View Full Version : Scared it’s cancer

22-09-18, 01:45
The past month I’ve been feeling tired more than usual. This is a different kind of fatigue like unbearable I just want to sleep all the time. I’ve read this could be cancer fatigue and I’ve prety much ruled out all other causes...

22-09-18, 01:53
The past month I’ve been feeling tired more than usual. This is a different kind of fatigue like unbearable I just want to sleep all the time. I’ve read this could be cancer fatigue and I’ve prety much ruled out all other causes...

Welcome back Hypo. How’s the esophageal cancer? How about the cough?

22-09-18, 02:03
I've been suffering on & off with fatigue over the last few years. There are many possible reasons other than cancer which are very common and one of them is easily mental health disorders.

22-09-18, 02:16
HYPO!!! What did your throat issues end up being?

02-10-18, 15:40
The tiredness just keeps getting worse this has to be cancer I feel so bad.... I’ve been told by strangers that I look really tired. No matter how much sleep I get I feel drained. I’ve still been having the pain between the shoulder blades and I’ve also had lower back pain that has gotten worse the past couple months. I’ve also had diarrhea of and on for the past month along with flushing and fast heart episodes which I’ve read could be carcinoid cancer. I see a endocrinologist Thursday because I had really low testosterone levels and it’s unusual for someone my age to have low t levels I’m only 28. Do you guys think it could be cancer of some sort?

---------- Post added at 14:40 ---------- Previous post was at 13:48 ----------

The only thing that has turned up on test results has been the low testosterone which is being treated and mild low iron. I had a ct scan of my stomach and pelvis about 5 months ago which was normal. Idk I just want to know why I feel so bad I’m so tired of suffering :weep:...

02-10-18, 15:55
I have been tired for ten years, still here and kicking. Anxiety also makes you tired, and low testosterone can make you tired too. I have lower testosterone just because I am pushing 50. Look into that a bit with your GP, nothing sinister but there are things you can do to fix it and it could well be the culprit.

02-10-18, 16:05
The past month I’ve been feeling tired more than usual. This is a different kind of fatigue like unbearable I just want to sleep all the time. I’ve read this could be cancer fatigue and I’ve prety much ruled out all other causes...

Welcome back hypo. Knew it wouldn't be long. Anyways, my aunt has cancer and there is a difference between tired and cancer tired. My aunt was unable to even feed herself and oftern times was too tired to cook or move.

02-10-18, 16:08
Welcome back hypo. Knew it wouldn't be long. Anyways, my aunt has cancer and there is a difference between tired and cancer tired. My aunt was unable to even feed herself and oftern times was too tired to cook or move.

That’s seriously how I feel I don’t even wanna move half the time and I’m always in pain...

02-10-18, 16:33
I've had illnesses that have had me bedridden for weeks at a time. A week in hospital with pneumonia, on top of asthma, which was largely spent in bed at first. Then a couple of months later I was going back to college and found myself crawling up the stairs to bed. That was another month or so resting. It turned out to be a low platelet count connected to the strain the pneumonia put on my body.

Ever had glandular fever? I remember once a college mate collapsing face down in a pint of beer then off for weeks as he didn't know he had that.

There are still many disorders that can make you fatigued. Not just cancer. Mental health is a well known category that comes with this (just think depression and how bad that gets for some), remember neurotransmitters being messed around can cause many symptoms in the body which can range into the severe.

So you can't argue only cancer does this because there are many illnesses that also cause fatigue that can be as bad as someone going through exhausting treatments like chemo.

I'm not a HAer. I've had many months of fatigue. Some days I just wanted to lie down on the pavement in the rain because I was so tired. I've done the weeks in bed stuff, so did my dad when he had depression.

02-10-18, 16:38
I've had illnesses that have had me bedridden for weeks at a time. A week in hospital with pneumonia, on top of asthma, which was largely spent in bed at first. Then a couple of months later I was going back to college and found myself crawling up the stairs to bed. That was another month or so resting. It turned out to be a low platelet count connected to the strain the pneumonia put on my body.

Ever had glandular fever? I remember once a college mate collapsing face down in a pint of beer then off for weeks as he didn't know he had that.

There are still many disorders that can make you fatigued. Not just cancer. Mental health is a well known category that comes with this (just think depression and how bad that gets for some), remember neurotransmitters being messed around can cause many symptoms in the body which can range into the severe.

