View Full Version : My head is going to pop off!

20-09-18, 19:34
Hi, I am new to the forum. 3 weeks ago I perforated my eardrum. I did pretty well with it until last Friday, I was at work, and got really dizzy! I'm petrified of dizzy!!!! (This has created that vicious cycle of Panic) My head has so much pressure, I feel shaky, nervous, weak, and still very light headed. I'm not quite sure if this is, do to the ear, or anxiety fueling this, or both! I just know I went to the doctor's and she says sinus. I've had sinus before, and nothing ever like this. If you read the symptoms of perforated ear drum dizzy is classic of this, but I am 3 1/2 weeks into this, why now all of the sudden? I also lost some hearing so this freaks me out, trying to balance where noises are actually coming from. I don't want to drive, I am petrified go to work, that it will happen again, and because I am so off balance. I did go today, and only made it a half day. I just try to get back up on the horse, but anxiety is winning the war!!!! Any help or advice would be so appreciated, thank you

20-09-18, 19:54
Hi, I am new to the forum. 3 weeks ago I perforated my eardrum. I did pretty well with it until last Friday, I was at work, and got really dizzy! I'm petrified of dizzy!!!! (This has created that vicious cycle of Panic) My head has so much pressure, I feel shaky, nervous, weak, and still very light headed. I'm not quite sure if this is, do to the ear, or anxiety fueling this, or both! I just know I went to the doctor's and she says sinus. I've had sinus before, and nothing ever like this. If you read the symptoms of perforated ear drum dizzy is classic of this, but I am 3 1/2 weeks into this, why now all of the sudden? I also lost some hearing so this freaks me out, trying to balance where noises are actually coming from. I don't want to drive, I am petrified go to work, that it will happen again, and because I am so off balance. I did go today, and only made it a half day. I just try to get back up on the horse, but anxiety is winning the war!!!! Any help or advice would be so appreciated, thank you

See about going to an ENT they can see about fixing the perferation. I had mine fixed years ago.

20-09-18, 20:06
Hi, thank you. When it first happen, it was a Sunday, no Doctors open of course! I went to an Urgent care, they said "Ah I think you perforated it but its bleeding its hard to tell" I wasn't comfortable with that so I went to my family Doctor, who immediately sent me to an ENT. Who did confirm the perforation, and stated to stop all meds, unless I get an infection! I called him, he said that the dizzy was unlikely from the ear. Everything I have read said it could happen, but like I said I'm 3 weeks in, so you think it would of happen then, not now. I'm petrified of Doctor's (white coat syndrome) and I've seem to have done all I can do at the moment. I see the ENT next week. Now I am afraid that something is really going on behind the ear drum. This is were Anxiety really starts to kick my butt!