to go to urgent care, once more, while my fiance slept. He would have scolded me if I went while he was awake.

The doctor I talked to didn't really seem concerned about me having meningitis. He said that I could go to the ER to do a spinal tap since their clinic couldn't do something as advance as that. I didn't want to wait several more hours at the ER and get scolded by my fiance for over-reacting, so I declined. He said that we could wait a few days and be watchful of the spinal pain, which scared me a bit.

I felt the pain travel down my spine while visiting the doctor a third time. I didn't seem to get much comfort and getting the confirmation I wanted that it can't be meningitis. The doctor said that people with meningitis are usually unable to move their neck freely because of the pain, and I seemed to be very well alert from the tests he did and from seeing that I could communicate with him clearly.

I started crying as things wrapped up because I wanted to feel more reassured and I wanted this spinal pain to go away. The doctor tried reassuring me, again, that he doesn't see it as meningitis, but it didn't help with the seed of doubt that was already planted just from being told to "keep an eye on it". He suggested seeing a psychiatric clinic from seeing my distress, but I declined and said I'd just go home.

So now I'm home, still feeling a lot of spinal pain, and want to burst out crying over it.

Edit: I really wanna go to the ER for the spinal tap...

08-09-18, 21:55
The chances to get meningitis in the spine from a sinus infection are like.... extremely unlikely and like I am pretty sure undescribed in literature.
Also you can't really have meningitis anywhere without a high fever and the most a high fever can stall is 24 hours. There is no way a life threatening infection like meningitis can manifest itself only though pain and no fever. If you read about meningitis anywhere online, one of the first symptoms is in fact a very high sudden fever.
My grandpa had one, he was fine (bacterial on top of it) and basically he was fine during the day and suddenly in the evening he got headaches, couldn't stand and a fever of like 104 or something. It's not something you can worry over for a while, when it hits it hits good.

08-09-18, 23:26
Hmm... I see... But what can I do about this spinal pain? :( It's been running up my neck and back... I'm feeling a bit nauseous from it...

Edit: The pain did originate in my neck before it decided to reach my back... But if I really can't have meningitis without a fever, that's a relief.

09-09-18, 00:14
Meningitis is an acute inflammation of the meninges which are in the brain and upper spinal cord. Inflammation that is severe enough to have you hospitalized will rise a fever. I told you my grandfather was burning up so much he didn't know his own name. It's a sudden very high fever, an unmistakable symptom.
Also getting a spinal meningitis from sinus infection is really like extremely unlikely.
It's more likely that your spinal pain has another origin. Maybe you should consult with your doctor about the spinal pain but try not to talk about the meningitis too much. They might prescribe you some pain relief and wait and see if it goes away in few days.

09-09-18, 07:06
Take your antibiotics and take some painkillers too - maybe paracetamol if you have it.

Rest, take warm baths or showers.

Sounds like you have a nasty virus and a big dose of panic. Being ill is scary if you have health anxiety already, but you’ll start to feel better soon.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-09-18, 23:22
Hey how are you doing? Just checking up on you!

10-09-18, 20:32
Hey! I'm doing alright... Still very anxious...

I was able to calm down about my spine and realize it probably wasn't meningitis... I still went the ER anyway, because my spine was in so much pain and they were able to reassure me it was probably from some exertion of my spine. I've been instructed to keep taking pain killers and don't lay in bed or sit all day so my spine doesn't weaken.

I'm freaking myself out, worrying about whether the antibiotics are actually working. I mean, I've had minor congestion (that occurs when laying in bed) when I was put on the antibiotics, it seems easier to breathe now. I think that I had clear breathing in bed the other night, but it feels like I had a tiny bit of congestion when I woke up today (it wasn't blocking my breathing, but I noticed a little something).

My eyes feel a bit irritated and I'm worrying about pink eye now... I don't want to run to the clinic, again, over another possible issue I think could have occurred. I looked in the mirror to check how red my eyes and if I formed any eye gunk. I've had a sinus infection that turned into pink eye before.

My fiance wasn't helpful, he's anti-meds and thinks I should be able to manage my anxiety without antidepressants. He showed me an article that talks about studies that indicate antidepressants build up antibiotic resistance. On top of that, the doctor that gave me my antibiotics said to take it with food to avoid upset stomach, but I see on the bottle that it's more effective to take on an empty stomach. It does say to take on empty stomach unless otherwise instructed by doctor or I get an upset stomach though...

