View Full Version : Worried about the use of Isopropyl Alcohol

12-09-18, 20:40
I used it to clean some of my electronics.

Catching whiffs of the stuff makes my anxiety go through the roof, even though I am using gloves and in a large room, start thinking my brain is going to shut down or something.

I used it a good 4-5 hours ago but I can't stop stressing about it.

Anyone else get something similar to this or have advice?

Thanks. ~

12-09-18, 20:44
Most symptoms would be while you were using it or after ingestion. After 4-5 hours I think you would have noticed if there were any issues. It’s very commonly used and it wouldn’t be if it were very dangerous.

12-09-18, 20:50
Thanks, I just have a slight headache but I also get tension headaches a lot from too much computer use.

Thanks again :)

12-09-18, 22:40
I've used it for over 20 years at work. Unless you drink litres of the stuff, you'll be fine. Its not toxic - I actually like the smell of it!

13-09-18, 03:26
Just dries your skin out.
I use it a lot and I have the driest hands!

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