View Full Version : Family Unsupportive With My Injury.

16-09-18, 19:34
Hello everyone,

So earlier, I did something ridiculously stupid - I opened up a mushy can of beans, they wouldn't come out, so I turned the can on its head in the saucepan, and used a wooden spoon vertically to whack the beans out, denting the tin as I was hitting is so hard, then before I realised I was being an idiot, my smashy spoon device slipped and instead I smashed my knuckle full force into the tin, resulting in a collection of terrible swear words and tears collecting into my eyes (it pretty much took my breath away), my boyfriend saw it happen, and basically laughed at me afterwards.

Anyway, if that wasn't silly enough, I then proceeded to ask my mum and dad if the hospital (a lil minor injury unit, not a&e, don't worry I'm not one of those people) was open and they laughed and said I was stupid, at this point I felt like a complete tit and proceeded to demand to my boyfriend to agree (over message) that my mum was being awful to me, and he said stop being hysterical. So at that point I was crying because I felt so stupid and still do.

In other news, my finger feels stiff and there's a band of swelling around the knuckle, I can move it but get a sharp pain afterwards, it kinda feels like the whole knuckle's not there? Idk its weird. But yeah, it doesn't feel good, I took some paracetamol for it. Struggling to hold my computer mouse and straighten my finger.

So yeah, what do I do, do I brave the social anxiety tomorrow morning (and autism) and go to the hospital on my own, possibly looking like a fool in front of several nurses because it probably isn't even hurt, or do I just wait it out and look like I'm putting some sort of "ouchie" act on in front of my family (which I can assure is no act, the tears are real).

God, I'm stupid. So stupid.

16-09-18, 19:39
I would strap it up to the finger next to it and call your GP tomorrow and you may be able to see a nurse who will decide if it needs an x-ray or not.

Clydesdale Epona
16-09-18, 19:44
Okay first off i'm really sorry to hear about your family not being supportive while we can be a bit silly sometimes its not great to be treated like a child.

once the paracetamol has wore off i do suggest some muscle rub(gently rubbed in!) if you don't have that ibuprofen will work better :)

I wouldn't be too anxious right now just apply the R.I.C.E method and see how it goes, if it still hurts in the morning see your GP, walk in center or a minor injuries unit they can handle these things.

i'm a tit who's always dislocating their toes and breaking fingers and i've always left them over night until minor injuries open, i do like to save A and Es time haha :roflmao:

The fact you can bend and move it is a good sign, its likely not broken or just fractured, bones are really resilient trust me it takes a whole heap to really break something.
hope you're feeling better :hugs:

16-09-18, 20:04
Thankyou for your support guys, as an update, its kinda gone into sore mode and there's a big purple lump on it which I sent a photo of to my boyfriend and showed to my mum, they seem a little more sympathetic now (thank god, I agree they are treating me like a child, sometimes I feel like its because I'm mildly autistic but I'm still human, an adult human at that) I shall see how it is tomorrow, I'm extremely anxious about something weird and that's the whole "I've woken up and forgotten about my injury and ahh crap there it is its even worse than yesterday" thing (I had this problem with a fractured arm as a child, like its going to get worse overnight, is it some sort of weird pain fear?) I'm probably not making any sense haha.

I'll make sure to prepare myself mentally and physically for any minor injury unit visits tomorrow (lots of sleep and food etc. as I get anxious without those things) I get panic attacks a lot on my own but I guess I can't rely on people to always be there.

I still feel like a massive idiot haha. Who hits a tin of beans with a wooden spoon, how do I even explain that to a nurse :P