View Full Version : Guy at work died through heart attack...

20-08-07, 13:30
Just come into work to find out that a colleague who was only 22 has died from a heart attack on saturday.

As you can imagine, it has started to ring bells and the usual is kicking in.

my chest has been banging, my eyes are hurting and i cant seem to focus. It's so w**k isn't it!!

I need info, stats and facts please guys, just to stop me feeling so on edge.


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20-08-07, 14:33

Sorry to hear about your colleague

i dont know any facts and figures but it is extremely rare for someone that young to have a heart attack. They must have had some kind of congenital condition. Maybe the British Heart Foundation website has some info that can put it into perspective for you?

G x

20-08-07, 17:05
Hi DM I agree with Gabby,your work colleague probably had a problem,its rare for someone that age to have a heart attack.I know its probably shocked you because they were so young.:hugs:

20-08-07, 17:10

20-08-07, 17:45
Hey campers,

Yeah I'm allright now. The whole thing came as a bit of a shock at first and I felt really sorry for him and his family. It made me think of my girlfriend and my family and how cut up they would be if I kicked the bucket!!

Sad, sad stuff, all in all.

20-08-07, 18:34
hi dm

i think just as the rest of the people who replyed he mabe had some probs you didnt know about i dont think many guys his age would pass away with a heart attack
i think us people who have panic and anx allway feel the way you were when we hear such news i know i did a little when i read you post as i agane had a very bad night with ectopics

glad you are ok now :hugs:

20-08-07, 19:09
Hi DM,

Really sorry to hear about your colleague, thats such sad news and I'm not surprised you were so shocked.

Its always really awful to hear news like that and it makes you take stock of things. As the others have said it is indeed very rare for people to die of heart problems at such an untimely age.


20-08-07, 21:04
my ex boyfriend died of a heart attack at 19 (i was 17). i'm now 21 and when my anxiety started in march this year it unlocked all the feelings i had about his death. everytime i get a feeling in my chest i always wonder if the same could be happening to me... however my counsellor said that it's so rare for someone young to have a heart attack and the fact that you know someone who died that way makes it even more rare that it's going to happen to you. this is what i keep telling myself but i know it's hard to reassure yourself. just try and stay strong and think that what's happened is terrible, but so unusual that it can't be a situation which we should allow ourselves to compare our symtoms with.

take care xxx

21-08-07, 14:57
I also knew someone who last year also died of an undiagnosed heart condition, he was the same age as me. I'm 22 now as well and it's my biggest fear.

This is what set my health anxiety off big time and I really really hope it doesn't affect you in the same way. I know how scary and shocking it is, it's so unexpected. Glad you've also said you're feeling okay now.

I could probably dish out a few facts and figures at this point, but it wouldn't be very helpful.

Also to you skyline, I can only begin to imagine how terrible that must be.

21-08-07, 18:13
I think we must all know people who have died at a young age through one thing or another, i know that i do. It is very tragic and to people like us it is also very scary. However, in this case a lot of us have had heart tests because of the way that we feel and the symptoms that we get. And they have been ok, we have been checked out! Bare in mind that people without our problems would not go to the doctor like we do and do not worry like we do. So i have seen people who have had some symptoms at a very early age and ignored them and put them down to something else, and they have had family history, etc, and then they go the gp's for something else and find out that they may have a problem. Then there are those that never go at all unless there is a big problem. Then there are people that die unexpectedly. And that is such a shame and a shock - at any age. I have lost count of the amount of clients that i have seen that have never, ever, seen the nurse or the gp since registering with one. That could be for about 50 years! And they have been absolutly fine without being seen, or so they thought. But there then are the ones who eventually come to see me for something, perhaps a family member has died and it has scared them and they have come for a 'check up' for their health, then we find out that they have probably had an excessively high bp for donkey's years, or an irregular heart beat, or lots of family history or something, and they didn't even know about it. Of course then they may need medication and they are not very happy about it. But at least it was found and they can be helped. We are all different. I have seen young people for something and found something else while they have been with me. This makes me feel awful, but i have to remember that i have helped them even though i still feel. I do find it very hard, especially now. And i am very sorry that your friend has passed away, i understand how difficult it can be.xx