View Full Version : Anxiety and flying Please help

11-09-18, 16:55
I have general anxiety disorder and agoraphobia. I thought it would be a good idea to book a holiday. Ended up booking Borneo. I leave tomorrow. Now I know it was a stupid idea. Anxiety attacks all day. Can’t breathe, heart pounding.. took propranolol there but my face is bright red and flushing. Cold hands / tingling.

How am I going to cope tomorrow in the airport when I have a great of them and flying. It’s 2 nine hour flights. I have had this booked over a year but only now it’s hitting me. I thought I would have improved by now with therapies and medication but I haven’t and now I’m due to leave.

Any tips AT ALL!!! I’m feeling awful keep crying. And I was
Desperate so took propranolol which I never take because I have also got a phobia of medications encase my heart stops or something silly. So I’m sat her convinced I have chest pains and flushing and getting even more anxious

Aaaaand breathe ....

11-09-18, 16:59
I have many fears and one is heights so I don't fly. I have yet to fly in an airplace and if I ever did you'd have to put me under. :)

11-09-18, 22:15
Propranolol is a beta blocker which is used to help ease the PHYSICAL symptoms of anxiety, it doesn’t help to treat the psychological fear that you have. For severe anxiety of flying , a short course of a benzodiazepine has been proven to be very effective in allot of people, a medication like Diazepam, Lorazepam one hour before you’re flight will make you feel calm, relaxed and not panic