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06-02-18, 03:31
Or other random animal on me. I was just walking back from the library and I felt something on the back of my leg and I tried to look but it was too dark and my book bag was covering my view. i looked and there is a purple spot on my leg, but that might have always been there.

06-02-18, 05:29
Well, question one should be, where do you live? Because bats either hibernate or migrate south during the winter months. None are going to be flying around my college in Pennsylvania for instance.

Also, purple spot does not mean bite. Bat bites may be hard to spot, but with how sharp their teeth are you would know.

But, let's assume you live in, say, Texas and it's warm so there may be bats around. A rabid animal (because that's what I'm assuming you are fearing) would not run up, bite, and run away. A rabid animal would attack repeatedly in most cases.

Even then, only around 0.5% of bats contract rabies. And bat populations are already low due to a plauge amongst bats that cannot spread to humans known as white nose syndrome.

Still, if you have reason to believe that you were bit, see a doctor sooner versus later. Once symptoms show the disease is neigh unstoppable. Odds are you were not though. Take a search around the forum about rabies and bats, the nefarious "Invisible bat" seems to get all of us at some point, and we are still posting for now.

06-02-18, 17:31
I've been down Invisible Bat Road. Its really hard to think clearly when this thought grips you, but my experience is that- eventually- the intrusive thoughts will pass.

If you didn't see a bat, there is no legitimate reason to conclude that there was one. This thought is your brain craving tragedy and drama. It is because you have a good imagination. It is because your brain gets stuck on thoughts that other people can easily let go of.

I wish it was easier, but all the facts aren't going to make this better. You need to try and challenge the thoughts, or even some people say focusing on the worst until you become desensitized (that's how I have had to deal with rabies fear). You are not a candidate for the shots anyway, if you didn't see a bat. So, there's really nothing to do about it. Just about every case of rabies from bats in the US, the person had seen a bat in the home or had picked up a bat. You have no idea if there was a bat....hence...your imagination has filled in the dots.

Plus, this is recurring for you, right? I feel like I've seen you post about rabies in the past. If you are having this fantasy repeatedly (the invisible bat fantasy), even more evidence it is your brain making up garbage, and you are falling for it.

06-02-18, 17:39
We are unable to merge posts atm. Please add this to you previous post on the same subject.


07-04-18, 04:16
I was in the lounge today at my dorm standing by the trash can and i felt something go over my foot and i looked and didnt see anything or feel any pain, butt now im afraid it was mouse because there was one found at the dining hall right by my building. And now that i am looking at my foot i see these tiny red marks on it ad i cant tell if they are red freckles, just red marks, or blood. So now im afraid that i got bit. If i did get bit, what would my chance of getting rabies from it be?

07-04-18, 04:56
Rabies would kill a mouse very quickly. You have a better chance of getting the plague from fleas on a rat.

07-04-18, 09:26
Hi there,
You were not bit. If you were, you would definitely feel it! Feet are a big center of nerves, meaning you have a lot of sensitivity there, and something as bad as a rat bite would definitely leave a lasting impression. Red spots on your feet are also something you should not worry about, as they are relatively common and can happen for a variety of benign reasons. And, of course, rabies is not commonly spread through small animals like rats and mice. On top of that, a mouse with rabies would not carelessly run over your foot. It alters their brain in a way that would definitely be noticeable, and that's not even taking in the fact the little thing probably never had the chance to bite you while he was running over your foot in the first place.
Best wishes

07-04-18, 09:42
Moso this is an ongoing phobia for you.

I see that you have deleted previous posts on this subject where people have taken the time to try and re assure you.

This is not fair on those people and it also hides your real problems regarding rabies from people, therefore they are not seeing the full story.

I am sure that you have received very good advice on this subject on your previous threads so perhaps so you should re-visit those.

07-04-18, 20:35
I have tiny red spots on my feet, too. No mice. Must be a feet thing.

07-04-18, 23:11
How's the rabies from the phantom squirrel bite a couple weeks ago?

