View Full Version : My trash-brain has convinced me I have peritonitis.

15-09-18, 08:05
Hey everyone! First of all - so glad this forum exists. It has popped up during my otherwise unhelpful googling adventures more than once and been such a source of reassurance.

I have had moderate upper central abdominal pain for the last~3 days. I initially assumed it was a pulled muscle from moving funny or something... but then I googled, and the anxiety is here full force because I’m somehow convinced the pain is peritonitis. I now also have chills and am feeling feverish and ill and some back pain also decided to show up. I keep rationalizing that the chills and sick feelings are the anxiety and my back pain is from walking funny to compensate for what’s probably muscular pain... but then I find myself going back to the scary thoughts. I don’t have any GI symproms at all at the moment, and the pain doesn’t really change if I eat. It’s mildly sore to the touch and hurts when I move or lie down certain ways. Even reading that now doesn’t sound all that concerning, and doesn’t quite match up with peritonitis, but the possibility is still freaking me out.

Anyone have experience with this particular disease/subject of anxiety? Any wisdom to share? I’m lying in bed awake while my partner is snoring away. I told him I didn’t feel good before and his response was - in a gentle way, not rudely - “You never feel good.” And he really isn’t wrong. This sucks.

15-09-18, 08:46
Consult with the Doctor, he will check and validate your concerns