View Full Version : sore calves

07-04-17, 19:44
So I am a 46 yr old male of average weight. I run a lot but I do use tobacco a lot too (mostly snuff). I take meds for GORD and I have IBS and loads of HA. My doctor has me get blood work every six months to help ease my anxiety. This time around I got a call to call them back. I nearly fainted, this had never happened before. I called back and they wanted me to have my blood work redone in a month because my kidneys were slow (their term). I don't know what the exact test or numbers were but I did ask how worried and the nurse said not be worried just drink more water and limit NSAIDs. I of course heard, that I am dying and will not be around to see my 5 kids grow up. Then I googled and immediately regretted it. Someone want to talk some sense into me please?


07-04-17, 20:03
Well if they just have blood work I doubt they know if it's one kidney or both acting up. And your kidneys are made to handle everything on their own. As in humans only need 1 kidney not 2. Why we have 2 is beyond me. And my step moms dad has had kidney issues since I have known him and her which is going on 9-10 years. Yes he needs. Transplant but still getting around and he has to go get his blood filtered. People can have kidney problems and never need transplants I think under 20-40% is when they say someone is in need of a kidney transplant. And if they are asking for more blood work in a month then they must not be as bad as it sounds just keeping a check on it. If you start pissing blood or brown then start to worry.

It's you're anxiety getting the best of you I mean you are getting older things start to slow down but doesn't mean you are on you're death bed or anything. Like I said I have know someone with kidney diease for like ten years and his is bad enough he is on list fly a transplant but he still gets around.

07-04-17, 20:32
They could be talking about kidney function which is done as a percentage and loads of people have kidneys that do not function perfectly. they always want to redo the tests to make sure its not a technical issue and some of the kidney function tests measure hydration so if you were dehydrated at the time of your last test this will really affect your results so drink big glass of water a couple of hours before you go to be sure.

13-04-17, 03:37
I am a 46 yr old man who works out daily and felt generally OK until 5 days ago. I am now completely in panic mode after routine blood work showed I have something called a kidney gfr of 59. My doctor called me and wants me to have it tested again in 3 weeks. If it is that low or lower, he will send me for a scan to check for things like stones and tumors. That number puts in a stage 3 chronic kidney disease. I am unable to cope. I have a very long history with anxiety and I can't sleep or eat. I am near tears all the time. Every time I look at my kids I think I am going to leave them. The doctor had little advice, he just said drink water and avoid NSAIDs. Needless to say I have been drinking loads of water and haven't taken a NSAID. I don't know what to do, my wife is trying to be strong for me but it is not helping. Any thoughts or insights would be hugely appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

13-04-17, 03:58
For one men are prone to kidney problems with age, why I don't know. I know quite a few men that have issues with stones. Where did you get your information that this is stage 3 chronic kidney disease? If you have a long history of anxiety, tears and can't eat or sleep you need to tell your doctor. You have two kidneys and I'm sure you will not be leaving your children any time soon. Please seek help for your anxiety. I did and now I'm better without the medication. I used it when I needed it.

Chris 614
13-04-17, 04:06
I know how scary stuff like this can be. I'm curious, when was the last time you had blood work done? I just read online that a gfr of 60-100 is normal. So you are really close to the normal range. Is your blood pressure high? Do you take a lot of NSAID's usually? My mom was diagnosed with kidney disease, stage two, about six years ago. With her blood pressure being controlled and such, it has improved and is stable. Do what the doctor said. Keep well hydrated. This could just have been a blip in your system. Next time around it could be well in the normal range.

13-04-17, 13:35
Thanks for the kind words. I have contacted my dr about my fears and I am waiting for a response. I do not have high blood pressure and I was taking NSAIDS a couple of times a week or so before I was told of my numbers. Like so many on here, I feel like I am just waiting for the worst news possible. I feel so weak and pitiful.


25-04-17, 04:02
So 15 days ago I had a routine blood test that showed my kidney GFR at 59. This is low and I am freaked out. I had a retest today and I am waiting for the results. It will be at least tomorrow before I know anything and I am terrified of the results. I am 46, average weight, I do use snuf tobacco and I have a very long history of HA. I had never worried about my kidneys before and now this is all I can think about. I just don't know what to do or what I will do if the second test comes back bad too.