08-04-18, 00:32
Whats the chance of getting rabies from a mouse?

A real one or an imaginary one that you imagined ran over your foot that you didn't see or feel? :wacko:

Positive thoughts

08-04-18, 09:32
i 100% sympathise with you dude..i have rabies anxiety currently..even got all of those shots in my neck because i thought "maybe" a bat scratched me...it didn't of course, my mind made it up, i just thought i saw and felt something on my neck, could'vebeen a million things.
I constantly checked under my bed and in my closet and stuff for signs of bats because i was so sacred, still am a little scared but its getting better. Hang in there..your mind plays tricks.

15-04-18, 05:49
I was using a public restroom and i had my hand near the trash where a paper towel was that looked like it had blood on it. So i went to wash my hands and while i was washing i noticed there was red stuff in the sink.(neither of these were my blood) i am worried because my hands are really dry so i have some minor cuts. Could i get hiv from this if the blood ended up touching my cuts?

15-04-18, 06:22
Oh Moso... knowing your fears as you've posted previously, I do understand why you would fear this but it's just not something you should worry about. It stretches the boundaries of irrationality to the extreme. I hope your anxiety allows you to believe it.

Positive thoughts

15-04-18, 17:00
HIV is fragile. It can't live long outside of a host or vacuum. Once air gits it, it starts to die. That plus you do not have a huge open wound on your hand makes you getting HIV From that blood impossible.:yesyes: trust me I work around blood everyday and have had multiple like scares from bloody surgical instruments

15-04-18, 17:03
This all day^ no way you can get HIV from any scenario like you describe.

15-04-18, 22:33
HIV is fragile. It can't live long outside of a host or vacuum. Once air gits it, it starts to die. That plus you do not have a huge open wound on your hand makes you getting HIV From that blood impossible.:yesyes: trust me I work around blood everyday and have had multiple like scares from bloody surgical instruments

This poster has been asking these questions multiple times and kept asking if she can get HIV from toilet seats/washing machines/door knobs/whatever.
It makes no difference if you keep posting these medical facts over and over. She will be back with a new, forgive the expression, stupid question about whter to get HIV from this or that. Even if she is told a million times how not to get it. This is an extreme and severe case of irrational health anxiety that is not even based on real scientifical medial facts. Plus, she is contributing to the stigma of real life HIV victims who for decades have thought agaisnt the paranpia she is ecxpressing, so sorry, my empathy for this is limited. HIV patients has fought against the irrational idea that they are walking virus bombs. You thought they won against this stigma but posts here proves they have not.
The OP needs serious profesional mental treatment, not to be told a million times that "you can not get HIV this way".

---------- Post added at 22:33 ---------- Previous post was at 22:31 ----------

I was using a public restroom and i had my hand near the trash where a paper towel was that looked like it had blood on it. So i went to wash my hands and while i was washing i noticed there was red stuff in the sink.(neither of these were my blood) i am worried because my hands are really dry so i have some minor cuts. Could i get hiv from this if the blood ended up touching my cuts?

What are you doing to treat your extreme and fundamentally irrational health anxiety. It is not normal to ask such questions, it is extreme. Seek professional help. And dont waste your GPs time woith such questions. They have real patients to care about. You KNOW how not to get HIV deep inside. You have an irrationality that ois beyond. You know deep inside that these questions are stupid. Plus they are an evidence that the old stigma against HIV patients is unfortunately something that is on the historys trash dump yet.

16-04-18, 02:17
This poster has been asking these questions multiple times and kept asking if she can get HIV from toilet seats/washing machines/door knobs/whatever.
It makes no difference if you keep posting these medical facts over and over. She will be back with a new, forgive the expression, stupid question about whter to get HIV from this or that. Even if she is told a million times how not to get it. This is an extreme and severe case of irrational health anxiety that is not even based on real scientifical medial facts. Plus, she is contributing to the stigma of real life HIV victims who for decades have thought agaisnt the paranpia she is ecxpressing, so sorry, my empathy for this is limited. HIV patients has fought against the irrational idea that they are walking virus bombs. You thought they won against this stigma but posts here proves they have not.
The OP needs serious profesional mental treatment, not to be told a million times that "you can not get HIV this way".

