View Full Version : Muscle Cramping - MND/ALS fear

16-09-18, 21:33
EDIT - please read my latest post on page 2! Thank you

Hello all,

About three weeks ago my groin started to ache, I booked an appointment with my GP to have it looked at. Monday last week (so we’re 7 days in) my left leg started to ache badly, it was all day and it came on randomly. I made a note to mention it to my GP. Then I went down the Google rabbit hole and found myself in the ALS/MND area. I became obsessed and my serious health anxiety kicked in hard. On Wednesday my arm stared to feel numb and weak. This has progressed and now my left arms feels very heavy and weak, keeps flickering and now my two furthers left fingers feel very weird - numb, stiff and hard to move. I’ve also had random cramp in my right foot and other flickering. All of this over the past 7 days. I feel weak, this has all happened so quickly - last Sunday I was fine! This has mainly been in my left hand side of the body.

My GP said on Thursday that he didn’t know what was causing it but he didn’t think it was anything sinister. He’s booked some bloods in for Tuesday this week but said again he didn’t think it was anything to worry about. This hasn’t helped, this entire weekend I’ve been a mess and I’m really upsetting my wife. She has told me I’m fine, my mum has told me I’m fine and so has everyone else but nothing seems to work.

I have had panic attacks, lots of crying and been in a dark mood today. I have had health anxiety for many years now, it comes in peaks but I’m worried on a daily basis of death. This has been since I was a kid.

I’ve got another GP appointment this Thursday but feel like I need to see someone ASAP. I’m 29, have an amazing daughter and wife and she’s pregnant again. I am normally a happy person and don’t get down or anxious about anything. I just keep searching on the internet and convincing myself it could be something bad.

Any support, thoughts or links welcome. Just want to know I haven’t got ALS/MND and this is just health anxiety.

Thanks again and sorry for the long message.

16-09-18, 22:36
You don’t have ALS. It doesn’t cause pain, and if it started in your leg, you’d first notice when you started falling over. Could the responsibility of a new baby coming be triggering this?

17-09-18, 09:58
Thank you for the reply, really appreciated and I welcome any messages.

I know the ALS/MND is a rabbit hole many people have been through on this forum. It is so hard to get out of and especially hard when you are experiencing symptoms that you believe could be linked to this.

Today my left arm feels so weak, like led. I can still move it, I can still do stuff but it feels like such an hard effort. I'm currently at work and typing this feels so hard. I know people say you don't feel weakness when you have ALS/MND but then I've read people who have been diagnosed saying they felt like they had a weak arm or hand. It almost feels like my left arm isn't there, like it doesn't belong to me but everything I read on here says it can't be MND/ALS but I've searched out stories that suggest you do feel weakness. Why is this the case?

This health anxiety is horrible, I feel I can't function. Does anyone have any apps, podcasts or support that I can access today? Any suggestions, thoughts or reassurance is really appreciated. This forum is really helping.

17-09-18, 11:18
Hello all,

Firstly, I've posted this in the Health Anxiety forum and I've read the very good ALS sticky in that section of this amazing forum. I'm just hoping by posting here in this section of the forum I might find people who are suffering with the same symptoms as me and have come out the other side fine and now positive. Apologies for the rambling and long post.

About three weeks ago my groin didn't feel right, so I booked an appointment at my GP to discuss and make sure everything was ok. I was fine until Monday last week when I started to feel my left leg ache (24 hours a day) - this was random, came from nowhere and I don't know why it started. Due to my serious health anxiety I started to Google this and for some reason (and I don't even know why I went down this road) I found myself looking at MND/ALS symptoms. Leg ache wasn't on there list of symptoms but I kept looking, this is then how it progressed:

Tuesday: Left leg ache continued, more googling but I wasn't too bad

Wednesday: Left leg ache was really bad, walked around on it a lot of the day and it felt so tired. I googled more and more about ALS/MND (driving my poor Wife up the wall). Late Wednesday night, my left arm (mainly bicep) started to ache and feel weirdly numb.

