View Full Version : Concerns over eye spasms/Health anxiety returning now I am reducing meds...

12-09-18, 10:40
Ok now I don’t know if this is something to be genuinely worried about other whether this is classic health anxiety...

I posted last week about worrying over family/loved ones and how my worries are worse since tapering off my meds...

ANYWAY... I have noticed for the last 4 days or so I have been having spasms in my left eyelid. I have had these randomly before, but never lasting days on and off. Over the last 2 days the spasms have become less frequent and not as strong... but this morning I swear to god it feels kinda like I have pressure in my eye and can feel myself ‘homing in’ on the senstation. I have had wisdom tooth problems on the same side of my face and I think it could be that. I have also been more anxious cause of coming off my meds and also daily life stresses I guess. It kinda feels painful if I shut my eyes tight and it is frightening me.

I am so annoyed cause I really thought I was over this. I have been doing so well! I don’t want to fall back into my old ways of obsessing over symptoms and getting myself worked up. When my health anxiety was at it worse, I was posting here nearly every day – constantly seeking reassurance! Until last week I have been doing really well.

I am worried I will need to go back on to my full dose of meds and I really don’t wanna do that. I can feel myself getting the same horrible feelings I was getting before, the stomach churning and the constantly feeling fearful and on edge like I am waiting for something bad to happen :(

Anyway, I am seeing my GP tomorrow so I am going to mention my eye thing to him. I don’t know whether I should also tell him that I feel like my health anxiety is getting worse L