---------- Post added at 22:33 ---------- Previous post was at 22:31 ----------

What are you doing to treat your extreme and fundamentally irrational health anxiety. It is not normal to ask such questions, it is extreme. Seek professional help. And dont waste your GPs time woith such questions. They have real patients to care about. You KNOW how not to get HIV deep inside. You have an irrationality that ois beyond. You know deep inside that these questions are stupid. Plus they are an evidence that the old stigma against HIV patients is unfortunately something that is on the historys trash dump yet.

I would disagree about this being extreme, it's pretty common as far as irrationality goes. Looking at the many rabies threads only demonstrates this. Severity is based on how much it impacts your life, it's not just about how "far out" you may be in term of irrational thinking. Based on this you would have thought my Magical Thinking was crazy.

And your comments about her contributing to stigma against those with HIV/AIDS are lacking in evidence. She has asked, not stated as fact that you can catch it via x, y or z. Is she denying scientific fact? No.

Are OCDers no longer allowed to discuss their fears because they are contributing to stigma?

16-04-18, 05:23
If a person has HIV fears (which is pretty common) it may help to talk to someone from the Aids Foundation/Clinic. I'm presuming they are worldwide, the Dr's/counselors there have all the knowledge and willingness to explain things in detail.

Their websites usually have a section that deals with all sorts of question and answer scenarios which may help put one's mind at rest.

16-04-18, 15:11
If a person has HIV fears (which is pretty common) it may help to talk to someone from the Aids Foundation/Clinic. I'm presuming they are worldwide, the Dr's/counselors there have all the knowledge and willingness to explain things in detail.

Their websites usually have a section that deals with all sorts of question and answer scenarios which may help put one's mind at rest.

It may. But I dont think that is the issue with the OP because she has been told hundreds of times HOW HIV is contracted and how it is not contracted but still keep coming back over and over and over asking if she can get HIV from a bruise and stuff like that. I think serious profesional help is the only thing that works because it has become an obsession.
Most people would be reassured by being told that HIV is an STD and that non-sexual transmission could only be possible by injecting large nd fresh amount of fresh blood into the veins by a needle. Most people rest assured by that if told this as scientific fact plus the fact that not a single reported case on the entire planet has been contracted HIV by hanshaking someone with HIV or touched a dirty doorknob.

---------- Post added at 15:09 ---------- Previous post was at 15:08 ----------

If a person has HIV fears (which is pretty common) it may help to talk to someone from the Aids Foundation/Clinic. I'm presuming they are worldwide, the Dr's/counselors there have all the knowledge and willingness to explain things in detail.

Their websites usually have a section that deals with all sorts of question and answer scenarios which may help put one's mind at rest.

It may. But I dont think that is the issue with the OP because she has been told hundreds of times HOW HIV is contracted and how it is not contracted but still keep coming back over and over and over asking if she can get HIV from a bruise and stuff like that. I think serious profesional help is the only thing that works because it has become an obsession.
Most people would be reassured by being told that HIV is an STD and that non-sexual transmission could only be possible by injecting large nd fresh amount of fresh blood into the veins by a needle. Most people rest assured by that if told this as scientific fact plus the fact that not a single reported case on the entire planet has been contracted HIV by hanshaking someone with HIV or touched a dirty doorknob.

I think fear of non-sexual exposure to HIV was way larger in the 1980s when the masses were more ignorant to what HIV really was. But one would believe that in 2018 people knows better but now.

---------- Post added at 15:11 ---------- Previous post was at 15:09 ----------

And your comments about her contributing to stigma against those with HIV/AIDS are lacking in evidence. She has asked, not stated as fact that you can catch it via x, y or z. Is she denying scientific fact? No.

