View Full Version : Cancer and my Mum (My anxiety has never been this bad)

19-09-18, 20:42
Hey gang.

So, the last month, my Mum has been losing a lot of weight, getting tired and just becoming someone different. My Mums Mum died of cancer age 60, and my Mums grandmother died of cancer age 60. My Mum turns 60 and boom, she gets very ill.
Tomorrow she has a biopsy on her lymph node. I am dreading lymphoma. She has low hobgoblin. The doctors have ran multiple blood tests and a bone marrow biopsy, and they came back clear (well, no mention of cancer anyway)

I am just terrified.

19-09-18, 20:52
Sorry to hear you're worrying. I know it's no solace but there's a saying among us survivors that says; "It's not cancer until they say it's cancer". Let us know how she makes out.

Positive thoughts

19-09-18, 21:13
Yes please do. There's no diagnosis yet. It'll be very hard but you must try to wait for the biopsy result and then go from there. It's reassuring about the bloods and the bone marrow biopsy. Don't assume that your Mum will suffer from the same illness as her relatives at the same age? It certainly doesn't always follow like that.

19-09-18, 21:42
So sorry you are going through this. Keeping everything crossed for her...

19-09-18, 22:42
Bless you its awful when our parents get poorly, l hope for good results for your mum, l totally understand your anxiety over this xx

Best wishes

20-09-18, 03:10
I posted this on my own post about my mum but thought I'd put it here too: Has the doctor suggested any gastro tests for your mum's anaemia? My mum had a gastroscopy, colonoscopy and a CT enterography of the small bowel to look for the source of a bleed as a cause for her anaemia. A lot of the causes of anaemia (especially iron deficiency anaemia) are from the gastrointestinal system. Might pay to ask the docs about those tests? My mum's have come back clear so far (touch wood) but it was a very very stressful and scary time waiting for the results, so I know how you feel. Hang in there.

20-09-18, 19:43
I posted this on my own post about my mum but thought I'd put it here too: Has the doctor suggested any gastro tests for your mum's anaemia? My mum had a gastroscopy, colonoscopy and a CT enterography of the small bowel to look for the source of a bleed as a cause for her anaemia. A lot of the causes of anaemia (especially iron deficiency anaemia) are from the gastrointestinal system. Might pay to ask the docs about those tests? My mum's have come back clear so far (touch wood) but it was a very very stressful and scary time waiting for the results, so I know how you feel. Hang in there.

She has had some blood tests, a bone marrow test, CT scan on her chest and a ultra sound on her lower abdomen. No one has said anything about her anaemia.
Apparently, her red blood cells are fine now, and her hemoglobin has almost gone back to normal. The doctors actually used her as a sort of case study because her symptoms are so strange.

She came back today. They removed a lymph node. She seems fine, just drowsy.

21-09-18, 08:39
Very good news about her anaemia which now appears to be resolving. Fingers crossed re the lymph node biopsy. The doctors are obviously puzzled but are doing all the necessary tests. I do hope you don't have to wait too long for the node results and that your Mum is stable after her hospital stay.

26-09-18, 04:36
panicBill, how is your mum doing?