I just Googled this and it's talking about antidepressants, such as Prozac, that contain fluoxetine... I have no idea if Zoloft contains fluoxetine...

So now I'm fearful that my antibiotics are being hindered by my antidepressants and the food I eat.

10-09-18, 21:23
I don't think food and antidepressants can really interfere with your antibiotics so much.

Also I know exactly which article you read for your sinus fear, I read the same one and went to have a CT scan on my entire head today because of that. That's such a scary article because it really doesn't go into details. Pain on it's own is not really a symptom and that's the problem. I wish I never read that thing few months ago.

Also I am sure you won't develop pink eye and this sinus infection will pass just as it came!

10-09-18, 22:06
There are a lot of articles talking about antidepressants causing some antibiotic resistance, so I'm not sure if I read the same one as you.

Why did you feel you needed a CT scan from that article? Are you feeling well?

10-09-18, 22:14
No no I meant the scary scary article about that poor boy dying from sinus infection spreading to his brain :( (that one also made my cry I am very weak)

I just kept getting this pressure feeling in my sinuses, was on antibiotics for 4 days as my GP told me and pain didn't go away, I was scared I caused myself some more problems, began getting headaches these past 5 days and since my father is a doctor he basically gave me a free CT scan. He and the other doctor went to see the results and talked and said that my sinuses are clear. They even gave me a CD with it. So I am currently worried about these headaches that seem to have no logical origin and I don't know what more testing to go to to be honest :/ might call my GP tomorrow.

10-09-18, 22:23
:( Aww... I'm sorry that you've been feeling that way... Yeah, I read that article too! I didn't let it get to me until I got a sinus infection this year, haha.

Where is the headache located? Is it located in the front? Does it feel like a headband? Does it feel like mild burning or pressure in your head? It could be a tension headache.

Follow up with your doctor, but try not to go too crazy with doctor visits, like I tend to do, lol...

10-09-18, 22:34
It's a strange headache. I don't have it in the morning or during the day. It starts in the afternoon. I've had these types of headaches before in my life but not so frequently.

It kind of starts at the top of my head like a pressure. Then I feel pressure around my eyes and forehead. Especially the nose bridge. Then I feel kind of sharp, shooting/pulling pain around my temples that spreads to the back of my head in intervals. Like someone is pulling on my eyebrow really hard. I am scared of meningitis too but the CT scan would've shown a meningitis or a serious sinus infection. Everyone is giving me the clear.

And I don't have other symptoms like congestion (tho my nose is always congested due to medicine overuse and I've been crying every day a lot lately so), no cough, and my nose drain seems to be clear (no yellow and not even white). That's why we did the CT scan, because there are no obvious sinusitis symptoms except the pain and my father claims that my sinuses are fine.

To be fair my pain is mostly from the end of the eyebrow and up the head :/ And really doesn't change a lot when I bend down. It comes and goes as it pleases.

10-09-18, 23:19
To me, it sounds like it could be a tension headache, but I'd ask your doctor about it since he'd know more about it than me. Tension headaches are very common for people with stress or anxiety.

I have a lot of tension headaches and they can feel like pressure on your head... Or it can even feel like someone pulling a part on your head... My other guess would be that it's a migraine. Both can be managed with pain killers if they come around.

I've been having tension headaches even while I've been having this sinus infection.

10-09-18, 23:32
I've been a wreck this past month to be honest, my panic attacks turned to depressive episode with vomiting and nausea for 2 weeks.
Doc didn't know what to treat, my sinus pressure or the nausea. Gave me 4 days very strong antibiotics. I also had a low grade fever. We were all convinced is some infection.
Suddenly I got my period and fever magically vanished the same day. Got my appetite back.
The day my period ended, temperature raised again (though not a fever) and lost my appetite and began fearing everything + headaches.
It's strange and no doctor can really explain it. But I've been seen by 5 doctors so far and all of them can't make out anything from these symptoms except stress and anxiety.
And now my headache is gone too as I typed this out.

11-09-18, 02:03
Hmm, well does the headache respond to pain killers? Drinking a lot of water also helps.

