View Full Version : Can you tell me about your HA?

21-09-18, 18:31
Hi, I am new here, and I have been reading all the great tips, and articles on Health Anxiety. (Lucky I found this site) and many stories. I have to say, it is so nice to know that I am not alone with this curse. I have done enough therapy in my life to know where mine is stemming from, but never have learned how to quite combat it! I'm not sure if I feel I'm being punished for something in life, or what? But I always try to be positive, I try to be the best person I can be, I am the kindest, most caring person, but when it comes to me, I am always beating my self up with some kind of illness! I do really have a perforated eardrum,(confirmed, not imagined) but for me its not just that of course!!!! I feel terrible, really dizzy, light headed, and so on, so of course I believe there is an infection on the other side of the eardrum that they are missing, because they can't see in there. I know this sounds crazy, but I can't stop, those wondering thoughts! This has really taken over my life at this point! Can you please tell me some of your Anxiety, and how you overcame them if you did? Thank you

21-09-18, 21:45
I'm slightly similar where I've been confirmed to have a mild concussion, I've just had a headache for a few days, but the past 24 hours i've been feeling dizzy/light-headed. I know it's anxiety but I'm struggling to calm down. I just try remember that my anxious feelings in the past have all eventually faded away.

21-09-18, 23:59
Oh noooo! So sorry you have a concussion! yup, I would be freaking out about that also! Hope you feel better soon, and thank you for sharing.

26-09-18, 14:31
Hope you feel better also!

26-09-18, 22:42
Thank you, so much! :)

27-09-18, 04:19
I'm not sure if I feel I'm being punished for something in life, or what? But I always try to be positive, I try to be the best person I can be, I am the kindest, most caring person, but when it comes to me, I am always beating my self up with some kind of illness!

I can sooo relate to this! I feel like if I do anything slightly wrong in life, I'm going to get punished with some horrible illness. I think a lot of my anxiety stems from guilt over really silly little things, and just manifests as health anxiety. I know far worse people than myself who never have anything go wrong, so my logic is terrible, but I guess I just want to be a perfectly wonderful person who never messes up... which no one can ever be.

27-09-18, 06:53
My anxiety is awful at the moment and is always based around my health.
My daily symptoms leave me absolutely petrified at times. The symptoms I get are:

Chest pain
Feel like I can’t breathe properly
Fast heart rate
Skipped heart beats (I feel it happen because it takes my breathe away)
Pain in my the top of my head which feels like a knife is stuck in me
Dizzy/off balance
Feel like know I’m going to faint
A strange feeling over my body
Tingles in various places of my body

Im so sick of living like this but I don’t know how to get rid of these symptoms. I go to the doctors and as soon as they see on my file that I suffer with anxiety they put everything down to that. I don’t feel like they are talking the correct steps to resolve the symptoms.

28-09-18, 02:44
Hi Crevan, and punkprincess19. This just stinks! It is not fun. I jump from one thing to another also. Hate it! Doctors are quick to blowing stuff off as anxiety! Luckily I have a Doctor that understands, and will test to be sure all is clear, before passing it off as anxiety! I do trust her, and feel great for a bit, till the next symptom strikes, and it's back to square one. It is so complicated, we know we do it, but yet the power of the mind is so strong, it's very hard to change. :weep: the symptoms are so real, no wonder it freaks us out! I get optical migraines, they freak me out, if my husband got one it wouldn't even bother him! I don't know how not to let it bother me, ( I wish, I did!) it's scary not to be able to see for 20 minutes. I'm petrified of dying, and my husband is not! Maybe that's the difference. I hope someday I figure it out, until then, I'll keep trying to fight it! It's exhausting! I hope you all feel better, but know your not alone, and I always be around to talk :bighug1: