View Full Version : Stress dreams

19-08-07, 05:35
Hi Everyone,

For the last few weeks I have been woken up 2 or 3 times a night by 'stress dreams'. I am always at school and cant get my class to behave, or havent got the resources i need. or sometimes I'm in my PJ's and cant find my clothes to wear.
I know its all to do with my job and how ill it has made me, and at the moment am trying to get out on the grounds of ill health, but they are really scary at the time and I wake up in such a panic. Does anyone else have stress dreams?

Bear Crazy:hugs:

19-08-07, 10:15

I don't know about "stress dreams" but i have had recurring dreams all centred around not being able to get home.
It's never the same dream but the end result is i can't get home.

I think this is because the only place i feel really safe (although i don't let anything stop me going out) i think our subconsious mind throws these things up when we are asleep.

I think your dreams like you yourself said is centered around your work and the fact that you don't want to be there. once this issue is resolved i think your find your dreams will go :)

19-08-07, 10:56
Hi there,

Stress dreams are very common, these dreams highlight stress in you waking life. The school dream reveals the feeling of being "tested" and realizing how unprepared you might be or feel. When you have these dreams, it is important to look at how you might be feeling tested, unprepared, or vulnerable in waking life. What stress are you not acknowledging? The dream may be directing focus to these feelings in order for you to pay attention to them, thereby releasing tensions which allow you to respond with more confidence in waking life.

I do know how scary these dreams can be, last year I had major probs in my relationship. I had to try very hard in waking life to see positive pathways through this problem.

Nanny is right, once this situtation is resolved the scary dreams will stop.

Time is a great healer on this one hun, try dame hard to find them positive pathways through your problem. I bet you are a great teacher and nothing in your dream is true, this is Mrs anxietys dream, not yours.

All people have bad dreams from time to time, even people who do not suffer with panic, anxiety. Us anxiety sufferes, quetion them more, which in turn, makes us feel worse. When really, its just are minds way of saying, you have a problem, Please address it.

Hope this makes sense.

You take care hun,

wishing you a good nights sleep.


19-08-07, 12:22
My dad used to say your sub conscious was like a filing caninet and it got all messy. When you dream your brain tidies up all those thoughts and experiences, or at least, it tries to:wacko:


19-08-07, 13:11
:) Hi Bear :)

I get what you are calling 'stress dreams' FREQUENTLY! Mine are 99% about going away somewhere, opening my luggage & finding I have not brought ANYTHING or I have someone else's stuff or I can't even find the damn luggage at all! II then have to walk all the way back across countries/deserts/ swin across seas to go back & get my stuff, or rush around shops trying to buy everything I need. I wake up sweating & exhausted.
This has never happened to me in real life & the dreams tend to be more common before an 'event' I'm anxious about, though not usually travel. They're recurring so not related to the thing I'm worried about but will always happen when I'm worried.

I also have the occasional stress dream where people I love die, which can be harrowing. I started to think they might be premonitions & had to call the people in the dream to check it wasn't real. I had a dream once where I woke up & I had just given birth to a baby that had died in my arms & everything was different & I was SO CONFUSED as I wasn't even pregnant + felt I had been transported to a parallel universe or something & no one understood why I was freaking out. The feelings that dream caused stayed with me in the waking world for weeks, it was like I had really gone through that experience & it was horrible.

Unfortunately its just one of those 'wonderful' side effects of anxiousness that some people get. Try to spend a few minutes when you wake up after a stress dream reminding yourself that it is just a dream & you need to let it go. Concentrate on being calmer & happier in the 'real world' & the dreams will lessen, I'm sure (They do for me anyway).

Hope your dreams were stress free last night & tonight,
Take care, CarpeDiem

19-08-07, 13:53
I get stress dreams - mine aren't focussed on a particular theme as such, like trying to get home or having to cope without resources, mine are just fairly general. Sometimes I can't always really remember the detail of the dream but I can remember how frightened I felt or how panicked.

A couple of times they've been about something that I never realised I was stressing about in real life - but I think dreams can show you just how much something really is bothering you.