View Full Version : Infection spread?

12-09-18, 19:02
I have just finished a second course of amoxicillin for a tooth abscess that came back a second time in the space of a month. I'm currently waiting for the tooth to be extracted but i think its going to be a few weeks yet :(

Anyway, the swelling i had in my face has gone down but i still get a bit of pain from the tooth, and now im getting pain the other side of my mouth aswell, it feels like my mouth is cut up inside, my throat is sore aswell. I have been eating on the left side of my mouth for the past week because of the abscess which i dont usually do, so im not sure if my mouth is sore because of that or because the infection has spread!

Today i feel red hot and getting the odd chill, not sure if this is because im super anxious or because its the infection. Would the amoxicillin have stopped the infection from spreading or is it possible it has spread?

I was doing so well with my anxiety, i stopped the panic attacks and learnt how to focus my attention elsewhere whenever i got anxious but this has set me back again :(

12-09-18, 21:52
Do you think you are getting a cold or some respiratory virus? The amoxicillin would stop any systemic infection from the abscess. If you ignore your dental problem for a moment, do you feel like you're coming down with a cold? That would be my guess.

13-09-18, 01:35
It might be a simple as you need a longer course. When I shattered a wisdom tooth I had to be treated for infection before removal and the first 5 day course wasn't enough as it all came back (which was obvious to spot as the pain and gone and then started coming back again) so my GP (asked as I was having a check up on my anxiety as I was in a relapse at the time) advised a 7 day course as it was probably just not enough before. It dealt with it fine.

15-09-18, 05:15
You could have oral thrush from the antibiotic. I would call your doctor and have them take a look. Ive had it a few times and it does require medication. In the meantime, try eating some yogurt with active cultures.