View Full Version : Anyone had a "symptom" last weeks? Even Months?

10-09-18, 02:50
I struggling because the one symptom that I'm focused on has been there for 6 weeks! Usually they pass after 3-4 weeks. It just feeds my anxiety that this must really be something serious.

My symptom is breathing. Not short of breath, but almost like i need to use my inhaler. Just tight. Chest xray, blood work, and ekg were all clear.

10-09-18, 03:09
Well, do you have asthma?

I have had untreated asthma last months.

10-09-18, 03:44
I have an allergy to cats/dogs and have a rescue inhaler for that. But my inhaler does not work on this type of tightness. When I'm distracted I don't notice it as much.

10-09-18, 05:49
Headache that lasted for four months. Short of breath for six months. Tingling for years. Tremors for months.

None of those things give me anxiety anymore, but they are still miserable, and still happen. I just recognize them as anxiety and they lose a good deal of their power over me.