View Full Version : What meds have worked? How did you manage to take them?

19-09-18, 18:49
While my therapist helps me work through my anxiety very effectively, I know it's a fact that I've never felt 100% like myself since giving birth to my daughter 4 years ago sparked severe anxiety. I've been prescribed medication twice - first Zoloft and then Prozac, but because of my health anxiety I have never been able to make myself take it.

Who here has gone with meds for health anxiety? How did you force yourself to take it? And, which med worked best for you?

I really think it might be time to try something, but the idea just makes my anxiety even worse!

19-09-18, 19:11
What exactly prevents you from taking it once prescribed?

19-09-18, 19:13
My health anxiety... I have a lot of anxiety about taking new meds/side effects. With this type of drug I also get a lot of anxiety about withdrawal when coming off, etc...

19-09-18, 19:18
I gotcha. I used Zoloft to get over my health anxiety. I was such a mess I couldn’t wait to try it. My Doc started me low...25mg. I’ll admit, the first 4 or 5 days were a bit rough side effect wise, although I was still able to work, function normally, etc. After that it was all uphill...I eventually increased to 50mg which, even though is a relatively low dose helped a lot. As far as withdrawals....cross that bridge when you get there.

19-09-18, 19:23
Zoloft/sertraline saved my life. I'm functioning like a regular human being like now partly thanks to it. I made myself take it by just doing it and seeing what happened. I won't lie, in the early stages I had all manner of side effects but I got through them and it's totally worth it.

19-09-18, 19:55
Just to add to the positives. I took Zoloft (100mg) for around 6 months along with therapy for some depression. Other than a dodgy tummy now and again, I was fine and it helped to quiet my mind allowing me to focus on therapy. Coming off wasn't that bad either.

Positive thoughts

19-09-18, 19:56
Thanks, guys. I have these really long stretches without anxiety, but it's never permanent. And, even when I'm mostly anxiety free my level is always slightly elevated and there are always at least a few things I'm avoiding - even if subconsciously - to prevent triggering anxiety. I'm just getting so tired of it. Both times I've been prescribed something I as in the thick of a severe anxiety state. I've filled the prescription and then made an excuse for why I'm going to wait to take it. Then, I'll see my therapist and she will help me get past the worst of the anxiety and then I'll convince myself I don't need the meds... until the next time. It's such a crappy cycle.

19-09-18, 20:10
If you can get yourself on a low dose that stabilizes things, it can help prevent these blips.

Positive thoughts

19-09-18, 20:13
If you can get yourself on a low dose that stabilizes things, it can help prevent these blips.

That's what I'm hoping. I am due for a regular check up with my primary, so I think I'll make an appointment so I can discuss it with her. I think I'll be better equipped to discuss all the options when I'm in a lower anxiety state then the other times when I was desperate and so out of sorts and in no place to make myself start taking a new medication that scared me.

22-09-18, 01:54
Has anyone tried Cipralex? I’ve been prescribed this but I’ve been too afraid to try it. I’m going to have to start because health anxiety is at its worst and this is no way to live

22-09-18, 02:31
Has anyone tried Cipralex? I’ve been prescribed this but I’ve been too afraid to try it. I’m going to have to start because health anxiety is at its worst and this is no way to live

I just googled it, and the name brand here is Lexapro. I have not taken it, but it's the one I was going to ask my doctor about because I know so many people who have taken it for anxiety with great success. Many have switched from others and like this one the best, so hopefully it will be great for you, too!

22-09-18, 02:41
I just googled it, and the name brand here is Lexapro. I have not taken it, but it's the one I was going to ask my doctor about because I know so many people who have taken it for anxiety with great success. Many have switched from others and like this one the best, so hopefully it will be great for you, too!

Thanks! My dr said he’s had lots of patients who have had great results and very little side effects. I tried it last year for 2 days but scared myself into stopping it but at this point I’m willing to try anything for relief!