View Full Version : Pain in upper right stomach/ribs when bending forward?? Gall bladder??

12-09-18, 12:04
Hello all,

Just looking to see if anyone has any experience of my symptoms?? Don't really want to go to the Dr. It is very very mild.

Back in March I had terrible bubbling type pain in my upper right stomach, right under my ribs. Was better the next day.

Ever since then, on and off, I've had slight pain that lasts a second, in the same place (about 50p piece size pain) when I bend forward. Doing shoelaces, squating over to pick something up etc. Just a niggle that I notice. Very mild.

Since March I had a period of about a month where I had sore skin in a band on my right side, which doc says was nerve damage from an over zealous physio cracking my back!!
Last month my skin has been quite itchy. On and off.

Had liver checked and full blood count about 8 weeks ago for something else and everything was normal.

I've worried it's my liver but my bloods are fine so less concerned about liver.

As it only hurts when I actually bend forward, doesn't hurt when I press, there's nothing there. Is this likely to be same nerve damage? Or is this a call bladder issue?? Don't get any issues after eating. Just when bending forward?? Ulcer?

My stupid brain puts the sporadic itchy skin and pain in that area together and comes up with a catastrophe as normal. But I feel I have been dealing with health anxiety really well recently. I'm putting all this here just to see people experiences and whether they think I have anything to worry about? As it's when I move, I'm leaving towards muscular skeletal problem??

Thanks for reading guys xx

EDIT. after more research which has enabled me to rule out gall bladder I think this is muscular and maybe more to do with my ribs! Slipping rib syndrome as it only occurs with movement. However!! Just looked in mirror and it's smack bang where my gall bladder is. It also hurts when I twist to the left too! Doctors appointment is booked for two weeks away. Any thoughts guys??

13-09-18, 12:03
Anyone?? Trying desperately not to worry!

14-09-18, 00:45
I had sort of the same feeling. It is when I sit down, I felt like there was a wadded up sock, in my upper right quadrant. All labs were good. This went on for 10 months. I changed my diet and started feeling better. Lost some weight and felt much better. THen I got over confident, and started my eating bad habits again. Pain was back. FInally gave in to an ultrasound, All looked good, except I had gall bladder had sludge. I chose to have it removed, path report was a chronically enflamed gall bladder. 7 months later, the feeling of the wadded up sock is back, BUT the pain is gone. Doc thinks it is damage from repetive movement, as I work in a doctors office and use my right hand and arm on the computer up to 12 hours per day. I hope this helps.

15-09-18, 20:56
Thank you for your reply :)

Hmm. It never causes me any grief after eating. Just through movement.

My physio thinks the previous physio has irritated a facet in my back? Referring pain to my stomach as it's only through movement? I do have shoulder impingement on that side and am doing exercises with a thick band so maybe it's that?? I do feel it when I do my exercises actually!

Oh fingers crossed it's that!

Plus I sit at a desk all day too with a mouse!

Thanks so much for speaking to me :)

19-09-18, 17:21
Well. Been to see my favourite advanced nurse at the docs and she has diagnosed me with costcochondritis. Possibly caused by the back cracking!!

She examined me and when she found and pressed the right spot I must have leapt two foot off the bed lol!

Classic inflammation of the cartilage. So annoyed that a sports physio I paid for has more than likely caused this. :(

So pleased that it's nothing to worry about. :)