---------- Post added at 18:03 ---------- Previous post was at 16:14 ----------

I'm currently experiencing feeling really hot and cold at the same time. I check my temperature and it doesn't indicate a fever. :(

11-09-18, 02:07
I'm currently experiencing feeling really hot and cold at the same time. I check my temperature and it doesn't indicate a fever. :(

Still not meningitis :winks:

Positive thoughts

11-09-18, 02:48
Oh! I know it's not meningitis, but I'm got really anxious experience that... hot/cold flash... I was thinking that I was gonna die from it, lol...

13-09-18, 04:08
I went to see my doctor for an appointment I had scheduled for about a week. I expressed my concerns to her on whether the antibiotic was really working since my congestion seem to be coming and going since I've been on them.

She didn't seem sure if it was a sinus infection with the headaches I had...

She ordered a CT scan for my sinuses, which she said would also take a look at my brain. I got fearful that it could be something else, like a brain tumor... >_<

13-09-18, 18:57
I seem to wake up everyday now with my nose congested! :weep: I don't know if these antibiotics are working!

As soon as I stand up, my nose opens up, but it closes when I lay down...

I'm worried about having developed a super bug! :weep:

13-09-18, 19:34
Developing a superbug is very rare since if one antibiotics don't work the doctor will just give you another type of antibiotics! Superbugs are well known and also pretty rare. Also I am sure your body will finish off the bacteria too and you wont need more antibiotics!

13-09-18, 21:12
Hi there,

What you describe is exactly what i go through.. for the last 30+ years in fact.. you read something and within days you manifest the pain you read up about.. this sounds like a disc problem by the way as i have bulging discs and it can cause all sorts of pain everywhere! Probably most of my "heart attack" pains come through my back problems but i dont wanna believe it! Now i have an auto immune disease and i worry about meningitis etc all the time now... but itll just add to the headaches, creepy head feelings, droopy face, burning feelings, twitching, rib pain, burning ears, arm and shoulder pain that i already feel everyday.. god the list goes on :roflmao:

14-09-18, 00:59
Developing a superbug is very rare since if one antibiotics don't work the doctor will just give you another type of antibiotics! Superbugs are well known and also pretty rare. Also I am sure your body will finish off the bacteria too and you wont need more antibiotics!

Thank goodness! I'm glad to hear it! Still, I'm worried about why the congestion I experience at night isn't getting any better.

I've gotten a headache again and I felt a bit lightheaded/feeling funny after I drank some black tea for some caffeine to be more awake. Now I'm worrying about a brain tumor now... :weep:

@Mocky444: Well, I read that article months ago, but I started worrying about it after getting a sinus infection... And then super worrying about it when it seems like this sinus infection returned... If it is indeed a sinus infection now...

14-09-18, 20:03
Today is the last day I'm taking my antibiotic... I won't be able to get the CT scan until my insurance approves, which is about a week... :( I'm worried that I'll get a return of the sharp headache I had before... Maybe the antibiotic helped a little bit...

15-09-18, 00:41
I feel like the illness is gonna get worse... I'll be so sick by the time I get the CT scan...

I've been kind of craving something sweet, but my mind is telling me, "No! It'll make your illness worse and you'll die faster!" >_<

15-09-18, 01:37
I feel like I will get sick and it will become worse but honestly it probably won't. It will probably just pass and you will be fine. You still have this thread and support forum, but I strongly think you will wake up feeling much better and the illness won't return.

26-09-18, 19:20
Well, the headache slowly went away and I felt less fatigued... It didn’t end until several days after the antibiotics.

Now I’m having trouble with leg cramps and worrying about blood clots..

26-09-18, 19:46
Any more new on what's wrong?

26-09-18, 20:46
Any more new on what's wrong?

The headache got better and the congestion cleared up on its own. Now I’m having problems with leg cramps and freaking out that it could be blood clots... I’ve been getting up and moving around like crazy to make sure I don’t form any clots and try to get the crampiness to go away.

27-09-18, 22:07
Hi There

I read your story and had to respond.

Please join the FB page Chronic Sinusitis Sufferors.

What you describe is exactly what I get with my sinus issues and I also have bad general anxiety disorder and Health Anxiety.

I get sharp pains in mh head, feel dizzy, pains in my nose etc etc. Sinus issues are very dehabilitating and mimic worse neuro issues. I got a scope up my nose at the ENT office and an xray of my face in the ER both confirming sinusitis.

The treatment is long- steriods, nasal sprays, nasal rinsing, antibiotics.

Just your symptoms and concerns are like mine.

When is your CT? I never had one done