View Full Version : Heart attack/issue fears

13-09-18, 21:33
Hi all,

I'm a 5'9", 130lb, 20 year old man and I stay active and exercise a few times a week. My diet as of recently is pretty bad though.

I'm scared I'm going to have a heart attack.

It started last night when I felt a pain in my left forearm, my anxious mind told me heart attack, and my rational mind said it was nothing. Then about a minute after that forearm pain I felt a sudden pain by my sternum on the right side. I then went into full panic mode and convince myself I was having a heart attack and I was going to die. My chest felt tight, and hurt but I was able to calm down and go to bed.

However this morning I noticed that my chest still feels tight, heavy, and painful. I've also had pains where my heart is. I find it a little more hard to breathe too. And whenever I feel any sensation in my left arm I start to have a panic attack again.

I know these are all symptoms of a panic attack and anxiety but it's impossible for me to calm down.

Does anyone have any suggestions for helpful advice? Thank you.

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13-09-18, 21:38
I'm old enough to be your father and have had two heart attacks, triple bypass and stents (Stage IV H&N cancer too). I can tell you most assuredly, at your age, I just don't see it at all. Besides, you wouldn't be here posting about it as you'd be in the ER :shades:

As far as techniques. There is a FREE CBT (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211324) course offered here and you can always find videos on Youtube about relaxation and meditation techniques.

Positive thoughts

13-09-18, 21:44
Hi mate,

I totally get what you are saying but please do not go down this road... your 20 and it'll ruin your life as it has done mine.. i was worrying the same things constantly from a very young age and im now 42 and still worrying the same things!! Get help now and nip it in the bud.. enjoy your life mate :D

Read my post on how ive ended up mate.. try not to make the same mistakes

14-09-18, 12:08
What Mocky said, and fish of course. Ive stalkes this forum for quite a few years and always like fishmanpas direct and insightful posts especially as hes had 2 of the things me and you are terrified of. Ive been scared of beart problems when i saw doug on neighbours have a heart attack. Its stuck and bieve me mate it will crush your spieit if you keep on. Im still worried (comes and goes when im on trwatment etc) and yet i have had an ecg 3 different dkctors listen to me heart and say its fine, bloods were fine with good cholesterol, and blood pressufe fine. 34 with no family history, nkt overqeight and dont drink smoke or take drugs (smoked for a couple of years mind) and i still cant believe them. I mean i can walk for over 3 miles with about 8kg of ahopping, gwt in vacuum lift and move atuff and be on my feet all day etc and have no symptoms. Sit down and mind gets to work and there they are. Good luck man.

14-09-18, 14:17
The thing I have found is that anxiety can cause a lot of issues. Before I had some genuine heart issues, I had anxiety.

During those years with the anxiety, I had some classic heart symptoms. I had pain in the jaw even. The thing is, when my other heart troubles did present themselves, I had a very full and thurough workup. I have had a hearth cath, multiple echoes, Multiple CTs, numerous EKGs, and while I have one heart issue that is serious, it is also symptomless. All of those symptoms I had, even the jaw pain, were attributed to anxiety or "just one of those things."

I spent a lot of time when I was a bit older than you worrying about my ticker. It wasn't until 20 years later there was an issue at all, and it is totally correctable.