View Full Version : I Wonder Do Anxiety Sufferers Make Good Psychologists?

19-08-07, 19:09
Having bouts of anxiety for a good ten or so years has actually gave me an interest in how our thinking works. So I've decided I would like a career in the field and have enroled in a course at the Open University entitled "Exploring Psychology DSE212"

I am wondering if my suffering with this condition would be of any use? Or is it likely to be irrelevant, Someone once said sufferers make the best Psychologists.

19-08-07, 19:50
Hi there,
I have also had anxiety and depression for over 10 years and 3 years ago decided to study psychology in a view to working within the field to help others suffering with various mental health issues. I successfully completed a year of A-Level qualifications in maths and psychology so I could apply to University. I have now completed 2 years of my honours degree in psychology, and will enter my final year in September!! The knowledge I have gained has been invaluable in understanding my issues and of course the whole subject is fascinating to me anyway.

I think you will really enjoy the course

19-08-07, 19:55
Hi there,
I have also had anxiety and depression for over 10 years and 3 years ago decided to study psychology in a view to working within the field to help others suffering with various mental health issues. I successfully completed a year of A-Level qualifications in maths and psychology so I could apply to University. I have now completed 2 years of my honours degree in psychology, and will enter my final year in September!! The knowledge I have gained has been invaluable in understanding my issues and of course the whole subject is fascinating to me anyway.

I think you will really enjoy the course

Thanks for that, I also find it fascinating, The amount of research I have done over the years into these conditions can only help I suppose. I also find it totally ridiculous the waiting list that is involved to get an appointment with a Psychologist on the NHS, My own doctor put my name down about 2 years ago, I'm stil waiting, not that I need one now anyway as I got myself out of it but still, then they wonder why the suicide rate is so high in Northern Ireland

19-08-07, 23:07
I did A level Psychology about three years ago, before i got ill, and i thoroughly enjoyed it. I have now enroled on a package of three Diploma's with the open university. NLP, life skills and counselling and once these are complete i will be doing a diploma in Psychology, child Psychology and welfare studies i think. I do like to keep my brain going even though it isn't what it used to be, lol.xx

19-08-07, 23:09
Sorry, just another thing i thought of. I think it does help if the person you are putting your trust in, counsellor, therapist, doctor, etc, etc, knows what you are talking about. My counsellor has suffered with panic and anxiety and it does make you feel better and encourages you as you know that they are all right now, so you can be too! They understand.

Social Phobe
12-01-08, 20:40
I really hope so! I'm working towards becoming a Clinical Psychologist. I have a degree in psychology and will soon be starting work in a mental health ward. The clinical doctorate course is extremely difficult to get a place on but in a few years time I will try my best to get on it (and for a few years after that since most people do not get on first time).

I hope that, even though my anxiety has been very mild compared to some suffers, that it will help me be more compassionate and understanding to other people with mental health problems. It's something I feel strongly about, and I think it will enjoy a career in helping people enjoy their lives more.

My only worry along the way has been 'will I be good enough?' since what makes me anxious the most is talking to people, but I guess I will never know the answer until I try, so I'm facing the problem head on.

Good luck to everyone else persuing a career or an education in psychology. I find it a very interesting and enjoyable subject so I am sure you will all get something out of it.