Thursday: This is when it really started to kick in, the health anxiety and symptoms. My arm felt weak, numb and I had tingles. My bicep started twitching, I started to feel sick and my leg still had aches. I had a mini break down that evening with lots of tears and more Googling of MND/ALS symptoms.

Friday: I woke up feeling very depressed. My right leg had jerked when I was falling asleep the night before. My symptoms continued and then my two further left fingers felt numb, almost not attached to my body. My bicep still felt weak and I had a muscle flicker/twinge lower leg.

Saturday: Everything continued, it didn't get worse but it was the same as the day before. I was very aware of my biceps and hands feeling weird and weak.

Sunday: A very hard day. My left arm feels like led, the two left fingers I spoke about before felt so weak and stiff. My bicep feels likes its going to fall off, so numb. I cried and broke down a number of times, I got angry and frustrated and felt so down.

Monday: The hardest day - my arm feels so heavy, like I can hardly lift it. I keep getting random pains in bottom of my feet. My fingers feel so stiff, everything feels like an effort. I can hardly concentrate, my tongue feels numb and I feel like I can't speak properly. I keep getting cramp in my big toes.

I have a blood test booked for tomorrow and another GP appointment (about my health anxiety) on Thursday. I'm not taking anything yet though my GP has said I should go on some anti-depressants - I'm not sure I should though? I feel awful, I keep thinking that it can't be ALS/MDN or anything serious as these symptoms wouldn't come on quickly all in the same week would they? I've read so many ALS/MND articles, stories and websites that I can't stop worrying.

Any help, reassurance, support or links would be so appreciated.

Thank you

17-09-18, 11:24
I know personal somewho who had ALS. It was tramaic how quickly they went down hill with their symptoms.

If you search for something you'll always find. So if you are looking for a certain type of illness you'll find it. I'm guilt of that myself. I think we all are in a way.

I know everyone dealing with illness is different and I'm not a doctor. Just from experience of having lived with it so closely and what I saw of it. I know that doesn't make me a expert or anything.

I hope you feel better soon! That you find peace of mind and congratulations on the baby! ����

17-09-18, 11:41
Thank you for the reply and I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, that really is terrible.

I keep trying to be rational but wow it is so hard when you are down this hole isn't it?

17-09-18, 13:16
You used the word "feel" or a variation of it more than a dozen times in your post.

ALS is about failing not feeling. It's not feeling weak, it's the inability to perform. It's not that you have a harder time with lifting your arm, you can't lift it at all.

I suggest you read that stickie until those facts sink in :winks:

Positive thoughts

17-09-18, 13:39
You used the word "feel" or a variation of it more than a dozen times in your post.

ALS is about failing not feeling. It's not feeling week, it's the inability to perform. It's not that you have a harder time with lifting your arm, you can't lift it at all.

I suggest you read that stickie until those facts sink in :winks:

Positive thoughts

Thank you and thank you for that post, it really did help the other day. You seem like a great guy :yesyes:

I have an honest question though, I've read people who have MND/ALS say that the arm or hand felt weak - why do they use that word (felt/feel) or way of explaining it? Obviously the health anxiety really means you pick up on it and over analyse it but I did wonder why after I read the great post you put together.

17-09-18, 14:48
Thank you and thank you for that post, it really did help the other day. You seem like a great guy :yesyes:

I have an honest question though, I've read people who have MND/ALS say that the arm or hand felt weak - why do they use that word (felt/feel) or way of explaining it? Obviously the health anxiety really means you pick up on it and over analyse it but I did wonder why after I read the great post you put together.

That post is a C&P from the ALS forum. They ask all who join to read it. The "Do I have ALS" part of the forum is inundated with HAers. The same types of posts and patterns seen here. The people who respond, often having to do so using their eyes, have the patience of Saints!