Not directly denying it, but has been told them dosens of times in here. And HIV victims has been fighting the stigma that their existence is a living threat to anyone around them. How do you think OP would react if she shaked hand with someone with HIV and found out later? I am willing t bet a fine bottle of champagne she would be here posting a question whter she could get HIV from handshaking that person("there cut be a little cut on my hand").

BTW, I have handshaked many people with HIV.

16-04-18, 17:08
PV, she very might well do but it doesn't cause offence to someone if you don't show it at the time.

How can anyone discuss Contamination fears in OCD then when it comes to HIV/AIDS? And it also raises the question about the other side of this, that stigma against OCD sufferers is contributed to by those without anxiety who actually have HIV/AIDS.

(I do not believe those with HIV/AIDS do this, it's a valid point about how this swings both ways when it comes to ignorance)

I've probably shaken hands with HIV/AIDS sufferers too, they know it can't be transmitted that way so you will never know who they are.

26-06-18, 03:20
Sorry to post something like this again. Haven't posted about this issue in awhile and was getting better, but earlier today I got a fear. And before you get mad I am trying to get better. I went to my doctor about my anxiety issues(causing actual health problems) and I am getting help now and about to start counseling. I just need help to calm my brain right now from people who understand anxiety. During the summer bats live in the roof of my house of our porch. And they fly out during the evening/night to get food. During this evening I was standing on the porch about to go in when I heard a weird screeching noise(think its a bat, but maybe could have been a bird or something else) Well after I went inside the back of my neck was stinging especially when I showered and now its aching. My brain is thinking its a bat bite which makes me scared of rabies, but I know Im just being paranoid and how unlikely that is. How can I just get my brain to shut it off?

01-07-18, 02:31
So my dog got her rabies vaccine in February of 2016 I believe. My mom said the vaccine is good for 2 years but we havent heard from the vet like we usually do that it is time for her to get it again, so hopefully the vaccine is still working. Well I was going for a walk with my dog and she took off after something inside the forest I saw a white butt so I believe it was a deer and I heard her whimpering and I heard the deer? whimpering so I believed she bit it and it may have bit her. She's fine, didnt get hurt. She has been acting normal the past couple days. So normally I wouldn't be worried since she has her vaccine but the thing is she licks everything. So we come into contact with her saliva all the time. My mom laid my spoon down on a spot on the coffee table where she walks by and licks and I used the spoon anyway to try to overcome my anxiety, but now Im still worried. Should rabies be a concern? I dont know why she has to go attacking deer haha

01-07-18, 04:45
Well I was going for a walk with my dog and she took off after something inside the forest I saw a white butt

Could have been a naturist :blush::biggrin:

If she's up to date on vaccine then there is no reason to suggest there is a problem. But it's good that you are trying not to let it beat you. Remember, vaccinated = yes, the rest are just thoughts "what ifs" which you can let float over you rather than be sucked in.

More likely a deer would kick, or butt if they have antlers, rather than bite. Deer antler is good for dogs, just not while it's still on the deer!

01-07-18, 06:10
Could have been a naturist :blush::biggrin:

If she's up to date on vaccine then there is no reason to suggest there is a problem. But it's good that you are trying not to let it beat you. Remember, vaccinated = yes, the rest are just thoughts "what ifs" which you can let float over you rather than be sucked in.

More likely a deer would kick, or butt if they have antlers, rather than bite. Deer antler is good for dogs, just not while it's still on the deer! Thats what i am worried about. My mom said she's up to date it lasts 2 years but she was given that vaccine in Feb of 2016. So that would be more than 2 years, but we havent gotten a reminder from the vet. And I just stubbed my toe and its bleeding and she licks our floors all the time so thats great for my anxiety.

02-07-18, 00:10

The deer would have to have rabies - very unlikely

The deer would have to have drawn blood even to have a posibility of passing on the non existent rabies - It didn't

The dog would then have to have bitten you and punctured the skin OR licked you in your mouth, or any other orifice with bodily fluid - It hasn't

For you to get rabies off a floor your dog has licked, you would need to have broken skin on your feet while walking around bare foot on the floor...... and of course that would beIF the virus lived on inanimate objects for a while - It really doesn't!

