View Full Version : Yellow eyes, waiting for blood tests.

21-09-18, 02:25
I'm inconsolable right now. I noticed the whites of my eyes were a tint of yellow yesterday as I looked in my rearview mirror while driving. Today I asked my friend how my eyes looked and he said a bit yellow, so I went to urgent care and the doctor confirmed they were yellow. They took blood to test my blood cell count, liver, pancreas and gallbladder. I'm so scared. Has anyone ever had yellow eyes before and it be because of something benign? I just keep thinking liver disease or something sinister with my pancreas and gallbladder. The doctor said it could also have to do with a reaction to a bunch of mosquito bites I got this past weekend. I don't know what to think right now.

21-09-18, 02:32
It could Be Gilbert’s syndrome.

22-09-18, 02:30
Labs came back. My red blood cell count was low and they are enlarged. The doctor thinks it could be an autoimmune disease where my immune system is attacking my red blood cells. She is referring me to a hemotologist for more tests and I'm seeing my PCP on Monday to talk more about it. The nurse said he suggesetes an ultrasound of my liver becasue of the yellowness in my eyes even though the urgent care doctor said my liver tests were normal. I can't stop thinking about this. I am very scared, all of this on the cusp of a big trip to Iceland next week with my girlfriend. :weep:

22-09-18, 03:48
At least you’re on the way to a diagnosis. I’m sure whatever it is they’ll be able to treat. It’s a tough break, but stay positive and keep going through the process.

24-09-18, 14:05
Thank you for the kind words and support. I have my appointment today with my PCP. I'm hoping it's something as simple as Gilbert's Syndrome. Reading about that there were factors in the description that I started within the last couple of weeks. Taking plant based organic protein and a strenuous leg workout day, which is something I never do. And being stressed obviously. Who knows. I cant stop thinking negatively and I'm trying to stay positive. I'm literally shaking at my work desk right now.

25-09-18, 22:34
Try to stay positive. I know it's terrifying but there are a lot of autoimmune disorders out there and so, so many people that live with them and are just fine. You may have to make a diet change or go on a medication, but it's probably something very simple and you'll be relieved at a diagnosis. Thankfully you seem to be in good hands and well on your way to one.

25-09-18, 23:22
Thank you for the kind words. They didn't find any concerns on the ultrasound but the radiologist wants met to get an MRI of my liver with the dye injection. My blood panels were back up to normal but my bilirubin and reticulocytes were still elevated, but steady. So idk what to think. At least my doctor said I could go in my trip.

25-09-18, 23:30
Thank you for the kind words. They didn't find any concerns on the ultrasound but the radiologist wants met to get an MRI of my liver with the dye injection. My blood panels were back up to normal but my bilirubin and reticulocytes were still elevated, but steady. So idk what to think. At least my doctor said I could go in my trip.

That’s good news that nothing seems any worse, and even better that you’ve been encouraged to go on your trip. Hopefully you’ll have a definite answer soon, but in the meantime have a great time in Iceland!

26-09-18, 04:03
Thank you! Just trusting the process, going step by step. I'm sure I'll become manic again once I go to the hematologist and in for my MRI. But until then I'll go day by day.

26-09-18, 04:23
I am glad to hear you are on a road to figuring this out! The fact that they said you could go on your trip is positive since they wouldn't if they were overly concerned. Taking it day by day is the best way to go and I wish you the best on your road to recovery!

26-09-18, 18:18
I agree the fact that they are encouraging you to continue with your vacation plans should make you breathe more easily.

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