View Full Version : Swollen glands - scared :-(

20-08-07, 15:51
Hello all.

I have been getting more and more scared the longer time goes on....I started getting this feeling of a lump in my throat about 3 weeks ago. I left it for a week, hoping it was muscular, and when it didn't go I went to the GP. She said I had enlarged glands, probably due to an infection, but if they didn't go down in another two weeks I should go back. The weird thing is, my throat isn't sore like it would usually be with an infection, which worries me even more.

Well, of course they haven't gone down. It's got worse. I feel like there's something in my throat, affecting my breathing, I can feel it when I swallow, the swollen glands are making my neck stiff and I'm scared - no, terrified - that it's lymphoma :weep:

What's worse, I read that you can get gastric lymphoma - I've had awful stomach problems recently - and now I'm convinced that it's all spreading around my body. I'm so upset - I feel like I just can't get a break from all these illnesses.

I am going back to the GP on Thursday, and know I'll find even that short wait hard. I guess I just needed to express my worries with people who understand.

Thanks everyone.

Anna. x

20-08-07, 20:32
I can empathise.

When I had my first major depressive episode in 1994, I was convinced I had lymphoma. I was breaking down, and an episode of Casualty coincided with a virus. I didn't get a sore throat either, although I did have a bladder infection at the same time, and was very very run down.
I made the dr let me have a blood test, and it came back negative. Thankfully. That did reassure me.
Often when you're run down and stressed out, things can seem so much bigger than they are.

21-08-07, 18:47

I have also had swollen glands in my neck and I too had an infection in my body and felt very run down. When you have lymphoma you typically don't know it, so I would try to relax (easy for me to say right) and wait to see what the doctor says on Thursday. I'm sure if the doctor felt it was something serious the first time tests would have been done then. Take it easy till then.



22-08-07, 10:29
I have swollen glands at the moment and feel very run down, it seems to be some sort of virus going around at the moment so I wouldn't worry too much.

22-08-07, 21:46
Darn it, I'm trying to think of the name for this... Globus or Globulus-something. It's a stress-related issue of feeling you have a lump in your throat and difficulty swallowing. My friend had it & that's what her doctor said. Harmless.

23-08-07, 15:45
Thank you everyone for your replies :)

I just went to the GP who said the glands were still a bit swollen but 'nothing to worry about'. So I'm going to try not to worry. Easier said than done but I have to try!


Anna. x

15-03-08, 21:15
what happened ?