View Full Version : I’ve been doing well just a smidge of help pretty please

14-09-18, 21:54
Ok I’ve been doing pretty good with my ha. Haven’t posted here in a few months etc. on Sunday the 2 of September I burned the shit out of my mouth. It hurt but I kept eating. Yummy good. I went home looked big burn all along the left side of the roof. I have been eating normally and I do feel it when I eat though I think the pains lessened. It’s in area easily scraped so Maybd I keep accidentally reinjuring it. Anyway I resisted looking st it until s few days ago because I’m trying to curb self checks. And the burn seems much smaller then the first day but there is still one definite smallish red spot thst hurts. It’s now been 12 days and that one spot remains. I know I burned my mouth so logically I know it’s that but I’m still scared. I have a ton of stuff gojnh on at work and gone abs really can’t go to dentist and I am not due for a clean. Should I be worried does this seem a long time please help?

It does look redder right after eating and it’s snaller then the first day but maybe not from two or three days ago

14-09-18, 21:56
The fact you can attribute it to a recent event should ease most of your worries. Burns can take a long time to heal, particularly somewhere moist like your mouth. It’s also an area that constantly gets friction etc from when you eat. You’ve said it has lessened so that to me suggests it is healing like it should. I wouldn’t personally worry unless it gets much worse or is preventing you from eating or the pain can’t be easily managed etc.

14-09-18, 23:04
Thank u. I now it was a bad burn I even tasted blood thr next day when I ate but I didn’t look st it fod maybe ten days and I guess I thought it should be all gone but it’s in an easily irritated spot. I kind of see layers too so maybe that’s the healing. The internet says two wwwks bid logically that’s an estimate

15-09-18, 01:40
I burned my mouth last fall eating a huge amount of spicy salsa and chips. It lasted at least 3 weeks. I was starting to think I had some serious mouth disease, but it eventually cleared up. I made a dentist appointment, but it was gone by the time I went. When I mentioned my 3 week mouth burn, they just said "it looks fine now", cleaned my teeth and sent me on my way. lol. It'll clear up, just give it some time.