---------- Post added at 19:30 ---------- Previous post was at 18:42 ----------

Does anyone know if kidney function can improve or is this a downward spiral?

---------- Post added at 19:44 ---------- Previous post was at 19:30 ----------

I am so worried about kidney cancer that I am crumbling.

---------- Post added at 22:02 ---------- Previous post was at 19:44 ----------

Has anyone else had a GFR below 60? Can you tell what i can do to improve my kidney function?

bin tenn
25-04-17, 04:10
A rogue low gFR means nothing, most likely. Discuss with your doc if concerned. He/she can advise as necessary. If there are no other worrisome symptoms/labs, I imagine you'll be fine. Besides, it's one point below the minimum 60. Labs are not always perfect, sometimes they fall out of the normal range temporarily. The body is a mysterious machine.

25-04-17, 14:24
I appreciate your blunt honesty. Logically I agree with you but emotionally I can not think of anything except a tragic outcome. I am trying to stay positive.

25-04-17, 20:42
I am a long time sufferer of HA and just had a routine blood test. I feel or least felt fine but the results came back with diminished kidney function and the doctor wanted me tested again. I had the test yesterday and I am waiting and going barmy. I can't sleep or eat. I am nauseated and scared. I am 46 and I am just convinced that I will die a slow painful death and leave my kids without a father. I am not even sure why I am typing this except that I a know many of you understand my fears. My wife tries but doesn't. I feel like a failure for being weak. I feel like a coward for being scared. I feel like a head case for reacting the way I am. I am not sue how much more of this I can take.


25-04-17, 21:36
Firstly you are not a failure, you are going through one of the most deliberating anxieties I have ever known, nobody wants to feel the way we do. I feel your terror I've been going through a severe bout of health anxiety myself. Did you ask the Dr what these results can mean? If there was anything serious found you would have been called straight in and they wouldn't just retest in my opinion. I bet you this time they will come back normal. My friend once had bloods come back abnormal with her liver she was restedted and all came back normal. I know it's hard but rest and keep calm.

25-04-17, 21:42
From what I saw it was one point under normal range. Do you know how common that is? Normal ranges are just that "ranges". If it were 20 points low, yeah, I'd be concerned but one?

I have real physical issues, one of which is hypercholesterolism and high triglycerides. Thus part of my heart problems. Cholesterol should be under 200... I'm at 200+ almost all the time no matter what I do! If I get a 210(which I just did) the doctor is happy because that's "good for me". Triglycerides should be under 150... same deal... I'm always in the 200's so when I get a 199 it's celebration time!

Again, one point under normal is nothing to be concerned with.

Positive thoughts

25-04-17, 22:32
I have terrible HA, but something I learned was blood test can be a bit fickle. I got sent over to a liver specialist (I'm a 22F) because I had weird results on 2 tests, and it met the conditions for a certain autoimmune disease. Needless to say, I freaked out, but took the blood tests again and it was perfectly normal.

So just wait and see, but one blood test a bit off isn't the end of the world

25-04-17, 22:54
Most of my brain understands that I am just below the threshold and that this is probably not a huge deal but part of my brain is in a full blown panic. Does anyone know if kidney stones show up as decreased kidney function before any pain is evident?


25-04-17, 23:40
Really... you have to try to listen to your rational brain. You're shooting yourself in the foot here in an attempt to validate your fears.

Positive thoughts

27-04-17, 13:21
I have been waiting for kidney tests to come back and they finally did and they are worse. I am trying to get a hold of my doctor but I am in a full blown panic. My gfr went from 59 to 54 and I am completely beside myself.


Catherine S
27-04-17, 13:55
I took a look at the kidney function chart and it estimates that between 44-59 means mild to moderate loss of function, and can be caused by alot of different things such as high blood pressure and meds to control it. My 44 yr old son is now on Ramapril to control his raised bp and has to have his kidney function tested regularly because he takes this medication. It's a big jump to cancer that you're making J2.