So you can't argue only cancer does this because there are many illnesses that also cause fatigue that can be as bad as someone going through exhausting treatments like chemo.

I'm not a HAer. I've had many months of fatigue. Some days I just wanted to lie down on the pavement in the rain because I was so tired. I've done the weeks in bed stuff, so did my dad when he had depression.

I’ve had fatigue for months now though that’s what really worries me and it’s only getting worse along with the pain in my back..

02-10-18, 16:52
I’ve had fatigue for months now though that’s what really worries me and it’s only getting worse along with the pain in my back..

I realise this and it's an unpleasant experience but it's not enough to say cancer. There could be other reasons which are quite reasonable to see your GP about. There may be more than one issue.

You said you read this is a symptom of cancer. But people with cancer can vary greatly and it can be the treatments themselves that cause massive fatigue. Yu could have just as easily read about other disorders that include fatigue and worried about them too so doesn't this suggest biased thinking?

02-10-18, 18:23
I’ve had fatigue for months now though that’s what really worries me and it’s only getting worse along with the pain in my back..

Chronic pain can cause depression which in turn can create tiredness. Why does everything with you have to be cancer ? If you actually had cancer, you would probably be too tired to be spending time posting on a message board. Before my aunts diagonsis she at times could not cook for herself let alone get out of bed.

02-10-18, 19:34
The amount of pain I’m in today has to signal something serious... The pain between my shoulders keeps like migrating into my right shoulder blade and down into my lumbar spine. Could it be spinal cancer like lymphoma?

02-10-18, 19:42
So you pick a type of lymphoma that represents less than 1% of all lymphomas? Interesting. Ok then.....

You know I'm a survivor. I'll leave it at that....

Positive thoughts

02-10-18, 19:55
The amount of pain I’m in today has to signal something serious... The pain between my shoulders keeps like migrating into my right shoulder blade and down into my lumbar spine. Could it be spinal cancer like lymphoma?

So you also chose a cancer that has to do with your lymph nodes which is unusual, pain especially in that area has nothing to do with cancer. Guess what? I had something to the pain you say you have. Wanna guess what it was ?? neck pain from a pinched nerve.

02-10-18, 21:51
I see the endocrinologist Thursday should I mention the pain and everything to him or should I wait and see my pcp next week? I’m just really worried I feel so bad s d ha r no energy or motivation at all :(. Should I go to the er about this?

---------- Post added at 20:41 ---------- Previous post was at 20:39 ----------

Could they do a ct scan of my spine?

---------- Post added at 20:51 ---------- Previous post was at 20:41 ----------

Another big reason I think this could be cancer is because I’m itching in my neck and down my arms in my bones are aching maybe bone cancer?

02-10-18, 23:30
I see the endocrinologist Thursday should I mention the pain and everything to him or should I wait and see my pcp next week? I’m just really worried I feel so bad s d ha r no energy or motivation at all :(. Should I go to the er about this?

---------- Post added at 20:41 ---------- Previous post was at 20:39 ----------

Could they do a ct scan of my spine?

---------- Post added at 20:51 ---------- Previous post was at 20:41 ----------

Another big reason I think this could be cancer is because I’m itching in my neck and down my arms in my bones are aching maybe bone cancer?

So now you have gone from lymphoma to bone cancer? Didn't you claim you had esophageal cancer a few weeks ago ? Don't go to the ER it is a waste of time and resources better spent on someone whom needs it.

03-10-18, 01:55
The amount of pain I’m in today has to signal something serious... The pain between my shoulders keeps like migrating into my right shoulder blade and down into my lumbar spine. Could it be spinal cancer like lymphoma?

Maybe, but why cancer? Have you ever known anyone who has bad backs? I can remember coming home from school to find my dad crawling around on the floor like a lizard because his sciatica had flared up at work (he had a heavy manual labour job). He spent days living downstairs unable to even sit up.

He's not the only one with sciatica that has had that experience from others I've spoken too. I had sciatica myself and it took over a year to get most of it sorted. The first two months sitting down was unpleasant.

A guy I used to work with was born with a curvature of the spine and occasionally he would have problems with it. He didn't want to risk surgery so lived with these flare ups. He said when it happens he spends anything up to two weeks on the floor and has to sleep on the kitchen floor. His wife has to just leave him down there.