02-07-18, 02:27

The deer would have to have rabies - very unlikely

The deer would have to have drawn blood even to have a posibility of passing on the non existent rabies - It didn't

The dog would then have to have bitten you and punctured the skin OR licked you in your mouth, or any other orifice with bodily fluid - It hasn't

For you to get rabies off a floor your dog has licked, you would need to have broken skin on your feet while walking around bare foot on the floor...... and of course that would beIF the virus lived on inanimate objects for a while - It really doesn't! Thank you so much for talking some sense into me. I was just worried because she came close to licking my toe today and I'm not sure if saliva got on it or not. But even if she did lick my wound the chance of getting rabies from that would be extremely small, right? Haha she literally licks me every time she walks by me. I think dogs do that when they are anxious so she must have anxiety.

02-07-18, 04:36
The rabies vaccine is good for three years, and even if they are a little behind, if you tested their titers, they would probably be high and not even need the vaccine. I know this because rabies is a huge trigger of mine. My dogs recently killed a mouse and I lost it! My mom is a vet tech and she told me all this

02-07-18, 11:28
Thank you so much for talking some sense into me. I was just worried because she came close to licking my toe today and I'm not sure if saliva got on it or not. But even if she did lick my wound the chance of getting rabies from that would be extremely small, right? Haha she literally licks me every time she walks by me. I think dogs do that when they are anxious so she must have anxiety.

you are welcome.....

your dog would have to have rabies...... which it doesn't, for the remotest possible chance for it to pass it to you

06-07-18, 00:39
Even though I feel I am getting better at overcoming this phobia, Im having a little relapse today with the other non-related health problems I am having right now. Bats are living in the roof of my house near our front door. I know this because there is bat feces on our porch so I know they are there for sure. I was going into the house earlier today and I heard a weird hissing sound(not exactly a hiss, but the sound was hard to explain.) I quickly went inside and am now afraid I got bit and of getting rabies because ever since that happened I have been having really bad achey pain that radiates from top of my head to the back of my neck. I know I didnt feel anything on me but if it bit my neck it would have been on the back of my hair so I dont know if I would have felt it? Hopefully I would have. And I didnt see a bat but again I went in fast so maybe I didnt see it? But I am pretty sure I would have felt it or seen it if it bit me and bats dont usually attack people(unless rabid) Maybe it was making sound to use its echolocation to see where it was. My mom said Im fine and probably my head and neck hurt from playing badmitten yesterday. Hopefully she's right. Can someone try to help calm me down? This stuff has been bothering me less, but right now its bad because of my other stress :(

06-07-18, 00:54
The best thing you can do is print out all of your threads and take them with you to a therapy session. People have reassured you time and time again, yet once again you’re back with an irrational fear. Why not try something different?

06-07-18, 01:29
It's obvious from what you are saying that you can see there is little to no evidence of your fear. So, what is left is the uncomfortable feelings of anxiety and the thoughts that pop into your mind and how you respond to them that add to it.

When the thoughts pop in about being bitten try to keep your reaction as calm as possible. Don't allow panic to advance further, tell yourself you accept this is how you feel right now and it's because of your anxiety, nothing that has really happened. Tell yourself it's ok to feel like this, to not expect your mind to change overnight from therapy or anything else you do, that it's ok to sit with this and let it pass. Try not to add to it by fighting and hating your symptoms. Hard I know, but it does help if you can do it.

Sitting with these thoughts can be hard. Until you can do that more, what strategies may help? Does it help to get up and do something that takes your focus away from your fears?

06-07-18, 02:56
You would not be feeling pains from rabies the same day as getting bitten. That is the evidence that this is your mind running wild, or the pains are due to some other cause.

Given how phobic you are of bats, can you get these bats removed? I don't think bats should really be living in a dwelling anyway, much less for someone with such rabies anxiety.

