View Full Version : Flying, BP & anxiety

21-09-18, 17:28
is it normal for your blood pressure to shoot up a week or less before flying. my bp is controlled by meds and 125/80 but i go on a flight next week and today morning was ok but the more i thought of flying (which i do not like) it was between 140- 170/90-110 at dinnertime, i usually check only morning and bedtime so im unsure as i know BP does rise during the day so i only occasionly measure it during day but highest before now was 140/88

21-09-18, 21:06
Anxiety can cause an increase in BP, so your dislike of flying is probably making you anxious. It is important to take your BP at around the same time every day and when you are at rest ... if it is 125/80 at those times, then the 140-170/90-110 may just be transient blips.

I am taking citalopram for anxiety/panic and, during the initial startup period, my BP was high enough that my GP prescribed meds. After 10-12 weeks, citalopram kicked in and my anxiety dropped down to 120/70 and I weaned off the meds.

22-09-18, 08:41
thanks, yes i will take today at 9am as always and no more - you know what its like when you have a machine, you can become obsessed with it. mine was 200/110 and im on up to 10mg and 1 dueretic

hopefully its back down - well fingers crossed

---------- Post added at 08:41 ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 ----------

125/83 at 830 as took meds at 7 so looking good

23-09-18, 08:38
today was 127/77 so i well happy and now looking forward to going away


23-09-18, 12:59
having an attack tho right now , heart racing, light headed and banging headache so trying not to do my BP now as i really think it is just from my fear of flying

28-09-18, 22:00
Well im here. Still have mild anxiety but otherwise ok

29-09-18, 19:24
Glad to see that your BP is down ... hopefully, things will stabilize after your fight is over. This experience should help you cope with future flights :).