So, there's two more examples of how back pain can cause problems that are chronic and more severe. And there will be people who go through much worse with such things, maybe some even on here.

How a best mate I had years ago who had suffered malaria when in the forces and occasionally he would have a mild flare up of it. The fatigue was so bad he would need two weeks off to spend lying down.

You might say these are more short term things compared to yours but there are many people who suffer chronic symptoms from many illnesses. They don't have cancer. Their conditions may or may not be progressive in nature. But their symptoms are still debilitating. How many may be disabled due to them?

Not cancer.

You should tell your doctors everything and let them judge what is important. What does withholding information achieve? They will make up their own minds.

03-10-18, 02:30
I just read a super interesting article recently about fatigue caused by sinus infections. I must have had one for many weeks before I finally went to the doctor. I took 7 days of antibiotics and I was literally like a new person. I woke up for the first time in weeks not feeling like I couldn't even open my eyes or lift my body from the bed. The article was about at study that found fatigue is actually the best indicator of sinus infections - more so than the pain that's normally the first diagnostic tool.

I say this both to suggest maybe you should look into that since you've had a lot of throat stuff - maybe postnasal? And also because it's an example of how something totally innocuous can cause really serious fatigue. The doctor in the article said he'd ask people if they'd been feeling tired and some would burst into tears because they were so relieved to find a reason for why they felt so awful.

03-10-18, 12:21
Have you been tested for Lyme disease? Those are classic lyme disease symptoms.

03-10-18, 13:50
Yeah I was just checked for Lyme a couple months ago. I just have a really bad feeling that this is really bad... I’m worse today I feel like I’m coming down with something along with the back pain which really makes me fear cancer... My lumbar part of my back is really sore to the touch and I’m aching between my shoulder blades still and I feel so drained....

03-10-18, 16:22
It’s anxiety man. Pure and simple, muscle tension from anxiety.

03-10-18, 17:09
It’s anxiety man. Pure and simple, muscle tension from anxiety.

I just don’t know about that because I’m seriously so tired and drained feeling and I’ve felt this way for months...

03-10-18, 17:31
What are you doing about the anxiety?

03-10-18, 17:32
I just don’t know about that because I’m seriously so tired and drained feeling and I’ve felt this way for months...

The mind is a powerful thing. I’ve been a weekend binge drinker for years...all of a sudden I started worrying about my liver a couple years ago. Within 2 weeks I developed right side pain. 6 months later I got a clear CT and good liver panel blood test...lo and behold the pain went away immediately.

03-10-18, 18:00
The mind is a powerful thing. I’ve been a weekend binge drinker for years...all of a sudden I started worrying about my liver a couple years ago. Within 2 weeks I developed right side pain. 6 months later I got a clear CT and good liver panel blood test...lo and behold the pain went away immediately.

I agree that the mind can do crazy things but I’m telling you I just want to close my eyes 24/7 I’m just so tired :( deep down I know there is a chance this could be cancer....

---------- Post added at 17:00 ---------- Previous post was at 16:51 ----------

I’m sorry guys I shouldn’t even be posting here I’m just so worried and scared as to why I feel so tired...

03-10-18, 18:02
Have you had blood tests for anemia, low B12 etc?

I think most people with anxiety are tired a lot of the time to be honest.

03-10-18, 18:28
Have you had blood tests for anemia, low B12 etc?

I think most people with anxiety are tired a lot of the time to be honest.

Yeah I just had some blood work done recently and my blood count and everything was within normal range but had mild iron deficiency and I also had b-12 checked which was also normal.

---------- Post added at 17:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:06 ----------

I don’t get to see my pcp until Monday I just don’t know if I can make it till then. If my vitamins and thyroid and all that are good what else could make me feel so tired besides cancer....

03-10-18, 18:28
I agree that the mind can do crazy things but I’m telling you I just want to close my eyes 24/7 I’m just so tired :( deep down I know there is a chance this could be cancer.

I'm a survivor. I know what cancer fatigue is all about. You've been logged on, posting and seeking reassurance as opposed to sleeping so obviously, you can't be that tired.

