View Full Version : Growing lymph node in neck, no infection!

21-09-18, 08:03
Struggling a bit with Anxiety at the moment....

About a month ago (18th August) one of my neck glands got swollen, under my jaw on the left side, and a very slight sore throat. Went to the Doctor, got penicillin. Over the next week the glands got worse, and felt like I had been punched in the face. Started running low fevers.

On the 24th August I went back to the doctor, and had a blood test and it showed slight infection. Also got tested for Glandular fever (mono), CMV and Toxoplasmosis. All came back negative.

Decided to go to the dentist, and found that there was a slight infection behind my wisdom tooth (also on the left hand side). I decided then and there to get them extracted, and they came out on the 29th of August.

Hard to know if that made much difference, as it was reasonably painful after the extraction.

Few weeks on, the lymph node is bigger, and i'm getting more face and now neck pain. Not running fevers, and a blood test on 18th of September shows no infection. The doctor has referred me to a ENT to take a closer look. I've got health insurance, but even the private system here has long waiting times. I called around all the ENT's in my city and managed to get an appointment for the 25th. Hope he takes me seriously (i'm sure he will). I'm not going to let myself get ignored!

I'm really worried it's lymphoma. I'm 24 which is prime time for Hodgkin lymphoma. Since it's not infection i'm really not sure what else it could be!

21-09-18, 11:45
If you had a blood test that showed up mild infections I would have thought it would have also have shown up something to iffy to investigate further if you had a lymphoma. It's a blood cancer.

Spotting dodgy nodes is pretty much doctor 101 and if they're not concerned you shouldn't be. If you're constantly checking and prodding you're not allowing them to recover and go down from doing their job - fighting infections.

While you're at the doctors' please consider mentioning the anxiety as this is likely to be the only serious illness you have.

25-09-18, 07:39
Went to ENT.

Checked ears, throat, and scope up the nose. Everything looked fine.

He mentioned the nodes, agreed they were slightly up but not a lot.

He couldn't find anything, but he is sending me for a CT scan of jaw and neck. He said there is a possibility of something with my jaw after the extraction, but that isn't his area of expertise. He will refer me on if that is the case. He also said there was the chance of chronically infected tonsils, and the CT will show that also.

I'm feeling calm now.

03-10-18, 08:20
Quick update;

Had the CT scan on head and neck today. Got me all nervous of the results. It's going to be a tough few days.

Last week the symptoms were less, but have come back this week :weep:

I think the gland has reduced in size, but still something not quite right on the left side of my neck / mouth / jaw.

I guess all I can do is wait!

09-10-18, 07:22
Had the results come back today - 'Fortunately the scan is completely normal.'

On one hand i'm relieved. On the other hand, I still have the symptoms! I'm going to ask the ENT what they would do if they were in my shoes.

09-10-18, 14:37
Had the results come back today - 'Fortunately the scan is completely normal.'

On one hand i'm relieved. On the other hand, I still have the symptoms! I'm going to ask the ENT what they would do if they were in my shoes.

He's going to say something to the effect like 'Keep an eye on it. If they get bigger, call'. Sadly, that just feeds the dragon. Stop poking, prodding and self-examination. They'll return to the size they're meant to be.

The bottom line in light of all the exams and tests is that you're healthy.

Positive thoughts

24-10-18, 06:13
Found three more nodes in my neck. Biggest is about 1cm, mobile, smooth and firm.

The doctor (normal doctor) has referred me for a FNA biopsy on the lumps.

I'm very panicked now.

24-10-18, 06:48
I’m so sick of lymph node anxiety. They are doing their job but MAN THEY ARE STRESSFUL. I hope everything turns out fine ! Anyways all your other test were clear!!!! That’s super reassuring! keep us updated okay

24-10-18, 07:08
Most people would be happy with a clear CT. I'm not sure these nodes were there when they did it though!

02-11-18, 05:32
Well, I went for my FNA, and the doctor doing it couldn't feel them and failed to get a sample. She directed me to an ultrasound.

I went for the ultrasound today, and the tech quickly found the lumps and measured them.

Two were 1cm by 0.3cm, and the other one was 0.7cm by 0.2cm.

All were 'flying saucer' shaped, and had lighter centers, which apparently is a sign of a healthy lymph node!

Negatives: - Firm.


- Don't appear to be growing much
- All under 1cm on the short axis
- Mobile
- Have lighter centers.

I think these are normal nodes, but will wait for the report next week. I'll give a final update (hopefully!) next week.

Not sure when my brain will stop messing around! Still have the face / mouth / neck pain (on the other side!). Wish that would stop!

02-11-18, 07:29
Those sizes sound perfect now you can relax !!!

18-07-19, 09:54
Digging up my old post to say a couple of things...

a) I'm alive and was silly for worrying. At the time I didn't think i'd be alive right now, guess I was really wrong.
b) Lumps are still there but don't bother me. They probably were there a long time before but never cared or realized.

Keep living the best life you can!