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View Full Version : Prostate problem symptoms

12-09-18, 07:44
Hello everyone, it's been awhile since I logged in to this wonderful forum. By the way, awhile ago I was reading in a website, when something like some sort of an ad popped up on the side, it talks about subtle prostate cancer symptoms and the photo being used was a man holding his lower back. I was curious and clicked it, and redirected me to a website explaining top 10 prostate cancer symptoms ignored by most. So, there on the list, it has:
1. Lower back pain
2. Achy/Restless legs
3. Achy hips
4. Start to lose weight without trying

That four mentioned, is what I am suffering since last week,and my weight a few months ago was 72kg, now I am 66kg. Do I need to worry now? I am 26 years old by the way.

12-09-18, 19:49
My husband is undergoing tests for Prostate cancer. His was picked up through a PSA test and had no symptoms. However he’s 60 and there was a family history. I’m very confident your symptoms would not be this cancer due to your young age. If you are worried make an appointment with your GP I, sure they will put your mind at rest

15-09-18, 17:10
My husband is undergoing tests for Prostate cancer. His was picked up through a PSA test and had no symptoms. However he’s 60 and there was a family history. I’m very confident your symptoms would not be this cancer due to your young age. If you are worried make an appointment with your GP I, sure they will put your mind at rest

Well, been waiting for someone to share his/her answer on my thread, so thank you for taking your precious time. By the way, I really feel so sickly this past few days. I don't know why my body ia giving me discomfort that it makes me go back to being hypochondriac once again. :sad: Sorry for my grammar, English is not my mother tounge, and also I wish you and your husband is doin' fine and hoping you both to be healthy.