Positive thoughts

03-10-18, 18:31
Read what I said

03-10-18, 18:48
I'm a survivor. I know what cancer fatigue is all about. You've been logged on, posting and seeking reassurance as opposed to sleeping so obviously, you can't be that tired.

Positive thoughts

Just because I’m not sleeping all day doesn’t mean I’m not dead tired...

---------- Post added at 17:48 ---------- Previous post was at 17:32 ----------

Like I can barely get out of a seat or walk because I feel so fatigued its like it just keep building and getting worse.... does that not sound serious? maybe I should go to the er?

03-10-18, 18:48
Well it can't be cancer as you had blood tests done.

And I repeat - anxiety can cause tiredeness

03-10-18, 18:48
You do not need to go to ER

03-10-18, 18:50
Well it can't be cancer as you had blood tests done.

And I repeat - anxiety can cause tiredeness

Not all cancers show signs in blood work though do they?

03-10-18, 19:00
I would think there would be something "off" in the blood tests that doctor's would be concerned about.

03-10-18, 19:00
I'm a survivor. I know what cancer fatigue is all about. You've been logged on, posting and seeking reassurance as opposed to sleeping so obviously, you can't be that tired.

Positive thoughts

For sure. If was as tired and as sick as he claims to be, he wouldn't be on here as often as he is. Hypo if you actually that ill something would have shown up in blood work. There is not anything major wrong with you.

03-10-18, 19:08
Just because I’m not sleeping all day doesn’t mean I’m not dead tired...Like I can barely get out of a seat or walk because I feel so fatigued its like it just keep building and getting worse.... does that not sound serious? maybe I should go to the er?

You're convinced and almost arguing when reassurance is offered. As usual, nothing said here helps. If you feel it's that serious, book another appointment with your doctor. The ER is for emergencies. "Told Ya So Gang" on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

03-10-18, 19:12
Just because I’m not sleeping all day doesn’t mean I’m not dead tired...

---------- Post added at 17:48 ---------- Previous post was at 17:32 ----------

Like I can barely get out of a seat or walk because I feel so fatigued its like it just keep building and getting worse.... does that not sound serious? maybe I should go to the er?

You go to the ER, you’re going to get a physical exam, a CBC, and MAYBE something like a chest x ray, be told you’re fine and to follow up with your GP.

03-10-18, 19:16
I’ve been in Hypos boat in a lot of ways. Since June I’ve been to GP, ENT, and then back and forth to both. I’ve had a scope done in July. I’ve had a ct scan in September. I still have throat issues which have recently turned into a cough, ear congestion, and what not.

I still can’t shake that it’s SERIOUS. I keep wanting to go to the ER myself. Should I?

03-10-18, 19:20
I’ve been in Hypos boat in a lot of ways. Since June I’ve been to GP, ENT, and then back and forth to both. I’ve had a scope done in July. I’ve had a ct scan in September. I still have throat issues which have recently turned into a cough, ear congestion, and what not.

I still can’t shake that it’s SERIOUS. I keep wanting to go to the ER myself. Should I?

ER= EMERGENCY ROOM. IMO, this is not an emergency or life threatening situation.

Positive thoughts

03-10-18, 19:49
I’ve been in Hypos boat in a lot of ways. Since June I’ve been to GP, ENT, and then back and forth to both. I’ve had a scope done in July. I’ve had a ct scan in September. I still have throat issues which have recently turned into a cough, ear congestion, and what not.

I still can’t shake that it’s SERIOUS. I keep wanting to go to the ER myself. Should I?

There’s nothing they can do that you haven’t already had done.

03-10-18, 20:00
I’ve been in Hypos boat in a lot of ways. Since June I’ve been to GP, ENT, and then back and forth to both. I’ve had a scope done in July. I’ve had a ct scan in September. I still have throat issues which have recently turned into a cough, ear congestion, and what not.

I still can’t shake that it’s SERIOUS. I keep wanting to go to the ER myself. Should I?

You don't go to an ER to waste services or others time for a minor virus or sinus infection that is what a regular primary care or urgent care is for. It isn't serious.

03-10-18, 20:01
People think that you turn up at A&E/ER and they will do scans and tests and you will see all sorts of consultants. This is NOT the case. The most you will get (if deemed necessary) is an ECG, some blood tests and maybe an x-ray and then be told to see your own GP/doctor.

