View Full Version : Lumps lumps lumps

12-09-18, 04:55
So I felt some breast lumps a week and a half ago. Both sides but more pronounced on the right (that boob is also the smaller boob tmi). I quit breastfeeding about a little over a month ago. Went to PCP, she felt it was probably fibrocystic changes from hormones but sent a referral for an ultrasound to be on the safe side. So I go to the ultrasound today and they find nothing, just dense tissue that I guess can feel lumpy. But in my weeks worth of googling and becoming a breast cancer expert (lol jk), I've read all about ultrasounds missing cancer and if I feel a lump(s) I should find out what it definitely is. By getting second opinions, demanding extra tests, etc. Mind you, I'm reading this on a breast cancer forum, so of course these people have had some more negative results than me. Also to add in the fact that 80% of lumps that are actually biopsied are benign and only 5% of breast cancer is diagnosed in under 40 (I'm 27). I know I should feel relieved but I just can't. Why can't I just be normal and go on my merry way.

13-09-18, 18:46
Do I ever know how you feel! I have visited the BC forums more times than I'd like to admit. Because of them, I've had SO many breast tests and I'm only 33 right now. I have several mammograms/ultrasounds, a biopsy and even a breast MRI. If you're not comfortable with the results try seeing a breast surgeon or maybe seeing if you can follow up in 3 months with another ultrasound. Seeing a surgeon really helped my mind.

13-09-18, 18:59
Oh wow. But yes every time you write something, the breast cancer forums pop right up. It's difficult to avoid them haha. In the past if I was worrying about something I'd avoid the forums like the plague, but for some reason I went down the rabbit hole with this one. Probably because it's not something that could be psychosomatic, I can FEEL the lumps. I will see what happens after this period that started yesterday. Of course I did all this RIGHT before my period started, when you are suppose to wait. HA like a person with health anxiety can just wait it out lol.