Perhaps the answer to your question is because they "used" to be able to feel. It's like someone who's lost their site saying "I see" when speaking.

Positive thoughts

17-09-18, 14:59
Thank you for the response, you've been an amazing help.

19-09-18, 06:42
It’s 5am here and another day has started badly for me.

I’ve just woke up to look after my 18 month daughter. My entire left side aches, my left foot hurts with cramp as it has done most of yesterday, I feel sick and in pain (almost like a virus which I’m pretty sure I haven’t got) and my head feels heavy. I feel so weak, especially my left hand side. All my anxiety brain keeps on telling me how can this be just anxiety when I feel so physically terrible? This had come on so randomly.

Thank you for all the support and help.

---------- Post added at 06:42 ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 ----------

Now I feel like I can’t swallow properly, like food is getting stuck in my throat! This is a symptom of anxiety right? Real rough morning so far, finding it tough

19-09-18, 16:44
Hello. I tend to type a lot but I believe I can relate.

I had a really bad bout of anxiety thinking I had cancer in my brain or spinal cord in July-August. I ended up spending a lot on an MRI and it was all clear for that.

Immediately after that though, I started getting twitching. Mostly in my left calf. The twitching has spread all over my body and my left leg feels "weird" sometimes. I don't know if it's weakness but it's continued my panic, thinking I have ALS.

I'm saying this because it's somewhat similar to your symptoms and several other peoples' that I've read in my short amount of time on there.

The odds are against one of us having ALS or MND, much less all of us. It's a rare disease and rarer still for those under 40.

This fear, this anxiety can kill us, it can literally ruin our health, but it can also save us.

I have used my fear to motivate myself to remove a few "bad" things from my diet, and gradually I'd like to remove them all.

I've started yoga. I rationalized that if I fear death this much then I must truly enjoy life and being alive, and I should respect that.

I also started taking magnesium supplements in the past week. I think my symptoms have gotten more mild, but that could also be from me finally managing to get myself somewhat calmed down.

Just remember, this is a place for nervous people. I get nervous whenever the landline phone rings. I just assume everything is bad, bad news all around. For me, the more I talk about it the better it gets, but I understand that it's different for everyone.

tldr, Get the tests done if your mind is making you. Then try to find someone to talk to, use your anxiety to make a positive change.

You don't deserve the world anxiety is trying to build for you. Make your own.

19-09-18, 17:18
Thank you for taking the time to reply, it really does help and don’t worry it certainly wasn’t tldr! :D

I’ve been taking the tablets two days now, though the Dr said it would take a few weeks to build up and make any difference. Charity called Mind called up today after I applied online and sounds like (after a 45 minute consultation) I’ll be getting CBT which I’ve heard can help.

Just at the moment, everything seems a struggle. It isn’t one thing, it seems to be very single symptom in the book I can relate back to MND (however stupid that sounds). Today my flicks or muscle bubbles have been bothering me, like I notice every single one. Now both my legs feel so tired, like I’ve been doing exercise (has anyone else had this feeling when this anxiety kicks in?) and I feel so down. I also feel unbalanced, like I’m more to my right hand side. Two GPS have said it isn’t MND and I’m fine, why can’t I just accept that? It feels like I get a new symptom after every GP appointment.

I just need constant reassurance I don’t have ALS/MND, I don’t have something else major wrong with me and this really is anxiety from the original ache and google. This forum is an outlet for me as I can’t keep asking for it from my poor wife who is doing so great in listening to me. I just can’t understand why my left hand side feels so weak (arm and leg) and how that really IS just my health anxiety.

Thanks again.

20-09-18, 01:10
Thank you for taking the time to reply, it really does help and don’t worry it certainly wasn’t tldr! :D

I’ve been taking the tablets two days now, though the Dr said it would take a few weeks to build up and make any difference. Charity called Mind called up today after I applied online and sounds like (after a 45 minute consultation) I’ll be getting CBT which I’ve heard can help.

