View Full Version : Does anybody ever look back fondly on previous scares that turned out fine?

10-09-18, 10:28
This is just a really weird phenomena I've noticed personally- and I'm wondering if this is just something I do (I'm a hugely nostalgic person) or a common frame of mind for worriers- but when you're in the throes of anxiety- do you ever feel a longing for past times you worried- and found you were fine.

It's so strange, because the current time I'm thinking of is from 2014, when I was worrying I had a brain tumour. In hindsight, the "symptoms" I had were trivial and laughable, but at the time I was sick with worry to the point I couldn't function properly. This was a truly terrible period of time for me, and yet here I am missing it because I think that now my current fears are actually substantial. It's stranger yet to think that in the future I may look back on this time period as preferable to whatever I'm worrying about then.

Does anybody else ever do this? Do you think it's human nature- and our memory of strife can be?

10-09-18, 10:37
I nearly always look back on previous fears as being so obviously trivial and silly and not true, whereas today’s fear is always THE ONE..... Today’s fear always rests upon much more sinister symptoms, is much more likely to be true, and if only I could get back to the last one, when any old fool could see I’m fine. Isn’t HA silly?

10-09-18, 13:29
This is exactly how I feel! Like I feel that this fear right now is the Real Deal and that fear two weeks ago about rabies was stupid and silly and I am even embarrassed to talk about it. I, too, am a nostalgic person though.

10-09-18, 14:55
I do all of the time but it never works because my brain makes me think otherwise. Just two weeks ago I thought I had throat cancer. That went away and now I have these pains in my stomach that have lasted for two days. Obviously my brain is thinking sort of stomach cancer (Dr Google doesn't help that anxiousness at all) even though deep down I know it's anxiety related. I had this happen to me before awhile back and got it checked out and was fine. I really don't want to go through with that procedure again. Awful experience.

Pea Tear Griffin
10-09-18, 23:15
Yup :blush:

11-09-18, 17:35
I don't look back on my scares fondly. More like I look at them as dodged bullets, and they kind of make me more fearful as events happen, making me think that I can only dodge the bullets for so long.