View Full Version : Started from nothing. Did yours?

18-09-18, 07:35
I'm 33 and very much a long term anxiety disorder sufferer. I just wondered. Did anyone else's start from literally nothing at all? There were no deaths or traumatic experiences that started mine off years ago. I just had a panic attack and never was right since.

18-09-18, 08:40
Mine started from 'nothing' also, but you might be surprised when you actually delve and look at the stresses you were experiencing at the time. It doesn't have to be a massive traumatic event, but rather it can be a subtle layering of small stressors over the years.

One thing I didn't realise back then was that if your diet is poor, you drink a bit too much coffee, don't get quite enough sleep...etc. All those things are incredibly stressful on the body even though they might be considered normal these day. This is why it's fairly common for people to start experiencing anxiety at University for example.

18-09-18, 19:01
Sounds very feasible to be honest but then why does it then stick around and come back and go in waves? It sucks

18-09-18, 23:10
I'm 33 and very much a long term anxiety disorder sufferer. I just wondered. Did anyone else's start from literally nothing at all? There were no deaths or traumatic experiences that started mine off years ago. I just had a panic attack and never was right since.

Mine started from cysts on my back and mucocele on lips. I think it also has to do with a fear and worry of something happening to me and my kids not having me around.