View Full Version : Seeing imaginary spiders

10-09-18, 18:17
I think I'm hallucinating, sometimes usually at night I see an object on the side crawling fast up the wall, like a dark or brown spider, I had a fright one weekend when I thought there was one in the floor.

When I look to the wall or floor, there's nothing there.

Today I was doing some dry stone walling and thought I saw a spider crawling on my hood, I panicked and hit it out of my hood when I Iooked on the floor there was nothing there, looked in my coat and hoodie, I feel that I might've been hallucinating or something.

This is scary and starting to freak me out. Don't know why it's just spiders though.

12-09-18, 18:59
This happens to me when I wake from sleep sometimes. I can swear that I’m seeing a spider and there have been many a times where I’ve yanked off the covers and turned on the lights only to see my very sleepy husband looking at me like I’m crazy, lol. It’s something about the dark playing tricks with our eyes

12-09-18, 19:02
Very common to have peripheral vision oddities with anxiety.

And, still better than a real spider......:whistles: