View Full Version : feeling panicy with tummy pain

19-08-07, 18:37
hi everone ......sorry for posting agane

i have been feeling realy low the last couple of weeks and i just feel i have one stress after another none of whitch i seem to be working out
1/i have been getting ectopic heart beats more then i normaly do they are driving me mad they are so random i was just siting at the pc and they have started
2/i have pain low in my tummy i have had it for 2 weeks now thought it might be my monthly but i have had it and it is still there it iis like cramp only not realy bad just here all the time i have had a ovarian cyst 8 years ago but dont remember any pain i am sure ....i have cancer on my ovarys and seem to be stresing over it everyday i have a scan booked havent a date yet but i am sure when i have it dont it will come back as somthink wrong .......i am having realy mad thoghts all the time liek i am having a lot done in the house and i keep thinking why am i bothering i know somthink is wrong and keep thinking it will be so bad i will die mad i know i just carnt get away from it .
sorry for the long post i am just feeling so down and scared

jodie xxx

19-08-07, 20:33
Well im not dismissing your problems as my wife has similer, but she is told not to worry about it, I am presuming its you have cells and they COULD turn cancerus in the future? then they lazer them away or soming if so similer to my wife.

Its good your having stuff done for the futere as this shows their is a rational mentality their somewhere, if it where all doom and gloom then you realy would not bother having soming done.

I too get stomach issue's, obviusly you have a reason to be anxius about your stomach and unfortunatly with most anxiety comes stomach issues, IE bloating excess wind and such that can last weeks and weeks, for instance Wind, its actuely caused me the most pain, and as it bloats not in a normal bloating manner it just push's on something else causing a constant pain, unfortunatly only thinking positive will eradicate the problem, you could if your not already try, 30 minutes SOLID walking a day and eating a fibre diet with yogurt drinks and such, also drinking alot of water helps.

mainly tho you need to think positive, I bet you can recall times when these symptoms have not been on your mind for abit even if its just 2 minutes, you need to elongate those occasions to include an hour or more, think positive and relax, take a hot bath not too hot mind as that brings on issues in some people aswell, relax put your feet up and think positive.
Easier said then done sure but you know you can do it for short periods so trust in yourself to do it for longer periods.

I hope your scan shows up nothing bad, but remember if it does then atleast you and the doc's know and can resolve any issue, thats thinking positive right their.

19-08-07, 20:52
aww jodie sorry you are feeling so poorly hun. it sounds to me like you have ibs. try not to stress over the scan hun. i am sure it will turn out ok. i know how bad ectopics can be. you have had the echo done and an ecg. its just anxiety again rearing its ugly head. try not to panic. hard i know. hope you feel better soon jo
love debers:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

20-08-07, 05:53
I don't know what is causing your pain, but the first symptom of cancer in the ovaries is not pain. The ectopics are probably because you are worrying abouot the pain. I am having ectopics and other funny heartbeats again, when I hadn't had them for a while, and I'm also worrying about the probable hysterectomy that I'm going to have (waiting for gynae appt), so I'm putting it down to anxiety.
I know how you feel, it's horrible to be so scared, so a hug for you and I hope this reassures you.

20-08-07, 18:28
stefane thanks for yor reply :hugs: i know i need to think diffrent i need to change but it iis hard to change the way i have been all my life

cat...thank you to hun :hugs: it mens a lot to come back and see people have replyed and are how long have you had the ectopics and ...have you had them were they have gone on for hours every other beat ?

and deb my best frend :hugs: i can allway rely on you hun i know that and i think you are right ibs is probs what all the pain is

i had such a bad night last night fll blown panic my legs were like jelly my hands just wouldnt work it started with ectopics they were so bad every few mins still have them today i just lots it i wanted to just go and never come home i have no idea why things are so bad at the min i think i wold be so mch better if the ectopics would go away but i just dont think they will i have had them 8 years now

jodie x

20-08-07, 19:46
Jodie have a wee hug from me hun till you feel better :hugs: xxx This worrying blip will pass for you I promise :flowers: xx

20-08-07, 19:55
awww thanks manmoor

i just carnt see an end to it all at the min i seem to rsh to the docs and they say the same thing everytime i know they will but i still go if it wernt for the ectopics i think i would be on my way to being ok bt then i guess i find somthing else wrong

ps lol i love how the irish talk i have been out with a frend today she comes from belfast i could just sit with her and hear her talk all day lol

jodie xxx

20-08-07, 20:18
Awww bless Jodie hun :hugs: but I'm sure you friend from Belfast talks more polite than me cos I'm a country bumpkin lol. xxx

And it WILL pass for you Jodie I've been where you are many many times with my health anxiety these past 11 years hun. :hugs: xxx

21-08-07, 00:32
aww jodie sorry you had such a bad night last night. been there many times. it willpass hun. it always does.
love debera
xx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

21-08-07, 10:31
thanks manmoor /deb

well last night wasnt to bad got some ectopics bt got to sleep ok ......today got p not bad BUT then ectopics agane and my tummy feels so bloted and strange i am so fed up there is allways somthing to panic about i dont know how much longer i can just keep gettiing and feeling this way :weep:

jodie xx

23-08-07, 11:07

I dont know if it helps that others are in the same boat as you but a lot of what you describe is very familiar to me. I was feeling so good recently as the ectopics which have plagued me for ages seemed to be subsiding. Ive been very careful about diet and caffeine, now because I am very stressed about work and moving house the IBS has kicked in with a vengeance. Stomache pain, chest pain, nausea, gas, bloated and I feel as if I am going around in circles. I know a lot of what I am supposed to do but when people say I should take more time off and relax I have to say I would be more stressed if I couldnt pay my mortgage. I guess this is the price we pay for being extra sensitive people, I realised recently how long its been since Ive socialised with my friends and had ......fun. I guess there is no easy answer but as a previous post its all about trying to be more positiveand knowing that eventualy you will get there. All the best

23-08-07, 13:02
thanks steve

i know what you mean i seem to go a few weeks somtimes days with just a few ectopics and then just as i feel better with it all they start agane i have seen a heart doc had scans on my heart ect and all ok but i feel liike they just send you haome even when i still feel so bad about them it is like ok well havent found anythink so off you go that has pset me some what bt i guess i have to beliive that i am ok and that i get ectopics and thats that :mad:
i have had a day were they havnt been to bad bt i am allway thinking when will they start .

jodie xx

23-08-07, 14:56
hi jodie i get the pain in lower belly quite often and when i do it last awile weeks into months not that yours is my doc told me it was stress hmmm what stress can do............best to ya...linda xx

23-08-07, 19:53
hi lindalou

that is just the way i am it can go on days week ect i now do think it is ibs as i can have times when i am not so bad i keep trying to tell yself if it was somthink worse it wouldnt go away

jodie xx