Please don't abuse the accident service.

03-10-18, 20:07
You're convinced and almost arguing when reassurance is offered. As usual, nothing said here helps. If you feel it's that serious, book another appointment with your doctor. The ER is for emergencies. "Told Ya So Gang" on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

I have an appointment with my GP Monday i'm just afraid whatever this is will get really bad before then..

03-10-18, 20:08
The difference between the ER though is you can get right in. I think that’s why anxiety sufferers seek its services. I also know that the only person who properly diagnosed my daughter when she was two with meniningtis was the ER. So that plays into my anxiety.

03-10-18, 20:10
The difference between the ER though is you can get right in. I think that’s why anxiety sufferers seek its services. I also know that the only person who properly diagnosed my daughter when she was two with meniningtis was the ER. So that plays into my anxiety.

Exactly the er will be able to do tests right now vs the gp they have to order them and you wait for days sometimes weeks to have the tests done.

03-10-18, 20:11
The difference between the ER though is you can get right in. I think that’s why anxiety sufferers seek its services. I also know that the only person who properly diagnosed my daughter when she was two with meniningtis was the ER. So that plays into my anxiety.

You’ve already had a CT and a scope. What do you think the ER will do differently?

03-10-18, 20:17
You’ve already had a CT and a scope. What do you think the ER will do differently?

I feel like something more serious has taken place since my ct scan in September or something wasn’t shown on the ct scan. My voicebox and throat have been awful lately and I can’t just believe it’s an upper respiratory infection now.

03-10-18, 21:02
I remember when this tired feeling would just come and go now its constant that really worries me. I miss feeling good just wish I could be normal again...

03-10-18, 21:10
The difference between the ER though is you can get right in. I think that’s why anxiety sufferers seek its services. I also know that the only person who properly diagnosed my daughter when she was two with meniningtis was the ER. So that plays into my anxiety.

But (genuinely) suspected meningitis is an emergency.

Most of the time if you think you have a really horrible disease like cancer, as anxious as someone is about it it's not an accident or an emergency, and all you're doing it trying to skip the queue and wasting resources for people who genuinely need urgent treatment.

03-10-18, 21:20
So you guys really don't think it could be cancer with back pain and serious fatigue?

03-10-18, 21:24
So you guys really don't think it could be cancer with back pain and serious fatigue?

No. Now go get some therapy

04-10-18, 01:57
People think that you turn up at A&E/ER and they will do scans and tests and you will see all sorts of consultants. This is NOT the case. The most you will get (if deemed necessary) is an ECG, some blood tests and maybe an x-ray and then be told to see your own GP/doctor.

Please don't abuse the accident service.

Yep, and GP's have access to refer patients into hospitals under emergency anyway so all it's doing it cutting down on some waiting time with an ambulance.

With cancer an A&E can't do anything, you will get referred off like anyone who goes via a GP and you won't be getting bumped up any queues simply because you got there in an ambulance.

---------- Post added at 01:57 ---------- Previous post was at 01:50 ----------

I remember when this tired feeling would just come and go now its constant that really worries me. I miss feeling good just wish I could be normal again...

I realise it's upsetting for you but please try to think logically about this. What are the most common things anyone knows about depression (thinking about someone who understands nothing about mental health)? The person is unable to experience anything but sadness, has no motivation AND just sleeps all the time.

Like I've said to you a few times it's not just cancer that causes fatigue. And cancers vary anyway and cancer fatigue can be no worse than a fatigue of another illness. There are many illnesses that cause extreme fatigue. Even dehydration can do so as is obvious by it's effects in dry climates.

Mental health issues are not "all in the head" as myths often peddle. We are chemical beings and we have neurotransmitters throughout the body and in the brain that govern so many things. The brain is constantly trying to balance all this but anyone who's had mental health issues or been through traumatic experiences or under immense stress can understand how it can overwhelm your body.

You say you've had it daily for months but so did I. I'll put money on many others having been through the same. Mental health puts enormous strain on the body, it's not "all in the mind" as myths often peddle because it's about our chemical nature. It's not just things like anaemia that cause extreme fatigue, we have neurotransmitters which play their own parts in how our bodies work and some are meant to calm your body as opposed to others that ramp your body up for action. We often experience see-sawing effects in these chemicals which cause issues like this.