Just at the moment, everything seems a struggle. It isn’t one thing, it seems to be very single symptom in the book I can relate back to MND (however stupid that sounds). Today my flicks or muscle bubbles have been bothering me, like I notice every single one. Now both my legs feel so tired, like I’ve been doing exercise (has anyone else had this feeling when this anxiety kicks in?) and I feel so down. I also feel unbalanced, like I’m more to my right hand side. Two GPS have said it isn’t MND and I’m fine, why can’t I just accept that? It feels like I get a new symptom after every GP appointment.

I just need constant reassurance I don’t have ALS/MND, I don’t have something else major wrong with me and this really is anxiety from the original ache and google. This forum is an outlet for me as I can’t keep asking for it from my poor wife who is doing so great in listening to me. I just can’t understand why my left hand side feels so weak (arm and leg) and how that really IS just my health anxiety.

Thanks again.

Believe me, I know exactly the feeling of "needing to be reassured it's not (blank)."

The only thing that works for me, and it's different for everyone, is to just take my mind off it, whatever it takes. Exercise has wonderful benefits if you can do that. Look into very basic yoga on Youtube. Drink way more water than you think you should. Listen to music. Remove yourself from that train of thought.

21-09-18, 10:37
Hello all,

If you look through my posts I’m going through a very bad bout of health anxiety (since Mondalast week) since my leg started to ache. This forum has been a wonderful help, the sticky in the part of the forum is great and I’ve really appreciated the replies. I’ve even found an old post with replies from a user called Hancock who also really helped.

However, today is another rough day and I’m hoping you can help me. As I say it started a week ago Tuesday with a constant entire left leg ache. I did the typical health anxiety sufferer thing of googling symptoms. I don’t know how or why but I found myself looking at MND (ALS) and things progressed from there. Since then, things have progressed. Two GPs have said (in different ways) I’m fine - first one did some simple tests, said he didn’t think it was anything sinister but would order some blood tests (still waiting for results, only went this week) and he expects them to be fine. The second GP said it was “just” anxiety, it wasn’t MND. I’m now taking 50mg (4th day) of sertraline and I have started the process of getting some CBT - I am trying to sort this anxiety out which I’ve had since I was a kid on and off.

Anyway, I keep on coming on here on a daily basis to reassure me but I’m hoping some of you can do that by replying to this thread. Last few days, I’ve been getting cramping feeling I’m my hands (especially left), in my feet (toes and bottom) and now in the back of my right calf. I can’t see any threads on here talking about that when it comes to this fear :( it’s not full on cramp where you can’t move, more of a pain like a feeling of a lump that might go into full cramp. Anyone else had this related to this fear or health anxiety? I can still move around, I played football the other day (though got tired quicker than normal) and it seems to be there all day.

My other symptoms are:

- muscle bubbles/twitches which which mainly were in my left arm and now seem to be in other places such as legs
- I feel weak, I fatigue much quicker than normal (no clinical weakness though)
- I feel unsteady on my feet, weak legs
- headache and nausea (think this is the tablets though)
- tight and tense muscles
- hands and feet ache, feels stiff but able to hold and bend etc
- get tired quickly
- feels like I have a lump in my throat, had to swollow though and apitite is off

I think that’s it, hard to tell now as everything goes into one. The problem with this fear is if you look at the NHS website it keeps the symptoms vague enough to worry. I also have ready stories with people saying they felt tired or had weakness or felt stiff and it just brings back the health anxiety.

Any replies, support or links are appreciated. Just need some reassurance this isn’t anything bad and really is health anxiety.

Thank you.

---------- Post added at 09:52 ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 ----------

Sorry, I also feel out of breath quicker than normal

---------- Post added at 10:37 ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 ----------

Currently it’s the muscle cramp that’s really worrying me today as I remember reading it could be a first symptom - it’s only mild, not like cramp I’ve had before where you can’t move like after a heavy night out. People don’t say how bad the cramp has to be to be worrying, or if it’s all the time or not (when it is symptom) - does anyone have info into this? I don’t want to google! I’m waking up with it and having it mild all day (I can still function). Had it for about 4 days.

