View Full Version : Starting to feel hopeless... need to hear from others

18-09-18, 15:37
Hey guys

So I've been dealing with GAD and panic disorder for a long time now, I'm 24. I've probably had this issue consistently for over 5 years now. With ups and downs. Recently I have been making a real effort to try and get better but the last few weeks have been so hard. I like to think this is because I am trying to deal with things and that it's just getting worse before it gets better....

My anxiety has been manifesting in so many ways. Troubles or fears around eating and swallowing sore or tight throat, TMJ and teeth grinding, feeling off balance, muscle tension, inability to concentrate, dark thoughts and the list goes on.

I have an online therapist through Betterhelp who is helping, but it's mainly talking therapy. So I seem to be understanding better where my issues have come from but not really how to better cope with them or re-train my brain.

I just feel like I'm going to be stuck in this loop of symptoms and fear and avoidance forever. The steps I do take forward feel so small and don't last.

I've recently learnt about loving self talk and realised how negative my inner voice is, but changing it is really hard. I also recently realised where a lot of my issues came from. I was quite an anxious child but some VERY stressful years during my teens seem to be the root of a lot of my issues now as a young adult. My confidence was destroyed, I was under huge amounts of stress and I think I am still to this day not recovered.

In times like these I just want to get some meds to turn off or calm down the chemicals but I know that isn't a long term solution and I don't really want the side effects and so on...

I guess I feel like I'm kind of on the right path but things have been so tough these last few weeks I feel like I'm doing something wrong...

Any thoughts or feedback? I'd really appreciate it. Thank you

18-09-18, 19:13
You sound like you're taking at the right positive steps to recovery. The worst feeling without a doubt is the negative thoughts. I really hope you get over this moment and you continue to recover, you're doing really well.