View Full Version : Scared of my Anxiety, trapped in my head

20-09-18, 22:24
Okay, so since July my anxiety has just gotten worse and worse. I had a lot of events going on which were making me anxious (going to my first cosplay con, going to some new places etc) but didn't think much of it because my anxiety can be bad at times. Then I noticed I was worrying more than usual about being sick again (emetophobia yay) and I kept getting my horrible tense throat on and off but again, I didn't think much of it.

I then started getting it before and after work and really dry mouth. it got really bad one day and I couldn't eat my breakfast before work and the anxiety was getting worse and worse and had a really bad panic attack. I thought it was just my period but Since then my anxiety is been really bad on and off when I eat and when I go to work and had a bad panic attack at work a few days ago so my manager sent me home (luckily I have understanding managers and people I work with) If i'm distracted i'm ok most of the time but as soon as I stop I start worrying again and I have to keep distracting myself when I eat dinner now because I start getting anxious , tight feeling in throat and feel sick and can't eat.

its driving me insane. I haven't been this bad in about 6 years and i'm really scared. I thought it might be the herbal tinctures that I take for my period but i've been taking them for 2 years and my herbalist said they shouldn't make anxiety worse. I don't know what to do, i'm so scared to go back to work tomorrow. i have such obsessive thoughts of being sick as well and I hate it, i feel so trapped in my head. The only relief I get is crying and sometimes rescue remedy...

I've emailed my local Mind Charity for anxiety and counselling but I haven't heard anything back yet. I don't want to go to the doctors as they will just tell me to ring my local wellbeing centre and be put on a long waiting list. Do I stop taking my herbal stuff? I just don't know what to do and i'm starting to loose it.

21-09-18, 14:26
I don't want to go to the doctors as they will just tell me to ring my local wellbeing centre and be put on a long waiting list.

NHS waiting times for therapy are horribly long, and varying on what area you're in, and the wait can be hard, but being on one means you're closer to getting professional help every day. I was waiting quite a long time, but I did find it something to hold onto that it was coming.

If you're in England you don't need to go to your doctor's, you can self-refer via IAPT (best found by Googling 'IAPT' plus your local authority).