View Full Version : Body sweat, heart palps, headache - what's happening?

16-09-18, 19:23
I have had a very relaxing morning. I was sitting when all of a sudden I was drenched in sweat and I had an overwhelming feeling like I was about to throw up. Now my head feels this weird pressure on the sides. What's happening? I know this isn't anxiety as I can tell my body is having a real reaction to something. I have a preexisting arrhythmia that I'm wondering if it's related to. So I'm not questioning whether my physical symptoms are due to anxiety - but the symptoms are causing me anxiety. What's happening to me? Don't know if I should go to ER. Right now I'm just sipping cool water and waiting it out to see what happens next. I'm not sick and feel completely healthy. I have started perimenopause so have been getting some hot flashes here and there, but this feels different.

Is there anyone on this board who has heart palps or arrhythmia? Have your palps ever been accompanied with a full-drenched sweat? Prob the wrong board to ask. I'm not asking if someone gets palps because of anxiety and then has sweating. I'm asking if anyone has a real heart issue that causes sweating..

16-09-18, 21:46
I get symptoms from anxiety even when I am not feeling conciously anxious. I often wonder if we do not operate at a different "normal" than people without anxiety disorder. Just because HA is the focus of so many anxious people here, we are often anxious about a good many other things.

Try to do what would be good for the anxiety, and I am guessing the symptoms will calm themselves. Your described symptoms are, in fact, classic anxiety symptoms.