Do you sleep during daylight hours and are awake more in the dark? There are neurotransmitters in the brain which react to sunlight to wake the brain up and having an upside down routine can make you very tired. I know this because, aside from the science behind it, my anxiety has caused these slips in routine that have trapped me in cycles of endless tiredness every day. Get out in the earlier hours of the sunlight, get fresh air. This will wake your brain up.

It can become a trap to spend all day sitting down or lying down. Your body just slows down more. Getting up & about, getting exercise, will cause your body to ramp up for the workload. When fatigue is really bad, it may not always be possible, but it's not going to hurt to try to add more in and build up to see if it helps.

And get more water. It's not going to help if your body is working harder just to flush out toxins.

04-10-18, 15:48
During periods in my life where my anxiety has been at its worst I get into a cycle where I sleep not enough or at patchy odd times during the day, I don't exercise at all (often not even going outside much), I eat either not enough or the wrong things, or too much of the wrong things, I definitely don't drink enough water. When this happens I always get crippling fatigue which could be mistaken (by me) for something sinister. But it never is - it's self-created because of the rut I've got myself into. The things Terry talks about above are so important. In the past I've convinced myself I was dying from various conditions due to the fatigue I've created through a spiral of anxiety, inactivity and the other things I mention.

04-10-18, 16:40
This fatigue just feels different idk and I yawn like a mad man all day everyday I ding get enough rest but I do I get at least 8 hours every day.. I work day shift so I’m seeping at night and I drink plenty of water everyday to. I see the endocrinologist at 2 today so hopefully he can figure something out...

04-10-18, 17:12
This fatigue just feels different idk and I yawn like a mad man all day everyday I ding get enough rest but I do I get at least 8 hours every day.. I work day shift so I’m seeping at night and I drink plenty of water everyday to. I see the endocrinologist at 2 today so hopefully he can figure something out...

The thing is, fatigue is absolutely one of those “symptoms” that you can manufacture in your head and gets worse the more you dwell on it. If I decide right now that I’m tired, I could probably close my eyes and go to sleep. If I’m engaged in a project and not thinking about myself, I’ll be wide awake. It’s a mental state.

04-10-18, 18:00
Thinking and obsessing about yourself all the time is exhausting and pointless.

05-10-18, 02:41
The past month I’ve been feeling tired more than usual. This is a different kind of fatigue like unbearable I just want to sleep all the time. I’ve read this could be cancer fatigue and I’ve prety much ruled out all other causes...

I agree that the mind can do crazy things but I’m telling you I just want to close my eyes 24/7 I’m just so tired :( deep down I know there is a chance this could be cancer....

---------- Post added at 17:00 ---------- Previous post was at 16:51 ----------

I’m sorry guys I shouldn’t even be posting here I’m just so worried and scared as to why I feel so tired...

Yeah I just had some blood work done recently and my blood count and everything was within normal range but had mild iron deficiency and I also had b-12 checked which was also normal.

---------- Post added at 17:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:06 ----------

I don’t get to see my pcp until Monday I just don’t know if I can make it till then. If my vitamins and thyroid and all that are good what else could make me feel so tired besides cancer....

Just because I’m not sleeping all day doesn’t mean I’m not dead tired...

---------- Post added at 17:48 ---------- Previous post was at 17:32 ----------

Like I can barely get out of a seat or walk because I feel so fatigued its like it just keep building and getting worse.... does that not sound serious? maybe I should go to the er?

And yet...

This fatigue just feels different idk and I yawn like a mad man all day everyday I ding get enough rest but I do I get at least 8 hours every day.. I work day shift so I’m seeping at night and I drink plenty of water everyday to. I see the endocrinologist at 2 today so hopefully he can figure something out...

Like pulisa says...

Thinking and obsessing about yourself all the time is exhausting and pointless.

So, you are so tired from this fatigue that you can barely get out of a chair or walk yet you keep down a full time job? When I mentioned about illnesses I have had that brought on serious fatigue there is no way I could maintain anything, I had to crawl back up the stairs to bed and spent a month off.

Do you actually mean when you are not at work? Do you mean that you can cope with work but when you get home you are so tired you can't do much of anything? If so, this is very different to be being 24/7 fatigued.

Do you think serious fatigue from an illness would come & go like that?

