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20-08-07, 00:26
Hi, I'm Angie, 42.
I suffered my first major panic attack 3 years ago on the train going to work. I landed up in A&E and had an overnight stay in hospital for observation because they couldn't make up their minds if there was a problem with my heart or not. I was put on Beta Blockers, statins and aspirin and told to return 4 weeks later for an exercise stress test. 2 weeks later the same thing happened again, this time I got put on the cardiac ward. I had numerous tests and was told there was nothing wrong with my heart, to stop taking the tablets and go home. There was no mention of Anxiety or Panic Disorder, but no other explanation for my symptoms.

It has only been this year that I have managed to get my GP to take me seriously, Up until January everytime I have been I've been told don't worry, its just stress, you'll get over it.....
Well I got sick of 'Just Stress' and refused to budge from the surgery until something was done. My GP arranged for me to have a portable ECG machine fitted for a week and after a few more tests I was told by a cardiologist that my heart was quite healthy and I was suffering from extreme anxiety. He wrote to my GP who has now referred me for counselling.

My problem now is that I think that it has gone too far, I can no longer travel on a bus or a train and believe me I have tried (my 25 min trip to work ended up taking 2 hrs because I had to get off the train at every stop and wait for the next one), I start to panic if we get stuck in a traffic jam in the car, I can't stand in queues in shops, I can't even sit in the doctors waiting room on my own, the list goes on.....

My GP also prescribed me Propranalol but I'm reluctant to take it after having read the side effects.

I'm sorry to have waffled on but its such a relief to find somewhere where someone may actually understand what I'm going through.

20-08-07, 00:35

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xxxx

20-08-07, 00:51
Hello Angie:welcome:to you!

Don't despair - you're among friends here, many people will understand exactly what you're going through.

Once you get chatting and making friends you'll find we all help and support one another here!

Pleased to meet you!


20-08-07, 01:04
Welcome to the forum :) I had my first and worse panic attack at the end of April. I'm taking a low dose of Propranalol and have had no side effects, it has calmed my chest pains down but my anxiety is still there!

20-08-07, 02:19

20-08-07, 19:09
Hi Angie


Have a good read of the website pages on the left for some great tips and advice.

I would also ask your doc to refer you for some CBT to help you along.

20-08-07, 20:00
Hi Angie,

Welcome to the site. You will find many here who have been what you have been through and can relate. The support you will get will help.



20-08-07, 20:04
Hi Angie

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


20-08-07, 20:24

I've had to get off trains inbetween many times..

I'm on propranolol but I take it rarely. Mostly it really helps.

20-08-07, 21:24
Hi Angie and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. The anxiety hasn't gone to far and I'm sure with the counselling and this website you'll start to make progress. Have you tried building up your confidence by writing down the things which make you anxious, choosing one, and breaking it down into a step by step plan to make it more manageable? In the instance of the train the first step could be travelling the distance of one stop.

Take care,

Mike :)

20-08-07, 21:46
Thanks so much for the welcome everybody....you're all so positive lol.

I had my assessment appointment with a counsellor today but she doesn't think she can help me so she is referring me on to somebody else, I've just been reading the page on the site about CBT and I think thats it but thats not what she called it.

21-08-07, 13:01
Hi Angie welcome to NMP.
I can relate to everything you have wrote, the same things happened to me but many years ago now,i'm same age as you. i have over the years managed to overcome a lot of the problems, bus train queus etc but still suffer terrible anxiety, so hang in there things will improve with time.
As for propranolol i was perscribed these 20 years ago as i had an overactive thyroid and they slow the heart etc, my thyroid was then removed but only partialy and wasnt succesful and i have to this day still take thyroid meds, waffling there a bit sorry the point is about 6 years ago i suffered major anxity attacks and the doctor prescribed Propranolol again, as i had taken them pre panic disorder i wasn't affraid to take them and i can assure they were my life saver, i have major probs taking meds as i read all the side effects first and as i suffer from emitaphobia(vomit phobia) i wont take pills for anything, but propranolol are very good, they are prescribed for anxiety, have no side effects on me whatsoever and have made life much more beareable for me, i now only take them when i'm very stressed but am always happy in the knowledge that i have them so have a chat with your GP and maybe try a low dose and see if they help because they as i said helped me get more normality in my life.
Mail me if you would like to chat or i can help in any way. Sharon :)