View Full Version : Going to the doctor too much?

21-09-18, 21:59
Just went to my primary care doctor as a follow up, but lately I been feeling like I’m going to the doctor too much.
I went to her first about this coughing problem (got a barium swallow done) she said the test results were fine but she didn’t tell me everything was okay. Instead she told me to go see and ENT.
When I went in to get the coughing check out, I have abnormally high heart rate which I got an ekg/blood test done. Today she said everything was fine except for this shorter segment on a graph (didn’t really understand but it has something to do with EKG), I was like oh okay, is this something I should be concern about. My primary care doctor still avoided the question and refer me to go see a heart specialist...
Should I go see the specialist(s) even though everything was okay with my test results. I do have Medicaid so I don’t pay but I’m just feel like I been to the doctor so much these past two months and had several test(s) done.

---------- Post added at 16:59 ---------- Previous post was at 16:54 ----------

When I meant she told me everything was fine, I meant the test results look mostly normal

21-09-18, 22:04
Before going to the cardiologist I would call your primary and ask her to really explain exactly what she saw and why she referred you.

22-09-18, 00:19
Before going to the cardiologist I would call your primary and ask her to really explain exactly what she saw and why she referred you.

She doesn’t know why my heart rate is abnormal fast (both times I went in and she took my heart rate), the ekg only reveal I have a short pr segment. When I ask I should be concern about it, she didn’t really give like a yes or no but said that she can refer me to a cardiologist.

22-09-18, 17:26