View Full Version : Dreams about disease fears?

09-09-18, 19:00
This might sound a bit odd but does anyone have recurring or very similar themed dreams/nightmares related to a disease they’re having anxiety about? I've had a few symptoms over the past 7 months that are quite vague and have had a consequent fear of lymphoma..I have been having tons of nightmares about that, finding lumps I don’t actually have, going through chemo etc. which is terrifying.

Does anyone else have that? I don’t normally believe in things like that but I’ve had a few dreams come true which were really random at the time and I’m starting to get worried that my subconscious is trying to tell me something (other than the fact that I have anxiety even when I sleep now :wacko: )

09-09-18, 19:15
It’s just because you’re focusing all your time thinking about it your brain has nothing else to dream about. This isn’t your minds way of telling you you have lymphoma, it’s your mind telling you you are thinking of nothing else but lymphoma. I’ve had this too before the less you think about it and distract yourself the less nightmares about it you will have.

09-09-18, 19:27
Thanks! Always good to have a fresh perspective on things. I’m doing counseling at the moment and trying to distract myself, just my subconscious not giving up that easily yet I guess!

09-09-18, 20:01
I've had this before too, and I agree with Liddy that it's absolutely because this disease is on your mind so much. I find it frustrating because sometimes sleep is the only respite from my anxious thoughts, and it's horrible when the anxiety follows you into your dreams as well! Don't give it another thought about there being a dark meaning behind them.

09-09-18, 21:05
Sorry you’ve had it too! Exactly I think of sleep as my way to escape the anxiety sometimes so the dreams made it spiral a little bit with the what ifs. Thank you for your reply, I feel kinda relieved :)

09-09-18, 23:43
I have brain eating amoeba as the top of my fears in life so I often have dreams where I fall in water and it gets up my nose and I wake up in panic. It's a scary thing anxiety even in your dreams.

10-09-18, 22:30
I’m sorry to hear that! It is a scary thing, sometimes the dreams feel very real as well. Hopefully we can get over this soon :)