View Full Version : Anxiety makes me feel week and vunrable

17-09-18, 14:41
Hi all not been on here for a long time. But this what happens when the irritating anxiety beast attacks. How this one started is on Friday i was invited by a mate to an evening away with the lads. For one i don’t like to let people down and 2 at the moment i have money worries. And the last time i went with this group yes back i had major anxiety and it seemed an anxiety attack. Because of there was a lot of banter i was the centre of my senses were on high alert especially against one particular mate who was ring leader i snapped at some point against him, it stopped but i felt so ashamed of myself. But i do have money worries so i have said i can’t go because of this. I have debt that my wife nose nothing off and that’s putting pressure on me also. I have a lot of pressure at the moment because of this. With this night out thing there’s a group chat on WhatsApp joking back and forth with escother i said i can’t because i,m skint etc. It’s like i,m making excuses that i can’t get out of. So the anxiety of not going or going and anxiety about debt is doing my head in. I txt a my best pal today explaining that i,m in debt and that i need to explain myself that i have to sacrifice certain things. He’s the only person i told but i feel wk in txting him about it. If i did have the money i would of forced myself to go on that night out and face the fears head on. Hopefully you can understand what i,m trying to say.