View Full Version : acid reflux and effexor?

20-09-18, 21:58
has anyone had acid reflux with this med and did it go away? I have had acid reflux for 4 days now, and I'm wondering if it's from increasing my dosage? I have to keep taking Tums and i'm burping up like crazy.

Linda 10
21-09-18, 17:57
Sometimes when we are anxious we shallow breath and that can some times give us wind heartburn and burping I have suffered heartburn for years and take medication for it so I don't know if it's the ven as I had it before I started it if u read some of the posts from pinkdove some people do say they get h/ b from there meds Take care. Linda xx

24-09-18, 19:37
Thank you Linda10. I will check out pindove's posts. I've had it an and off for a week now. I really hope it's not the meds.

24-09-18, 20:32
I had it for a couple of weeks but it went away x

25-09-18, 15:16
Hi Jem 21,

You had acid reflux with the ven? Can I ask what dose you are on? Good to know it went away!

25-09-18, 19:47
Okay, so I don't really get acid reflux. It takes a lot for me to get it. I started effexor about two months ago and it seems to be helping a bit. Ever since I increased the dose I've had acid reflux. After looking back, I also started running and have been drinking more coffee than usual (I changed coffee brands). Now i find myself taking two tums a day. Does anyone else suffer from acid reflux? The doctor said effexor is not likely to give me acid reflux, but we did raise the dose.
Has anyone dealt with medication induced acid reflux and did it resolve. What do you take for it? Please help!:bighug1:

25-09-18, 19:49
The running and coffee could definitely be the culprit. I used to have to take tums before runs. I'd try to cut back on the coffee and see if that helps. But running could also definitely be exacerbating it.

25-09-18, 19:51
Ok, thanks ErinKC. I'm wondering if that's it. I just upped my dose and usually a run an hour or two after taking it. Can acid reflux last over a week (on and off). Yes, i will cut back on the coffee.

25-09-18, 20:03
Coffee and caffeine in general are huge triggers for reflux.

25-09-18, 20:28
Yes - it can last a long time if you don't eliminate the cause. I generally don't get reflux either, but will get random flares of it a few times a year if I'm really stressed, drink too much coffee, eat particularly poorly, etc... it can last for several weeks.

It's definitely possible that change in does is causing it and maybe after you adjust it will tone down. Try doing the tums right before you run and avoid coffee for a few days. Also, a bland diet for a few days can help, too - no acidic foods.

25-09-18, 20:45
thank you both for the advice! Yes, i will try to eliminate all acidic foods. Ughh.. we'll see what happens. thank you both.

25-09-18, 22:17
I had it on the 75 for a few weeks and also when I increased to 150 for a couple of weeks x

26-09-18, 16:57
Good to know, Thanks. I will try to keep going.

27-09-18, 16:17
It's been 2 1/2 weeks and still have acid reflux. It happens after I swallow my venlafaxine pill. I usually eat with it. I wonder if should eat before and then swallow the pill. Any tips? I'm worried that the reflux won't go away. I hate to keep taking TUMS. The pharmacist suggested Pepcid AC to control the reflux for a few weeks.

28-09-18, 15:05
So I'm still suffering with bad acid reflux. The doctor said I could take Pepcid ac. I am literally burping all day long (burping up an acidic taste- it's horrible). Coffee triggered the burping this morning, then I was rushing around trying to get ready and then came the acid reflux. My doctor switched my Effexor from capsules to tablets to see if that helps. She thought it might be worth a shot. If this doesn't go away, and I am going to have to switch meds again. So not fair- I finally found a med that helps a bit, and now this.

28-09-18, 15:07
So i'm still having burping and acid reflux. My doctor switched me from capsules to tablets to see if that helps at all. Right now I am taking an acid reducer. I don't want to take the acid reducer forever, so I sure hope my stomach acid settles and I can move on. Feeling down about this right now.

28-09-18, 15:14

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14-10-18, 15:48
I just upped my dose again. I have had acid reflux for 5 weeks straight and amhavr been taking an acid reducer for a few days now. It helps a lot but I can’t take it forever, right? Can anyone share stories of acid reflux with their meds. I’m started to worry