View Full Version : Panic and anxiety Veteran Scared

13-09-18, 21:54
I was diagnosed with my panic/anxiety and depression order in 2014 when I first started having them but body would tingle all over and then I would start to shake, it was as if my body had gone into overdrive. I was given Diazapam to start off with to help control my attacks but was then weaned off and put onto Sertraline. Things were looking up for me then my husband was diagnosed with cancer and had to have a major operation and I had to put my so-called condition to the side. We coped but not long after I was diagnosed with pre-cancer cells in my breast and had to have the cells removed and have radiotherapy. Trying to get back some normality was hard but then I was struck another cruel blow by best friend passed away due to spinal cancer and if that wasn't enough 2 month's later my husband was diagnosed with bowel cancer and it was in-operable, 4 month's later he passed away at home, that was in 2016. I don't know why but I have sort of coped these past couple of years but just recently things have gone a bit sideways, I felt scared of having a heart attack and everything was racing through my mind. I've been diagnosed with an eptopic heartbeat. Now I'm waiting to have a tape fitted to see how often it happens. Last Sunday I had a really bad panic and anxiety attack, I had been with family all day and I just felt there was something wrong with me but couldn't put my finger on it.
When I got home I made a cuppa to help ease my nerve's but it didn't help I went into overdrive and ended up phoning the Ambulance Service I was so scared. I thought this is it but I was reassured by paramedics I was ok. I felt really really stupid, my ecg and blood work came back fine, it's taken me a few days to really relax. Ended up hurting my Sternum so that's gonna take time to heal. Trying to keep myself relaxed but finding it hard at times especially at night, any tips would be appreciated. Thanks in advance xx