One thing I have noticed since having anxiety is that I struggle with stamina. I don't think we realise how much strain this puts on the body. I spent a few months without leaving the house and when I started walking again, baring in mind I had been a daily walker years, I was knackered just walking a few streets. I didn't realise how much it affected me.

05-10-18, 04:09
Sounds like depression, B. I'd be depressed too if I thought I was dying all the time. At least, faster than the rate we're all slowly dying...

05-10-18, 21:27
Ok I’m really starting to worry something bad is wrong... I can’t even drive anymore without almost passing out because I’m so tired why would I be so exhausted for no allergy reason besides something serious like cancer??

05-10-18, 21:32
Ok I’m really starting to worry something bad is wrong... I can’t even drive anymore without almost passing out because I’m so tired why would I be so exhausted for no allergy reason besides something serious like cancer??

How’d the endocrinologist appointment go?

05-10-18, 21:44
How’d the endocrinologist appointment go?

They are rechecking my testosterone levels and bunch of other stuff and I go back in like a month.. Somethings changing because this is definitely getting worse I’m so tired I feel like I could pass out while standing I feel so exhausted I’m so worried....

05-10-18, 21:48
They are rechecking my testosterone levels and bunch of other stuff and I go back in like a month.. Somethings changing because this is definitely getting worse I’m so tired I feel like I could pass out while standing I feel so exhausted I’m so worried....

So he didn’t mention cancer?

05-10-18, 21:57
So he didn’t mention cancer?

No because I was there because my pcp refereed me because of my low testosterone but I know that’s not what’s causing this severe tiredness that keeps getting worse...

05-10-18, 23:18
So why didn't you ask about it?

05-10-18, 23:19
You never answered MNIT's questions either:lac:

05-10-18, 23:20
So he didn’t mention cancer?

Well I take that back because I mentioned some other symptoms such as episodes of flushing fast heart rate and diarrhea he mentioned the possibility of carcinoid tumor but said it’s pretty rare. He’s checking for that also but that cancer really wouldn’t cause fatigue would it? I’m so full of fear :(

05-10-18, 23:37
Well I take that back because I mentioned some other symptoms such as episodes of flushing fast heart rate and diarrhea he mentioned the possibility of carcinoid tumor but said it’s pretty rare. He’s checking for that also but that cancer really wouldn’t cause fatigue would it? I’m so full of fear :(

Translation: YOU mentioned cancer, he said no. He didn’t mention cancer.

05-10-18, 23:39
Translation: YOU mentioned cancer, he said no. He didn’t mention cancer.

No I never mentioned cancer not once actually.

05-10-18, 23:43
So as per usual we get ignored.

05-10-18, 23:45
Whether YOU mentioned cancer or HE mentioned it doesn't change the fact that this whole pantomime of a thread is about your severe HA, NOT terminal illnesses :lac:

06-10-18, 00:17
Whether YOU mentioned cancer or HE mentioned it doesn't change the fact that this whole pantomime of a thread is about your severe HA, NOT terminal illnesses :lac:

Who wouldn’t be anxious about the possibility of having cancer?

06-10-18, 00:22
If you are not going to bother answering me then I am done with this thread.:lac:

Get help with you HA and get your life back.

06-10-18, 00:30
If you are not going to bother answering me then I am done with this thread.:lac:

Get help with you HA and get your life back.

What question?

06-10-18, 02:06
Who wouldn’t be anxious about the possibility of having cancer?

Me and many people I have known in life up to this point. Why? Because we don't go in believing we have cancer but might know it is on a long list of things we could have with doctors telling us they can't rule out X without tests to back up their very well trained & experienced opinions.

Both my dad & brother have been through that experience. They were concerned that lump x puts them on a list of potentials including cancer but they weren't "anxiety disorder" worried.

I've got lumps and bumps now...I couldn't care less. I'm not going to even see a doctor for what I know are things that bodies get throughout a lifetime. But I'm not a HAer.

Now if a doctor said to me "I think you may have a form of cancer so I'm referring you" it would be brown trousers time.

---------- Post added at 02:06 ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 ----------

You never answered MNIT's questions either:lac:

Thanks Nic, I was going to bump it with the OP now saying they are struggling to drive yet previously admitted to even worse severity in being unable to get out of chairs or walk, even to the car presumably.