The sticky doesn’t talk about muscle cramps :(

Thank you all again

21-09-18, 10:40

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


21-09-18, 10:43
No worries, sorry I thought nobody would see my new post :( if anyone can read the most recent post above and reply it would appreciated

21-09-18, 13:08
The sticky doesn’t talk about muscle cramps :(

Because it's not a symptom. ALS is about "failure" not "feeling". You "feel" a cramp. With ALS, your muscle wouldn't be able to cramp up. You're also on an anxiety website talking about what in reality are anxiety symptoms :shrug:

You're taking action to treat your anxiety so hang in there, let the meds start working and work on the CBT when it starts.

Positive thoughts

21-09-18, 13:16
Thank you for taking the time to reply, I understand how frustrating it must be for you and others when you’ve seen this before.

My confusion comes when I read on the NHS website that an early symptom of MND/ALS could be muscle cramps or twinges. Does it always come with objective weakness?

Sorry for more questions! The replies and support really help.

21-09-18, 14:59
LD... here's the deal. You don't have ALS (.) period. I'll bet my salary on it. Stop Googling! Keep taking your meds and work on your anxiety. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211324)

Positive thoughts

21-09-18, 15:38

Thank you, you are an amazing individual and this forum is lucky (if that’s the right word) to have you.

25-09-18, 13:52
LD... here's the deal. You don't have ALS (.) period. I'll bet my salary on it. Stop Googling! Keep taking your meds and work on your anxiety. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211324)

Positive thoughts

Hey, I know we made this deal but I'm back with a question for the forum! Hope you or anyone else can put my mind at rest.

Went to another GP's appointment today, first to ask about my blood tests (which were fine, I wasn't shocked) and then go through my symptoms again as the medication (50mg sertraline) hasn't really kicked in yet and I'm still feel anxious and depressed.

I went through all of my symptoms in order (e.g. ache in left leg and arm, twitches all over the body - mainly leg and arms, feeling of weakness at times, dry mouth, want to swallow lots, feeling of lump in throat, cramp like feeling in big toes, nausea, headaches, fatigue, tiredness and stiff feeling in some fingers) and she did some strength tests and reflex tests on me (first time for reflex). She also did this thing where she sort of ran something sharp up the bottom of my foot (any ideas?).

Anyway, she basically said she couldn't find anything clinically wrong (strength was fine, full range of movement) but she did mention I had quite brisk reflexes but they were on both sides (symmetrical), obviously if you Google I know what will come up so has anyone else been told this? Is this something to worry about or is it good as it is symmetrical? She wasn't concerned, told me she didn't think it was MND (two Drs have said that, first one said it wasn't full stop) and said to come back in 2 weeks to see how the Sertraline was working/symptoms/side effects. I can't help but worry about the brisk reflexes comment and my twitching has gone up big time today, specially in one muscle in my thigh. Any thoughts and support?

Thanks all again :bighug1:

25-09-18, 18:17
Anyone? Please :blush:

29-09-18, 16:05
Hi LDHarv,

I had almost exactly this same thing a year ago. It was awful. One of the worst HA episodes of my life; went on for four months before it resolved. I had the feeling-of-weakness in my legs and right arm, weird feelings in fingers, cramping, twitching. For a while I was sure I had ALS, until I got rational about it. Then was sure I had something else, but that certainty also disappeared. I was going through a period of terrible stress (evicted, breakup of major relationship, major changes at work) and it all makes sense in retrospect. Your situation sounds eerily similar to mine.

My doctor put me on Paxil -- a low dose daily, and I've been on it ever since. Made the problem go away, and it has been gone since. It's anxiety, not ALS. Anxiety can cause all these things even though that seems counter-intuitive. Anxiety can make your body hold tension in ways you don't even realize, and then your body complains by feeling tired, weak, cramping, tingling, etc.

