View Full Version : Adult Separation Anxiety/Panic/Depression

18-09-18, 19:20
So for 16 years I've suffered with panic attacks and anxiety. I was housebound for a while. I had an emotionally abusive alcoholic Mother and my parents marriage was a wreck. I've come a long way since then but there are two things that really push my anxiety to the limit. 1. Being away from home with or without my family, the further away the worse it gets. 2. My family being away from home. I have terrible separation anxiety from my Father. He's planning on going to China and I'm filled with negative, intrusive thoughts. I'm angry, resentful, scared, you name it.

Does anyone have any advice, any ideas about what I should be doing?

18-09-18, 19:42
when I am having a major panic episode then I develop monophobia.... the fear of being alone. ...... it comes down to thinking "what on earth is going to happen if something happens and there is no one close to me to help me...

I also have to say i LOVE your username :)

19-09-18, 20:24
Thank you. Yeah, I really struggle when he's not here. I can't even look for support from my friends, it's like I fully rely on him to keep me calm. It's not good. I dunno how to separate myself from this feeling.

22-09-18, 18:49
Hi, I too suffer from separation anxiety- mine is really weird as my anxiety is even triggered by people who I’m not even that close to going away. I think it possibly stems from my childhood as I had older parents and was scared of them dying and being left alone. I have had four episodes of severe separation anxiety and the one I’m going through at the moment is my son moving away - I just can’t bear the thought of this. I’m seeing a really good counsellor who is going to work with me on this. I think it’s all about dampening down the symptoms and learning coping techniques. He is trying to teach me the science behind how the brain works in anxiety- one thing he has told me is to read Ruby Wax’s book “Frazzled” which I think explains it in a more simplified way rather than being too “medical”. I can’t say if this works or not yet as I’ve only just started reading it and working with my counsellor but just thought i’d Share in case it helps. Good luck xx

23-09-18, 19:41
Thank you, this is helpful, I will look at Ruby Wax's book too.