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View Full Version : Constant sepsis fear. So fed up know

13-09-18, 15:37
Hello, I'm wondering if anyone can help me. I have a constant fear of sepsis and necrotising faciitis (flesh eating bacteria). The main fear at the minute is sepsis though.

Although (I think) it's mainly caused by deep wounds becoming infected, and is more common in people with weakened immune systems, I know that it can happen to healthy people and it can be caused by something relatively minor, such as a small cut.

Because of this, I think about it multiple times per day, every day. Every time I get a paper cut, I disinfect it, put a plaster on it, then worry like hell that it's already infected. Every time I get a blister on my foot, I do the same. If I get an infection of any kind, it's all I can think about. And this fear is on top of all of the other health-related issues I tend to worry about now and then. I'm so so sick of it. It's ruining my life. I'm on a waiting list for CBT, but it's been months and I believe I'll be waiting a while yet.

Does anyone have any advice on how to let go of this constant fear?

Thank you

13-09-18, 16:02
Does anyone have any advice on how to let go of this constant fear?

Often when Sepsis is fatal it's because people don't recognise the signs. It sounds to me like you are highly aware of the condition so on the very small chance you ever developed it, you would presumably react accordingly and get treatment. With that in mind, alongside the fact you don't have a compromised immune system, I really don't think you need to worry.

17-09-18, 00:24
Thanks for your reply (sorry mine is so late!).

I agree that people who die from it often didn't know that they had it, therefore me being aware of the signs should help. But I suppose another reason I worry is because the signs are so similar to other, less serious, conditions, such as flu (which of course can be serious but usually isn't... That being said, f I do get flu you'll definitely see a post from me!) So I worry that if I do get it, I will be diagnosed with flu or another less serious illness. Or that if I do get another illness that has similar symptoms, I'll worry I have sepsis.

This is so exhausting :(