27-04-17, 14:12
It's a big jump to cancer that you're making J2.

Agreed! You're asking for help. There were some great replies to your previous post. Other than a chill pill or some professional help, I don't know what anyone here can say to quell your fears :shrug: I certainly wouldn't be sweating it. Talk to your doctor and let us know what they say.

Positive thoughts

27-04-17, 14:26
I guess I just need someone to tell me that this isn't the end of the world. I know it is irrational but that is why this board exists. I have set up an appt with my dr and I hope I feel better. I am consumed by dread right now.


27-04-17, 14:30
I know it is irrational but that is why this board exists.

True... BUT... it's more helpful to challenge your thoughts and encourage you to fight back against the dragon than to reassure and serve tea and sympathy IMO. You know you're being irrational so challenge the dragon and kick some dragon ass for a change! ;)

Positive thoughts

03-05-17, 22:20
So an update. I had an ultrasound of my kidneys today and it revealed no obvious problems like tumors or swelling. My numbers still are not good but at least it isn't a tumor. :D

Catherine S
04-05-17, 00:24
Good news, thanks for updating us :D


04-05-17, 01:13
So happy for you!

04-05-17, 02:48
I knew it'd be fine. Glad to hear it.... I owe ya a "Told ya so!" ;)

Positive thoughts

30-04-18, 15:18
Long story short, I am a long time sufferer of HA. I have a history of GERD, IBS and in the last year I had some poor kidney numbers. I ended up in the emergency room about 6 months ago with some left flank pain and a full blown panic attack. I am male and 47, workout regularly, and quit heavy nicotine use about 4 months ago. The kidney numbers have been hovering around low normal and just out of range.

For the last month or so I have had daily nausea and right sided flank pain. I noticed a sore spot just under my right rib cage. It could be a muscle but I of course fear liver tumors or something else. I have not lost weight.

Anyway, I have some more tests coming up and I am so emotionally beat up that I am not sure if I can even force myself to go to the appointment. Once I give the blood and urine then I start worrying and if the results come back less than good again I completely fall apart.

If you find the time to respond with advice on the nausea and flank pain or my general lack of courage, I thank you in advance.

Thanks and sorry for the rambling and whining,

03-05-18, 15:09
I have had HA for a long time, I am 46 and male. I also suffer from GERD and IBS. About a year ago I had some abnormal kidney results. They were not bad enough to take action but just to monitor. About 6 months ago I was in the emergency room with severe stomach pain. At that time they found some microscopic levels of blood in my urine. Nothing specific was found and and I felt better after several hours. I was retested for the blood in urine about 4 weeks later and none was found.

For at least a couple of months, I have been having bouts of nausea almost daily. Today, it is unbearable. I can barely function and the diarrhea is terrible. I feel like at any moment I could vomit. I am also having right flank pain.

I am sure something bad is coming for me. I know the end is near. All I think about is leaving my kids without a father or being a burden on my wife. I am completely consumed by this right now.

Sorry for the rant but I have no one else to talk to.

I feel so broken and weak.


---------- Post added at 09:09 ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 ----------

Sitting at work and feeling like I can do this anymore. I ate a little oatmeal and I feel a bit better but the flank pain is getting worse.

03-05-18, 17:54
Have you had the nausea and stomach stuff checked out by a doctor? When my anxiety was really bad, I was terribly nauseous and,like you, felt as though I was dying from something (probably cancer). I've been given the all clear many times, but it's so hard to be that state and believe it. You need to get help for the HA if you've been medically cleared. Nausea has many possible causes, most of them not serious (anxiety, gerd, etc...)

04-05-18, 04:28
I have not seen a doctor about this round of symptoms. I try really hard to not visit too often. I will keep up the good fight and I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

04-05-18, 12:41
Everyone with HA thinks something is killing them. That’s what HA is...fear of dying. Stop being afraid of dying and you’ll overcome your HA. That’s not my opinion, it’s my psych’s.

