View Full Version : Really nervous about root canal tomorrow

20-09-18, 19:18
I will probably need a root canal tomorrow afternoon. I have been having pain in a tooth previously fitted with a crown, and when I saw my dentist today he got me an appointment with an endodontist for tomorrow to confirm and do the procedure. I've never been anxious about dental stuff - I've had so much done over the years. But, now that my health anxiety is bad I can't help but catastrophize on all the complications that can happen. My sinuses sit so close to the roots of my top teeth and I've been having so many issues with them lately that I'm worrying myself that there will be some complication with my sinuses, or some bad infection that spreads, etc... I hate anxiety.

20-09-18, 19:32
ErinKC - I can empathise with you on this one. I've had more dental work in my short life (only 25!) than the majority of people have had in their lifetime. I've had root canals, an extraction, fillings - you name it.

Thankfully though, my teeth look really good ha. So that's the only plus side. Also had them whitened and they're quite painful.

Anyway, root canal really isn't that bad. If there's any chance of an infection setting in, they'll probably prescribe you Metronidazole (Flagyl in the US I think).

You can ask your dentist to prescribe some Temazepam before procedures. They prefer this out of all the benzos because of its short half life, and rapid onset of action.

You'll be fine! Good luck

20-09-18, 19:53
I know things aren't always easy to say to ourselves, yeah it's fine. I know myself when my mind runs away with its self its hard to stop (currently on that at the moment)

I've had two done and my brother had like four..? Don't blame our Mam tho! We have a decay issue on our Dad side ��! I'm sure you'll be just fine. Just explain your worries before it's done and I'm sure they'll try and do their best to help you out! Good luck ����

20-09-18, 22:49
Erin I've had several root canals due to cracking my teeth while grinding them. Expensive habit! I've never felt a thing and it's just like having a filling but takes longer. Last time I'm ashamed to say I dropped off for a few minutes! Very embarrassing! Just tell the dentist your worries and he/she can reassure you. An endodontist has had extremely specialised treatment and will know exactly how to prevent any prospective complications

20-09-18, 23:20
Thanks every one. I feel so silly because I've had a root canal and it was no big deal. It was just long ago before I had anxiety. It ended up getting reinfected, so I needed a second procedure where they clean it out through the gum, and it got reinfected so I had it pulled... At the time this was like no big deal to me! Now I think about how much anxiety all that would give me!! Also, at the time my parents were paying and now I'd be on the hook for the bills!

20-09-18, 23:54
ErinKC - it's not silly because, I think, if something bothers someone enough to post, their concerns should be addressed and reassured, if it is within our capability to do so.

The last root canal I had, I genuinely felt nothing! I'd say getting my hair cut is a more painful experience haha.

And yeah - it's a horrible moment when your parents stop paying the bills. I know this only too well - 14 of my teeth are filled! Nine of which were done after my parents stopped paying!

(By the way - that 14 is NOT counting the fillings I've had on the surfaces of my front teeth)

21-09-18, 19:46
Thank you, RadioGaGa. I was really glad I had a therapy appointment tomorrow since I knew I'd be high anxiety... and the office just called to cancel because my therapist has a family emergency. Blarg.

---------- Post added at 16:46 ---------- Previous post was at 14:28 ----------

The endodontist said I don't need the root canal! Woohoo.