If not, you are going to have to learn to accept that if you aren't sure if a bat came near you, that's because it didn't. You will need to remind yourself that your brain wants to interpret every pain as rabies. You will need to remind yourself that your brain wants to interpret every weird sound, or thump, or brush against your body as a bat.

You need to fight your own brain in that regard until, hopefully, your brain doesn't seek out the drama. It is hard, but I had to do it when we made a very unfortunate bat discovery about 4 months after I had an invisible bat panic of my own. I have come to peace with the existence of bats and the fact that nothing is certain in this world. I think part of my hangup has been feeling like I am failing (to protect my kids) if something harms them or me (my rabies fear is focused mostly on them). For me, healing came through really realizing we do share the earth with animals and if there is a catastrophe, it wasn't really my fault. It is just nature. Your healing might come from some different aha.

06-07-18, 08:15

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

Please also do not delete your previous posts on this topic. It is unfair on those who have taken time to reply and also hides the whole picture from others responding.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


06-07-18, 15:17
You would not be feeling pains from rabies the same day as getting bitten. That is the evidence that this is your mind running wild, or the pains are due to some other cause.

Given how phobic you are of bats, can you get these bats removed? I don't think bats should really be living in a dwelling anyway, much less for someone with such rabies anxiety.

If not, you are going to have to learn to accept that if you aren't sure if a bat came near you, that's because it didn't. You will need to remind yourself that your brain wants to interpret every pain as rabies. You will need to remind yourself that your brain wants to interpret every weird sound, or thump, or brush against your body as a bat.

You need to fight your own brain in that regard until, hopefully, your brain doesn't seek out the drama. It is hard, but I had to do it when we made a very unfortunate bat discovery about 4 months after I had an invisible bat panic of my own. I have come to peace with the existence of bats and the fact that nothing is certain in this world. I think part of my hangup has been feeling like I am failing (to protect my kids) if something harms them or me (my rabies fear is focused mostly on them). For me, healing came through really realizing we do share the earth with animals and if there is a catastrophe, it wasn't really my fault. It is just nature. Your healing might come from some different aha. My parents wont pay to get them removed, so I am going to just have to deal with it. But that is a good way to look at it that we share earth with animals. Im just having more anxiety right now because I just heard my mom tell my dad that she can see the bats on the porch. And they are near where our front door is in the roof so its when Im going in the door that I'm afraid I'll encounter one or I already did since my neck still hurts..

06-07-18, 15:50
Removing them would only be an avoidance anyway when based on irrational fears rather than the practicality/health reasons of someone non anxious. Whilst some avoidance may be worthwhile to help initially it's only ever leaving seeds behind for anxiety to grow from later. Much better to change your core beliefs/thinking/behaviours to remove these fears.

Bats eat moths. They are doing the environment good. Try to diffuse your fear of the bat by changing your beliefs about them being flying bundles of rabies to natures helpers.

09-07-18, 23:46
I actually had a bat (common pipistrelle) busily flapping around in my lounge the other day - goodness knows how it got indoors (but I have an idea).

Caught it in a towel and evicted it outside - was quite amused about it later. I quite like our batty friends.

10-07-18, 05:02
I actually had a bat (common pipistrelle) busily flapping around in my lounge the other day - goodness knows how it got indoors (but I have an idea).

Caught it in a towel and evicted it outside - was quite amused about it later. I quite like our batty friends.

I've been joking we need a pet bat to eat all the moths the hot weather brings into our house! :biggrin:

05-09-18, 18:34
Do they bite hard? I was walking and I didn't notice and all of the sudden a squirrel was right beside my foot(im wearing sandals) and it startled me really bad. I didnt feel any pain. If it bit me would i definitely have been able to feel it even though I was starteled? And why aren't they scared of people?

05-09-18, 18:45
Do they bite hard? I was walking and I didn't notice and all of the sudden a squirrel was right beside my foot(im wearing sandals) and it startled me really bad. I didnt feel any pain. If it bit me would i definitely have been able to feel it even though I was starteled? And why aren't they scared of people?