07-05-18, 14:49
For over a week I have been having pain on the right side of my stomach area just under the ribs that wraps around to my back. I have had loads of nausea and gas. I feel like something is very swollen. Bowel movements don't seem to help. I am falling apart a bit right now.


07-05-18, 15:11
You posted this last week:

For the last month or so I have had daily nausea and right sided flank pain.

That means you've been having this pain for close to 6 weeks. You said you have tests coming up. You also said you have GERD and IBS. I would bring up these symptoms when you see your doctor and see if there's anything that can help.

Positive thoughts

07-05-18, 15:43
I forgot it has been going on that long. More worried now. I really need to relax. I am not going to make it through the work day.

31-07-18, 21:36

Long time sufferer of HA. I am a 48 yr old male, maybe 15 pounds overweight, I exercise frequently (mostly running). I have had IBS and GERD for at 15 years. I had a colonoscopy about 10 years ago and it was fine. I take omeprazole daily for the GERD. About a year ago, I had a blood test and it said my egfr for kidney function was low but not to the point of needing to do anything besides monitor. (of course I freaked out and ended up in the ER) I had it tested again about 2 months ago and it was the same value as the previous year so that doctor has said wait and see.

For months I have had pain in my side. It is mostly right where my elbow would impact my side if I hung my arms straight down. It sometimes is felt more in the front right just below my ribs and other times it is more in my back on the right side below the ribs. The pain waxes and wains but I don't think it every goes away completely. With the IBS and GERD I have a history of bloating and constipation. The pain seems to be lessoned when I have a bowel movement but does not go away. I also frequently have a touch of nausea, but I never vomit.

Basically, I keep telling myself this is just IBS or GERD or both. I am very worried about the big C or kidney disease. This has been going on for months. I am not losing weight and I am still able to exercise.

Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom,

31-07-18, 21:38
It is probably muscular. I am being treated for a pain in that area too.

31-07-18, 21:41
I should add also that when I was in the ER back several months back, I had a CT scan of my stomach. Nothing was found but of course I don't know what they were lacking out. I was not there complaining of pain in my right side. Basically, I was having a panic attack and they did a ct scan because I said I was having general stomach pain and nausea.


---------- Post added at 15:41 ---------- Previous post was at 15:39 ----------


thanks for the response and thank you so much for this site. Mine seems deeper than muscular but I hope you are right. How did you determine your's was muscular?


31-07-18, 23:37
I went to see a doctor who then referred me to see the musculoskeletal practitioner who examined me.

Yours may not be but it was just something to explore.

01-08-18, 00:02
Poke the affected area. If it hurts more it is probably muscular. That's my logic anyway. Inflamed intercostal. I've had rib muscle and soft tissue pain for over 20 years. Take pain killers, rest up, do gentle exercise and if it gets a lot worse or lasts longer than 2 weeks see a doctor.

---------- Post added at 00:02 ---------- Previous post was at 00:00 ----------

p.s. I remember a time I had acid reflux, gastritis, and costochondritis all at the same time. It sucked.

20-09-18, 15:41
I am a long time sufferer of HA. I also have a low GFR for my kidneys. My doctor has had me on a wait and see for my kidneys, meaning they are not great but not so bad that they need treatment. Anyway, for several weeks my calves ache all the time. I don't see any swelling. I feel like they are one the edge of a cramp sometimes. I do run a few times a week but I have been doing that for years and I have not changed anything. Anyway, I am worried this is related to my kidneys or something else or some horrible nuero disease. Anyway, any responses would be greatly appreciated.


20-09-18, 15:44
I have never heard of kidney problems presenting as calf pain to be honest. How did you make that association?

20-09-18, 18:12
For me muscle pain occurs either prior to some virus or when I'm anxious about some made up medical condition of mine... and for some reason the calves always get it....

08-01-24, 02:12
[can you please update as to what happened? I am having the exact same issue. Waiting to see my dr in a couple days.

QUOTE=j2;1671901]I appreciate your blunt honesty. Logically I agree with you but emotionally I can not think of anything except a tragic outcome. I am trying to stay positive.[/QUOTE]