You don't have ALS. Only one person in 50,000 gets it anyway, and in your age group it's probably more like one in a million. And if you did have it you would have weakness that literally never gets better, only worse. You wouldn't be able to pick up a cup of tea. It's much more than just an off-and-on feeling of being tired or weak or twitchy.

Those anti-depressants can be magical. I was grateful to my doc for prescribing one for me.


30-09-18, 07:03
Thank you for taking the time to reply, it really is appreciated.

Muscle twinges have calmed down recently but still get them. Mainly left hand side but can happen anywhere. Today’s worry is the ache/pain in my left hand, arm and leg. The stiff/tight muscle feeling in my foot/big toe as well.

Week 3 of this crap now, really getting me down. Just want to feel well again!

The support and reassurance from this forum is super appreciated.

---------- Post added at 07:03 ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 ----------

Should add, I’m nearly at two weeks of the drugs. I’m hoping the side effects finally stop! The anxiety levels have gone down but still feel depressed at times.

04-10-18, 15:26
Als doesn’t present with pain, especially consistent pain, numbness either. ALS will hit you like a truck and you’ll know something is terribly wrong when it hits. Usually starts off with clinical weakness, like a foot that won’t lift. I have this same anxiety as well and rationally speaking, id rather have your symptoms over mine, 100%.

One more thing: weakness in als doesn’t go away and doesn’t move from one body part day to day, it will present, get worse, and it will never go away.

06-10-18, 09:14
Hi LDHarv,

I had almost exactly this same thing a year ago. It was awful. One of the worst HA episodes of my life; went on for four months before it resolved. I had the feeling-of-weakness in my legs and right arm, weird feelings in fingers, cramping, twitching. For a while I was sure I had ALS, until I got rational about it. Then was sure I had something else, but that certainty also disappeared. I was going through a period of terrible stress (evicted, breakup of major relationship, major changes at work) and it all makes sense in retrospect. Your situation sounds eerily similar to mine.

My doctor put me on Paxil -- a low dose daily, and I've been on it ever since. Made the problem go away, and it has been gone since. It's anxiety, not ALS. Anxiety can cause all these things even though that seems counter-intuitive. Anxiety can make your body hold tension in ways you don't even realize, and then your body complains by feeling tired, weak, cramping, tingling, etc.

You don't have ALS. Only one person in 50,000 gets it anyway, and in your age group it's probably more like one in a million. And if you did have it you would have weakness that literally never gets better, only worse. You wouldn't be able to pick up a cup of tea. It's much more than just an off-and-on feeling of being tired or weak or twitchy.

Those anti-depressants can be magical. I was grateful to my doc for prescribing one for me.


Als doesn’t present with pain, especially consistent pain, numbness either. ALS will hit you like a truck and you’ll know something is terribly wrong when it hits. Usually starts off with clinical weakness, like a foot that won’t lift. I have this same anxiety as well and rationally speaking, id rather have your symptoms over mine, 100%.

One more thing: weakness in als doesn’t go away and doesn’t move from one body part day to day, it will present, get worse, and it will never go away.

I'd really like to thank you for posts like these. I have similar anxiety and my mind goes to great lengths to make it think it's a fatal illness.

I keep hoping it'll go away and it seems to almost go away and then there it is again. At least my feet aren't cramping anymore.

HA is FAR from the worst thing in the world but I don't wish it on anyone, and talking in places like this forum is very helpful I think.

07-10-18, 05:02
I get really rabid twitches at least four times a month but nothing appalling has came of them yet thankfully, I sit for hours in the same pose like a fool when I get engrossed in stuff at the laptop or tv screen so that's the problem most of the time and sleeping poorly or overexerting during exercise or walks. When you are swept up in a panicked frenzy and your mind goes spiralling and branching into overdrive it's never simple to pluck out less dramatic and terrible explanations however.