View Full Version : Anxiety and low heart rate.

14-09-18, 14:46
Hey guys, I sincerely hope you're all doing well.

I've just got back from 2 weeks away in Croatia and today I feel horrific, cloudy head, vertigo, cold tingly hands and a low resting heart rate in the 50s.

The heart rate terrifies me most as I'm not a fit athlete or anything like, my resting heart rate is usually mid to high 60s, of course I'm convinced my heart is going to stop any minute.

I've just called my doctor to talk again, I took myself I'm off 10mg of Citalopram around 4 years ago I'd say and I believe I need help again as I can't do this alone anymore.

I put the vertigo and fuzzy head down to flying, I hate flying anyway, it gives me crazy anxiety. Plus I'm exhausted from the long days and I struggled to sleep on holiday due to anxiety too so I'm physically and mentally exhausted.

Is it possible to have a low heart rate because of anxiety?

I feel like a failure, I know I shouldn't and I need to face this however necessary but I honestly feel like the weakest person in the world right now who can't look after herself.

I just wanted to rant, please pay me no attention if you want to. I just wish so much there was a miracle cure for this because it's exhausting and takes it toll on everything around you too. I wish I could find a way to make my husband understand this too.

14-09-18, 15:20
Hey - first of all! you're allowed to feel sorry for yourself - if we had our own way we would NOT have anxiety..the whole thing sucks..when I went on a 30min flight last year I felt awful when I came home...I felt dizzy and wasn't making much sense ...the whole thing is a nightmare haha... but be glad you're home now..you can watch tv, have a bath/shower, chill, candles...treat yourself.

Im 25 and unsure of what low heart rate is like although I'm the opposite - my heart SPEEDS with anxiety its awful!

how are you now?
I suggest you go to your "comfort place" <-- mine is sitting on my bed looking at nice pictures on my phone

14-09-18, 15:45
Thank you so much for your reply :D

When I properly panic my heart races but the low heart rate kinda snuck up and surprised me. I looked at my fitbit and saw 56 and this just keeps happening recently and it's honestly terrifying me.

I'm at home today, not back to work until Monday so I'm content and in my comfort zone at the minute trying to relax but I think the knowing I have to go back to work on Monday is making me worse as I feel like I have to get better before then.

I know it'll pass but I wish I could explain it better and pinpoint what I need to do / avoid to help. Its 6 years plus now and I feel further than ever from figuring anything out.

Thanks again for being so lovely :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 15:45 ---------- Previous post was at 15:31 ----------

Doctor just called me back and it's sending me links to self refer if I want to try cbt this time instead of meds.

He told me anything down to 50 is absolutely normal for resting heart rate. My dad suffered with a blood clot recently which I suppose is adding to my worry and stress a lot too thinking I'll be me next.

Heart rate is currently 58 :wacko:

14-09-18, 15:50
That's not a low heart rate.

You're over worrying about something insignificant. Just because you feel it's low, doesn't actually make it low.

Also, fitbit's aren't a reliable means of taking your pulse.

Stand up and walk about a bit. If your heart rate goes up, all is good.

Just chill out for a few days and let yourself recover from the stress of the holiday.

14-09-18, 22:39
Thanks for your reply.

I know that it's not hideously low but my anxious mind tells me it's too low and good old Dr Google just makes it worse.

It's not insignificant at the time though is it, the smallest thing in the world becomes huge when you're in melt down mode :weep:

I try really hard not to over analyse but unfortunately that is one of my biggest issues and I'm working on it.

Thank you for taking the time to reply, I'll do my best to relax this weekend before back to normal routine come Monday.

15-09-18, 16:08
Dr Google is unqualified.

Therefore, don't use it.