06-10-18, 08:26
You haven't told us about how your family holiday in Florida went either. You were struggling with oesophageal cancer but were going to try to hide it from your family etc..I take it you made it there and back safely with no hospital admissions? How are you managing with food intake now?

Carcinoid tumour testing takes ages and is very specific. Has your doctor ruled out oesophageal cancer now or has it resolved itself?

06-10-18, 18:43
You haven't told us about how your family holiday in Florida went either. You were struggling with oesophageal cancer but were going to try to hide it from your family etc..I take it you made it there and back safely with no hospital admissions? How are you managing with food intake now?

Carcinoid tumour testing takes ages and is very specific. Has your doctor ruled out oesophageal cancer now or has it resolved itself?

No esophagus cancer hasn’t been ruled out yet I still do have a lot of issues with heartburn and chest pain. I really do believe this is cancer of some kind I’m sweating all the time the tiredness is getting worse and I’ve been having worsening pain in my upper right abdomen could it be some kind of cancer that’s spread to my liver?

---------- Post added at 17:43 ---------- Previous post was at 17:22 ----------

On top of all that the past couple weeks I’ve been itching all over too this can’t be good...

06-10-18, 19:30
No esophagus cancer hasn’t been ruled out yet I still do have a lot of issues with heartburn and chest pain. I really do believe this is cancer of some kind I’m sweating all the time the tiredness is getting worse and I’ve been having worsening pain in my upper right abdomen could it be some kind of cancer that’s spread to my liver?

---------- Post added at 17:43 ---------- Previous post was at 17:22 ----------

On top of all that the past couple weeks I’ve been itching all over too this can’t be good...

Dude, you’d be long dead if you had EC as long as you think you have. I KNOW you’ve googled it enough to know this.

06-10-18, 19:32
Well if I were a doctor I'd say you'd got all the telltale signs and symptoms of a classic case of hypochondria dramatica.

What do you think..........?

06-10-18, 19:45
Idk now the pain in my upper right stomach is getting worse today I’ve read liver issue can cause itching..

---------- Post added at 18:43 ---------- Previous post was at 18:42 ----------

Dude, you’d be long dead if you had EC as long as you think you have. I KNOW you’ve googled it enough to know this.

Yeah your probably right about that.

---------- Post added at 18:45 ---------- Previous post was at 18:43 ----------

Should I go to the er for this pain in my right abdomen? The pain just seems to be escalating pretty quick..

06-10-18, 20:28
................Well considering that the escalating pain is not preventing you from typing on here then I'd say no.

06-10-18, 20:45
Idk now the pain in my upper right stomach is getting worse today I’ve read liver issue can cause itching..

---------- Post added at 18:43 ---------- Previous post was at 18:42 ----------

Yeah your probably right about that.

---------- Post added at 18:45 ---------- Previous post was at 18:43 ----------

Should I go to the er for this pain in my right abdomen? The pain just seems to be escalating pretty quick..

Your problem is, you can go to the ER and get full bloodwork and a CT scan but you won’t believe it.

06-10-18, 23:00
If you all could just feel how tired I feel it’s just out of the norm I’ve never felt like this before it just really scares me....

06-10-18, 23:14
If you all could just feel how tired I feel it’s just out of the norm I’ve never felt like this before it just really scares me....

You don't think all the stress and worry your obsession with illness creates could cause this "tiredness" of which you speak? :whistles:

06-10-18, 23:23
You don't think all the stress and worry your obsession with illness creates could cause this "tiredness" of which you speak? :whistles:

I see my GP Monday morning and hopefully get some answers... I’m also seeing my psychologist Monday too I’m just so scared of what this is..

07-10-18, 02:04
Given you have been able to work and go on holiday, I think I can safely say I've felt greater fatigue due to illness. I've mentioned why that happened to me earlier in this thread and I spent much of my time in bed for a month until my body repaired itself. Given we've had/got people on here who have suffered many illnesses that include fatigue that can range into the severe I would say they definitely understand how it feels and more.

I can appreciate fatigue in anxiety too as I've had loads of it. Dragging myself through the days and some days wanting to just lie down in the rain and sleep on my walks.

I've asked you some questions about this and they extend to your holiday (thanks to pulisa for reminding us) and if you answered them I would feel I better understand what you are describing.