View Full Version : TWO WEEK WAIT REFERRAL - nightmare might come true, so scared

20-09-18, 00:50
I worry about the health of my loved ones just as much, if not more, than my own.

My 68 year old Dad has just been referred to the two week wait Dermatology clinic for a suspicious looking lesion on his head. He has been bald for many years, is pale skinned and has spent lots of time outdoors and so naturally I'm terrified. The GP is not sure what it is, so has referred him urgently. My HA is rapidly spiraling out of control and I'm struggling to stay rational. I'm imagining the worst, and also struggling with the guilt of living 50 miles away from my parents (a self-imposed guilt I've lived with for some years now), if the worst happens and he becomes really unwell.

Not helped by my current health issue of abdominal pain I was in hospital for last night, with a suspected bowel obstruction, fortunately they ruled this out with tests, but the pain is still there so I'm very anxious about this too and now this referral of my Dad's 😟

20-09-18, 06:34
My husband was referred under the 2 week rule because the GP simply didn't know what the lesion was. She thought it was best for a specialist to see it and it was something totally unpronounceable but harmless and he burnt it off there and then . My understanding is that the 2 week rule is more to rule out cancer and the percentage of people referred under this rule who turn out to have cancer is actually very small

20-09-18, 13:06

I'm in the same hole as you atm. Worried a lesion on my back is a melanoma. Saw a few doctors who weren't concerned, but nevertheless, I've been referred for it to be checked because I was so anxious.

To help you - over 95% of patients referred on the two week pathway for skin lesions of unknown histology are in fact benign...

Good luck

20-09-18, 13:22
I’ve been referred on the two week pathway to the melanoma clinic...in fact they got me seen in only two days! And everything turned out fine!

20-09-18, 14:21
Something like 90% of suspicious lesions and moles turn out to be benign. And something like 90% of those that aren't are removed and that is the end of it. My math stinks, but the odds are very in your favor for this being a needless worry.

21-09-18, 20:43
I'm really struggling tonight. My anxiety is spiralling and I am feeling not in a very good place at all. Not helped buy one of my friends having recently been diagnosed with skin cancer and also a couple of people on YouTube who have documented their journeys, one of whom died a few months ago. I'm not sure how I'm going to cope until the 2nd of October, which is when my Dad's appointment is. My husband is a great support to me however he has an extremely busy week next week at work, will be in the office from Monday to Friday (he normally works from home for some of the week but has got to be in all of next week for meetings), and I really am not sure what I'm going to do with myself. My parents don't fully understand my health anxiety, so whenever I phone them at the moment I want to just talk about this situation but they just want to change the subject. I know that we all have different ways of coping with things. I know that my dad's clinic appointment is only 11 days away but it feels like an eternity and I do not know how to stop my thoughts from spiralling. Please please someone help.
This is why thinking positive never gets me anywhere in life!! Just as I allowe myself to very cautiously relax and not be too anxious about my health or the health of my loved ones, this happens.

22-09-18, 01:42
Omg I know exactly how you feel!!! I have been making myself crazy for weeks because I feel and see a bump on my daughter’s head and fear the absolute worst. I am in panic mode 24/7 and have been too scared to even bring her to a dr because I’m afraid they will confirm my fear is valid. My health anxiety about her is so much worse than about myself. I had to leave a dinner tonight because I just couldn’t be around anyone. My anxiety makes me just want to go to sleep but i have so much trouble sleeping too.

If it makes you feel better I was diagnosed with melanoma in my leg 10 years ago and only required surgery to remove it. It’s never returned! I’m sure your dad is fine, the waiting is the worst part!!