You would of felt it ok, if an animal bites you its going to hurt and you would know , l would of thought they are frightened of people and maybe didn't realise you were there until it startled you xx

Best wishes xx

05-09-18, 18:46
Phantom squirrel bites are nowhere near as painful to live with as debilitating OCD/HA. I would highly recommend treatment for those conditions.

05-09-18, 19:25

You would of felt it ok, if an animal bites you its going to hurt and you would know , l would of thought they are frightened of people and maybe didn't realise you were there until it startled you xx

Best wishes xx
It was literally right beside me so it would have had to see me. I am on a college campus so maybe they are just tame and used to people?

05-09-18, 19:48

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


ps please go back and read your previous posts including the ones you have deleted. This is an issue that is not real

05-09-18, 19:55
Squirrel bites are incredibly painful. There is no way you wouldn't feel intense pain. Vets always say they are the very worse kind of animal bite.

05-09-18, 20:00
It was literally right beside me so it would have had to see me. I am on a college campus so maybe they are just tame and used to people?

Seriously, now that your threads have been merged, go back and read the entire thing. Since February, you’ve had multiple instances of the same irrational/impossible fear. You hardly ever acknowledge anyone’s reassurance or advice, refuse to acknowledge your anxiety, and continue posting nearly identical and impossible scenarios time and time again.

Why don’t you do something to actually help yourself?

05-09-18, 20:23
It was literally right beside me so it would have had to see me. I am on a college campus so maybe they are just tame and used to people?

yeah your probably right they must be use to people ,but there is one thing for sure it never bit you

Best wishes xx

06-09-18, 01:45
There is a public park near to me that has loads of squirrels. They have become so used to people over the generations that some will come & stand next to your foot looking up waiting for food. Some will let you feed them by hand. Some chase after you if you have a carrier bag hoping for some treats.

They have taken food from my hand before. They

---------- Post added at 01:45 ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 ----------

There is a public park near to me that has loads of squirrels. They have become so used to people over the generations that some will come & stand next to your foot looking up waiting for food. Some will let you feed them by hand. Some chase after you if you have a carrier bag hoping for some treats.

I have hand fed a few. They reach up and place their sharp claws on your hand then take food. These claws are very sharp, like pins. And given they munch through hard nuts with ease their teeth (and jaws) are strong.

My guess is it was expectantly waiting for some food.

06-09-18, 05:07
I am very sorry to hear that there are bats in your attic. I know the stress that can cause, and it's even harder when others in the house aren't affected like you are. I lived in a home where bats hung outside above all of our exterior doors every night - and it is what caused my bat phobia. I refused to use any of the doors and would only enter our house through the garage where there were no bats. It was quite debilitating but also seemed quite logical because who wants to walk underneath a hanging bat?? I also know the sound you're describing - I heard it constantly. Just wanted to offer some empathy because I have been there, and I know it's hard. Maybe it would also help if you sat your parents down and really explained to them how difficult this is for you and that you need the bats to be addressed. Perhaps there is a local humane society or wildlife center who offers free or low-cost services.

06-09-18, 16:26
OP read this sticky thread:

And STOP deleting your own threads because the admin ask you to revisit thoise. That is abusing this forum. And seek help for your anxiety. Nuff said.

20-09-18, 14:08
I’m having anxiety. People have been leaving their trash bags out and one of the bottom of ones has a hole in it so trash spilled out and I can’t tell if it’s just a hole or if an animal chewed through the bottom of the trash. There was some pieces of trash in front of my door so I kicked it out of the way. But since I’m wearing birks my toe that has the sore touched the trash so now I’m worried about rabies because if an animal was chewing the trash their saliva would be on it and it touched the sore on my toe and it stings. How likely could I get rabies from this? I looked up statistics and a couple raccoons tested positive for rabies in my area last year.

20-09-18, 14:15

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


ps please do not delete posts as many times the answers are in the previous posts